NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #332

2016-09-28 06:31

A minority is using criminal behaviour to prevent the majority of students to rightfully attend lectures and write exams. If their behaviour is further tolerated, many final year students would not be able to graduate and apply for jobs. My greatest concern is that the government is allowing these rebel students, of whom many clearly have criminal tendencies and no conscience, to continue their studies. So in a sense we are educating criminals with flawed character and integrity to enter society as the future work force. If this is what they are capable of doing now, how many more times are they going to hold the country at ransom to meet their future demands. This attitude of entitlement should be one of gratitude. Universities are bending backwards to accommodate them, but it is still not good enough. How tragic that this is the future leaders and role models of our country.