Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Steve McCarron

#443 Re: Re:

2011-07-01 16:15

#440: - Re:

I agree, we will only opperate for the welfare of the common in a lawful way. (though some people may disagree with our actions)

Inciting people to behave is in this way is NOT constructive to our aims. Neither is inciting, or suggesting that people should resort  to physical actions against the agents of WCC or WCC themeselves. I condemn these sorts of comments whole heartedley, they DO NOT reflect the calm resolve that I see in our supporters

I often wonder where these sorts of comments come from?

Steve McCarron



#444 Re: Re: Re:

2011-07-01 16:52:16

#443: Steve McCarron - Re: Re:  

 what is the difference if you take a fence down or hug a tree i've watched chopping down the trees and you just gotta refuse to move surly they could not make you move cos what they are doing is illegal i've got just as much right to be on there as they have