Hands Off Hartlebury Common

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2011-06-30 12:57

do you know they are cutting trees down at the common now one yesterday and they are there today as well i thought that they could not cut any more trees until the birds had finished nesting
Steve McCarron

#427 Tree Cutting

2011-06-30 13:21

It's not unknown for "Natural" England to accelerate programmes of tree cutting in the face of heightened public opposition. This has included sending operatives with chain saws at dawn before legal opposittion can be implemented.
At Hartlebury, the work would be illegal on a number of fronts, not least the time of year.
This IS subject to protective law


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2011-06-30 13:36

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2011-06-30 13:58

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2011-06-30 14:00



2011-06-30 17:16

I've looked at their website. I think they are doing a good job
Steve McCarron

#432 erosion

2011-06-30 18:01

Walking around the common today I was shocked to see the level of erosion east of the pine plantation. Adjacent to a bench overlooking the lower terrace 2 cubic meters of soil have slumped  and a chunk of terrace is missing. The decay to hartlebury common is taking place at an unprecedented rate. Hardly a day goes by now without some significant change.


This top picture shows the level ground and path adjacent to the bench. It is as if a bite has been taken out of the landscape. even the bracken is sucumbing to the changing habitat.

This picture shows more cut gorse and the hole that has been created


The effects of gravity, wind, rain, the killing of the gorse, the destruction of the areas integrity have made it even more suceptable to further damage and on top of all that, there is pedestrian traffic and cattle.














This is where the resulting soil- sand has ended up. Approximatley 2 cubic metres have cascaded down and have settled up to 50 feet away. This and other disturbances are resulting in the most significant changes to the common in such a short period of time in its history. Put it this way, if this level of decline was initiated by prehistoric settlers, to this extent as claimed by WCC, by now the common and its terraces would be far  less prounounced and its features less distinct. Ie the sharp transitions from terrace to slope. It would have a much more rounded appearence.












#433 Re: Tree Cutting

2011-06-30 19:04

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2011-06-30 19:06



2011-06-30 19:08

Good Website steve.Cannot believe the choppers are back we will have to go and hug the trees

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2011-06-30 19:18



2011-07-01 02:37

What's going on again I saw a few officials up there again today?


#438 Re:

2011-07-01 10:23

#437: -  

 Not sure but don't think they should be chopping more trees down it's sad

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2011-07-01 14:51

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2011-07-01 15:04

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2011-07-01 16:07

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2011-07-01 16:09

Steve McCarron

#443 Re: Re:

2011-07-01 16:15

#440: - Re:

I agree, we will only opperate for the welfare of the common in a lawful way. (though some people may disagree with our actions)

Inciting people to behave is in this way is NOT constructive to our aims. Neither is inciting, or suggesting that people should resort  to physical actions against the agents of WCC or WCC themeselves. I condemn these sorts of comments whole heartedley, they DO NOT reflect the calm resolve that I see in our supporters

I often wonder where these sorts of comments come from?

Steve McCarron


#444 Re: Re: Re:

2011-07-01 16:52

#443: Steve McCarron - Re: Re:  

 what is the difference if you take a fence down or hug a tree i've watched chopping down the trees and you just gotta refuse to move surly they could not make you move cos what they are doing is illegal i've got just as much right to be on there as they have

Steve McCarron

#445 names

2011-07-01 17:37

Could people leaving posts leave their names, your comment has much more credibilty if you do so, rather than being a "Guest"

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2011-07-01 23:20

Steve McCarron

#447 Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution

2011-07-01 23:24

The potential impacts of climate change on upland landscapes are, as yet, poorly understood. Increases in temperature are likely to lead to greater decomposition of peat, the decline of bog and an increased risk of fire damage. The decomposition of peat is itself a major source of CO2 emissions which fuels climate change. Conversely, wetter conditions may lead to bog expansion but greater risks of erosion. The headlong race to enviromental meddling is mad when nature is struggeling to adapt anyway. This is why these balmy schemes produce either desert or infernoes.
carol dog walker

#448 Re: Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution

2011-07-01 23:54

#447: Steve McCarron - Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution

the dogs have been trying to take away the branches that they have laid out it's a nite mare

should i let them move them or are they doing any good


#449 Grazing?

2011-07-02 00:03

Quite apart from all the other issues, why is the area considered suitable for grazing? Where's the grass? There's even less turf there now than there was 20 years ago when I started walking the common. The vandals at County Hall, etc would no doubt blame the walkers but this is a sandy area - unsuitable for anything but allowing nature to get on with it.
To a lesser extent, they've tried introducing a couple of cows at the Worcester Countryside Centre, in the interests of some obscure historical ideal. Money spent on fencing there, too. At least there's plenty of grass. Universities and colleges, where these people get brainwashed, have a lot to answer for.
Steve McCarron

#450 Re: Re: Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution

2011-07-02 00:32

#448: carol dog walker - Re: Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution

Hi Carol, The branches are nothing but window dressing as the council tries desperatley to counter the damage it has caused.

They should not be there on the ground at all, if they were not, your dogs would probarly look for some naturally placed sticks instead. Do not worry, your right to walk your dogs unhindered carries more weight than the councils bogus ownership. Its their fault the branches are lying around.