NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education.



2016-09-28 06:19

Unlawful protests are violating my children's right to education, pretty much sums it up. I too, battle financially to educate them and pay my fees, so where are my rights? It seems that the example this government gives, starting right at the top, is to take, demand (i've come to abhor that word so much) and do
what you want, because you literally can without worrying what the law will do, because there is no enforcement of it.



2016-09-28 06:20

Hard earned money has been paid to the University in order to guarantee a future. If Universities close for the rest of the year, will students be refunded their money. It will set them back a wasted year. They have paid for a service which they are not receiving. What happens to the matrics who pass at the end of this year. Will there be space for them at University or will the University have overcrowded lecture rooms?



2016-09-28 06:22

Education is a privilege not a right.



2016-09-28 06:22

I am angry that lazy rioting thugs who are of no use to the upliftment of our country's future, can violate the rights of others, plunder, terrorize, burn down, destroy in whatever manner EVERYTHING that already exists to provide a good education. There are MANY students of ALL races who have to work more than one job while studying, in order to afford to pay their fees. The protest should have been handled in a more controlled manner by the NMMU authorities..... There is NO doubt in my mind that many of the thugs were part of rent-a-crowd and were actually not even students. I am also of the opinion that many of those who rioted, vandalized and destroyed buildings and property, actually have bursaries or scholarships. ENOUGH! Arrest them and lock them up. Deny them further education because they have clearly shown that they are not deserving thereof. Expel them from attending any other tertiary institution in this country. NMMU ....... YOUR AUTHORITIES AND PEOPLE IN POSITIONS OF MANAGEMENT ARE WEAK AND FAR TOO EASILY MANIPULATED. TIME FOR CHANGE!!! OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW!



2016-09-28 06:25

Classes need to resume.



2016-09-28 06:26

My daughter has a right to study in a safe, stress frse environment. I am paying a lot of money for her studies and a postponement of a year will ultimately lead to a loss of income of one year if this year is shelved. NMU I will hold you accountable for that through civil action. Can believe that in a democracy a minority is dictating to a majority... Resembles our past...



2016-09-28 06:31

A minority is using criminal behaviour to prevent the majority of students to rightfully attend lectures and write exams. If their behaviour is further tolerated, many final year students would not be able to graduate and apply for jobs. My greatest concern is that the government is allowing these rebel students, of whom many clearly have criminal tendencies and no conscience, to continue their studies. So in a sense we are educating criminals with flawed character and integrity to enter society as the future work force. If this is what they are capable of doing now, how many more times are they going to hold the country at ransom to meet their future demands. This attitude of entitlement should be one of gratitude. Universities are bending backwards to accommodate them, but it is still not good enough. How tragic that this is the future leaders and role models of our country.



2016-09-28 06:37

Because I am concerned for those students that worked hard and want to get their degrees and start their working career.Some off thenm have to pay off loans they made to study.



2016-09-28 06:43

You have to respect people's rights Not to protest. Prosecute those that are intimidating those that want to finish this year uninterrupted



2016-09-28 06:45

My seun, Marcel Wait. is 'n eerste jaar student by NMMU. Baie dankie vir dit wat julle doen - word opreg waardeer.



2016-09-28 06:55

I have two children at NMMU. One is in final year doing thesis and one going into final intern year. University is already expensive and so many of us have paid for a full years study and only had about half? So who's going to refund us for services not rendered, never mind what happens next year oF all our children can't write exams.
NMMU Alumnus

#337 Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 06:57

#1: -  

The NMMU together with numerous other institutions across the country is shut for very real safety concerns in a bid to protect its staff and students, not because they do not want to teach them. The inconvenience of a possible temporary delay in academic progression is nothing compared to a lifetime of distress mourning the loss of a life should the NMMU be forced open and ongoing protests turn deadly. It is my opinion that the NMMU is acting responsibly by adopting their current stance and I commend them for taking this decision, afterall, the correct decision is rarely the most favourable during dire situations.

Will Mr. Price be taking on the legal responsibility of staff and student safety should his crusade force the doors of NMMU open?




2016-09-28 06:59

My daughter is in NMMU 2nd Avenue campus fulltime student in her 2nd year I'm a divorced parent doing my best financially to keep her in university I pay all the fees myself and we cannot afford her to repeat a year due to this nonsense she must complete her studies in time I cannot afford to pay xtra money!!!



2016-09-28 06:59

I signed this petition because I do not believe that the university should entertain this unlawful behaviour, studying is expensive and time consuming, by not stopping the small group of students that are committing this unlawful behaviour the university is robbing myself and all the other students that just want complete their studies.



2016-09-28 07:00

As parents we work very hard to educate our son where in the history if tertiary education has the tertiary sector even been free.



2016-09-28 07:01

This protesting needs to stop as it is affecting our kids future



2016-09-28 07:01

I have a daughter studying at Rhodes, and family studying at NMU. this situation is a valid one, but it is unlikely to be resolved in a few days. IT is an ongoing struggle that needs to be addressed while allowing EDUCATION TO PROCEED.


#343 The premise of the petition has become reactionary

2016-09-28 07:03

#1: -  

I regret having added my name to the petition. I would like to withdraw my name. Mr Price's articulation of the issue as reported in the Herald this morning (28.9.2016) is at odds with my conviction that the initial demand for free education for poor students is absolutely spot on. I would be supportive of progressing those demands in a manner that does not negatively impact the futures of current students. By reducing the issue to an angry spewing of bile flies in the face of attempting to find workable solutions 



2016-09-28 07:04

I signed the petition because I want to continue with academic activities. The strike is holding up our academic activities which some of us actually paid for.



2016-09-28 07:07

Our future "intellegent" students have lost their brain cells it would seem. What a terrible example these students are and so sad that they are actually doing themselves in :(



2016-09-28 07:08

Because a minority shouldn't be allowed to intimidate the majority of students who want to study and graduate this year. That isn't what a Democracy is. People have paid a lot of money to send their children to University and many have had to take out loans that will have to be paid back. Some students work part time to pay for themselves and many families have had to save up for years. We have two children at University and one starting next year. We really need our son to graduate this year! This is so stressful for all these students!  



2016-09-28 07:10

It is the duty of NMMU to provide paying students a service. Unlawfull and disrupting students should be expelled



2016-09-28 07:11

I have signed the petition because my rights to my education has been violated because everyone has a right to do anything without being "forced" into doing something, like the situation that the university is in. As individuals and/or groups, we need to find a balance in everything, there must be a practicality in every action we engage in. Feasibility studies should have been considered before going all ballistic and blowing things out of proportion. Everyone has the right to education. I believe in fairness and transparency, people should not do things because they have personal vendettas.


2016-09-28 07:12

I have signed the petition because my rights to my education has been violated because everyone has a right to do anything without being "forced" into doing something, like the situation that the university is in. As individuals and/or groups, we need to find a balance in everything, there must be a practicality in every action we engage in. Feasibility studies should have been considered before going all ballistic and blowing things out of proportion. Everyone has the right to education. I believe in fairness and transparency, people should not do things because they have personal vendettas.



2016-09-28 07:13

I believe that education has always been the future no matter who we are and what we think. Can our students please just get on with their studies in peace.