Hands Off Hartlebury Common

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Hands Off Hartlebury Common.



2011-07-02 19:35

I have just woken up as i am not well could you tell us how you got on at the common today
I would have loved to come

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2011-07-02 20:00



2011-07-02 20:11

How did it go with Tony any news


#479 Re:

2011-07-02 22:39

#478: carol -

Very well Carol, it was good that people who had not met him could understand that he knows what he is talking about.

Not just the legal aspects but the sham of nature conservation that is being played out here.


Best wishes




#480 cattle

2011-07-03 01:16

These so called "docile cattle" they are going to introduce will charge on people and other animals, is this not a health and safety issue. I myself would hesitate about walking on the common and taking my dog on there. This would have a great impact on visitors to the common. Also if the fence were damaged and a cow got onto a main highway this could cause a major disaster. They should take the fence down, no cows and leave the common to mother nature.
Chris Ward

#481 Who's benefit is it for?

2011-07-03 19:35

I presume as it is common land then, we can all graze cattle if we so desire,Would anybody object to me putting 45 head of cattle on there ? surely it is illegal to fence other people's property so you would assume worc county council has committed an illegal act by doing so.
My family and I have used the common for thirty years and it has survived so far without this present management and my view is that they should leave the trees alone now.
I had tO laugh this morning when entering the common by Chadwick lane gate, a notice warned horse riders to only go on the designated paths in order to protect the fragile habitat, I assume some council clown will inform the cattle of this fact!
Steve McCarron

#482 Re: Who's benefit is it for?

2011-07-03 21:06

#481: Chris Ward - Who's benefit is it for?

The thing is Chris, there is very little that stands up to scrutiny. On the sign boards, the council also say.

"Tethered grazing has been stopped because of the risk to valuable flora and fauna"

So untethered grazing will be less of a threat then?

One of my motivations for objecting to this scheme and there are many, is there are contradictions, like this cattle issue  in all of their dictats.  We now have fresh red sand, which has been stable for thousands of years sucumbing to rain, wind and gravity  flowing down disintergrating strata. There has been more erosion in 6 months than there has been in recorded history.

If prehistoric people produced a landscape WCC aspires to and claims, deforested, then the archaeological site would not be here, niether most of the common that we see today.

If you have not visited already, look here       http://www.self-willed-land.org.uk/heath_madness.htm


The whole scheme is about money, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the common

Best wishes





Steve McCarron

#483 Carol and to anybody else

2011-07-04 00:42

You are welcome to come to county court, kidderminster, 12.30, this coming wednesday, 6th july.

Thanks Mike
Steve McCarron

#484 court date

2011-07-04 00:43

County court, kidderminster, 12.30, this coming wednesday, 6th july.


2011-07-04 14:10

Been up common this am two guys in landrover spraying bracken driving landrover round at 30 mph note safe for dogs nor path ways.Just e-mailed wcc to report the way the land rover was being driven and to ask about the chemicals they are using
Steve McCarron

#486 spraying

2011-07-04 15:06

The common is being sprayed with Asulox. A herbicide that was banned in europe, or at least an attempt to ban it was made by Spain, France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ireland. In this country our desire for an helicoptor sprayable herbicide to address the way we wanted to expand our subsidey in the scottish highlands and other places. Has meant we opposed a ban

“While the UK Government has temporarily halted proceedings, the battle is far from won. We must keep up the pressure so that the Commission drops this plan for good.”
Alyn Smith, a member of the Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, said: “Despite some of the rhetoric we have seen in the last few weeks, the decision confirmed my belief that the Commission has more common sense than we give it credit for. It was always likely to take a reasoned and proportionate position which took into account the science, the commercial and the environmental situation.”.
He said the decision reflected the fact that while the scientific risk assessment for Asulam does reveal ‘major environmental concerns’ with regards to its effect on birds and non-target terrestrial plants, ‘the commercial reality is that we need more time to fully develop alternatives for bracken control’.

Bracken has been one of the few success stories at hartlebury common (apart from erosion), hence the spraying. They are using a chemical that is only available because of the aforementioned needs for agricultural subsidy and shooting.

No mention of this on the councils misinformation boards, they just talk of traditional methods of management, with ethnically diverse non gender specific happy operatives.

READ THIS http://www.forestryjournal.co.uk/pdf/Bracken.pdf

Steve McCarron

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2011-07-04 20:24

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2011-07-04 20:39

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2011-07-05 00:50

Steve McCarron

#490 poppy

2011-07-05 01:32

You have made your point, you think that I am wrong and you are right. IF you subtract all the posts made by cranks like you, what you have left is the same number of positive comments to signatures. So much for your campaign of character assasination.
Why do you come here for?, start you own campaign, trouble is you know as well as I do that you and people like you are in tiny minority. 700+ signatures now, not including online.
I will tell you something else, what the pro group have in common is this. All the encounters I have had, and the people collecting in stourport, kidderminster, hartlebury for this cause say the same thing. The one person in a two hundred who shows support are usually rude, abrupt, condensending and sarcastic. They cannot articulate anything other than three lines usually, over and over again. They mutter there anger over their shoulders when leaving shops, unable to stand and discuss This is reported to me from individuals of all backrounds and situations. So I am glad the other side have got you, whoever you are.


#491 Re: Re: Re: Re: yawn

2011-07-05 10:30

#319: - Re: Re: Re: yawn 

 can't spell, never mind asking if they have qualifications in conservation lol yawn yawn>



2011-07-05 10:34

I'm with Steve, keeping pulling the fencing down, a common should be a common, with the beautiful wooded area remaining, and all the heathland, we don't want hefty long horns with the threat of being charged at!
Steve McCarron

#493 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yawn

2011-07-05 11:55

#491: - Re: Re: Re: Re: yawn

I am extremeley well qualified thank you and the speeling of academics is famouseley poor as they have to write so much.

It's the content that is important, I thought this argument was laid to rewst in th 70,s

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2011-07-05 13:46

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2011-07-05 13:48

Steve McCarron

#496 Bracken, the new success story of hartlebury common

2011-07-05 13:56

Open invitation to bracken
So is the planned restoration/conversion
rate of 1000 hectares per
annum of tree covered land to
heathland (and other open type
habitats) over the coming years an
open invitation for bracken to occupy
more land and help it reach the
10% milestone of land conquered
in UK? (And that’s the best scenario
because many conservation bodies
and wildlife trusts are still pushing
for even more conversion and more
quickly, doubling the exiting area
of heathland to around 120,000
hectares as their goal.) Most land
earmarked for restoration (or conversion)
currently carries conifer
plantations established at commercial
timber yielding tree densities,
which is virtually the only way of
excluding this light-loving fern.
Most evidence suggests that
contemporary custodians of lowland
heathland can’t cope with
the bracken they already have, so
opening up even more land and
opportunities for this triffid-like
weed clearly doesn’t make sense.
The basic problem is that heathland
managers are generally ill-equipped
materially and mentally to deal with
bracken. By nature and definition
they are conservationists for whom
chemical herbicide is anathema.
Anything and everything else
has been deployed against bracken
which is flailed, flogged, bashed,
bruised, thrashed, whipped, rolled
and cut. These are useful measures
in their own right for depleting
food reserves in the rhizomes, but
require follow up applications of
herbicide, and usually more than
one, if eradication of the bracken
has any chance of succeeding.


Steve McCarron

Steve McCarron

#497 Tree felling

2011-07-05 14:01

Can somebody explain to me why tree felling has been taking place over the past few days?

Apart from the fact it is illegal at this time of the year at the common, among the trees in question were a 300 yr oak and a 250 yr oak.


#498 Re: Tree felling

2011-07-05 17:35

#497: Steve McCarron - Tree felling 


Cos they own it and can do what they want to maintain it I suppose.

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2011-07-05 21:00


#500 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yawn

2011-07-05 21:05

#491: - Re: Re: Re: Re: yawn 


Oh Please....