Request to cancel the PSAC and TB vote (PA, SV and EB groups)
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Request to cancel the PSAC and TB vote (PA, SV and EB groups).
Guest |
#76 Superviseur2010-12-16 15:28La prime de départ est un bonus, c'est pas partout que l'on peut l'obtenir. Ont devrait à quelque part se réjouir de tous les avantages que nous avons et que plusieurs n'ont pas. Nous avons eu le choix de voter et pas forcer a voter oui. Je ne pense pas que l'union nous a influencés dans notre choix. Nous sommes des adultes consentant qui je pense à pas besoin de guide pour s'avoir si oui ou non voulons perdre notre prime de départ... Le gouvernement voulait cette prime et ils auraient été la chercher d'une façon ou une autre.. Un vote demeure un vote malgré les déceptions. |
Léo N.J. Maisonneuve Guest |
#77 Abus de pouvoir.....2010-12-16 15:30J'ai déjà témoigné contre l'AFPC dans un cause de négociation de mauvaise foi contre NAV CANADA, mon employeur à l'époque. L'employeur a gagné mais croyez-moi que j'en ai payé le prix quand j'ai réintégré mon poste dans la fonction publique. D'ailleurs mon directeur à l'époque trouvait que l'AFPC agissait contre moi (un membre) de façon très abusive! |
Visiteur Guest |
#78 Re: We got screwed !!2010-12-16 15:30#19: Michel Boyer - We got screwed !! I'm with you on that one. I just started in the government in March and that would mean no severence pay for me, ever! I think most of the people that voted yes are the ones that are about to retire or want to "upgrade" their homes. Some just aren't thinking about the future, nor anybody else for that fact. I'm paying the union for what? To take away everything that was offered to me when I first started? Or others that aren't ready to receive their severence pay? I'm not a wiz with income taxes either, but won't this take its toll on it? As for Family days, not everyone has a full family, therefore most of those days are wasted. I don't recall seeing that we could use those days toward siblings, newphews, nieces, grandparents, close aunts and uncles. Are they not concidered family? They sure are to me. I live with my boyfriend without any children, therefore my five family days are more than likely wasted, or should I say six? |
Visiteur Guest |
#79 Re: Superviseur2010-12-16 15:34C'est peut être un bonus comme vous dites mais pourquoi il a été établi au départ c'est que les congés de maladie ne sont pas payé et ce fût en vigueur depuis 1960. En plus plusieurs membres n'étaient même pas avisés de l'endroit et la date ou avait lieu le vote en question donc si PSAC aurait avisé ses membres correctement il y aurait eu un changement de situation sans aucun doute. PSAC recevront presque 9 millions lors de la signature de cette entente donc qui prendre le bonus maintenant.....PSAC ne travaille pas pour nous mais bien pour eux mêmes S.V.P. regarder les choses en face et cesser de faire l'autruche. Il faut essayer de faire quelque chose une fois pour toute pour que les membres se fassent entendre donc cette pétition va peut être changer quelque chose du moins on va essayer non???
Visiteur Guest |
#80 Re: Re: Superviseur2010-12-16 15:40#79: Visiteur - Re: Superviseur Faites circuler le plus possible c'est le seul moyen de nous faire entendre pour une fois |
Denis Ladouceur Guest |
#812010-12-16 15:45Très bonne idée parce que je crois sincèrement que le président du sindicat ne nous a pas donner tous les faits. |
Guest |
#82 Conseiller financier2010-12-16 15:55La première chose à faire est de dissoudre ce syndicat. Ensuite, que mes collègues fonctionnaires en choisissent un qui soit attiré par la DÉFENCE de ses membres et non une quelconque rétribution ou trop près du patronat…? |
Jean Lapointe Guest |
#83 Manque d'information2010-12-16 16:00On aurait dû être informé des clauses en négociation bien avant la période de vote afin que l'on puisse dire au syndicat de continuer ou non celles-ci en NOTRE nom. Tout s'est fait en cachette et sous pression |
Martine Guest |
#84 Groupe PA2010-12-16 16:01Pour ma part, je crois que cette pétition est une excellente idée! Je suis au gouvernement depuis presque 2 ans et je perdrai beaucoup. Et si le gouvernement veut vraiment m'enlever mon indemnité de déart et bien je vais me battre, tant qu'a avoir 1000$, mieux vaut courrir le risque de m battre pour l'avoir au complet ou ne rien avoir du tout. J'ai aussi entré en contact avec un autre syndicat à voir ce qu'ils vont me dire... Il faut se battre pour ce en quoi nous voulons et croyons! AFPC se foute de nous, il est grand temps que nous nous réunissons pour se battre!! |
Zerozone Guest |
#85 clarification on your web message2010-12-16 16:19dans le paragraphe qui commence avec ... "L'employeur convient d’accorder une somme 8 750 000 $..." et qui se termine avec "... L'employeur convient également d'accorder 292 000 $ par mois au PAM AFPC-SCT à partir du 21 juin 2014 jusqu'à la signature de la prochaine convention collective pour Ie groupe PA en vue d'assurer la continuité de cette initiative. Donc, je crois qu’en tant que membre nous pouvons en tirer notre propre conclusion." |
Mylene Bouchard Guest |
#862010-12-16 16:35Bonjour , je n'ai pas pus votez car mon dossier n' avait pas encore été transférez a mon nouveau Ministere... |
Visiteur Guest |
#87 Re: We got screwed !!2010-12-16 16:46#19: Michel Boyer - We got screwed !!
I totally agree with what you have written. In fact, when you consider the taxes we will have to pay if an employee decides to cash out the full amount? We will have NOTHING left. First of all, our tax bracket will got up which mean more money to the government and second, they will be taking more then half of this amount when you do cash it out. All this to say, we loose everything and the government get's it all back. |
Guest |
#88 Pathetic union2010-12-16 16:46Why should we "undo" what people before me fought hard to get? People leading this union are probably close to retirement, which understands why they would try to force feed us this BS. When more than 1/2 of the people are close to retirement in this group, they couldn't time this better. |
Guest |
#89 Current union negociators and heads should be replaced...2010-12-16 16:57...this is totally uncalled for! Too many of our members were not even aware of this vote let alone in on what they were giving up until the results were released. Giving up their severance pay is a BIG DEAL, not just something you can go with a 52% majority. So we get an extra % for the next three years, who is to say in three years, we get a wage freeze? Then what, we would have given up our severance pay and wage increase in the last 2 negociations... why would we even continue contributing to this union? I would rather have my wage frozen for the next 3 years then give up me severance pay. |
Danielle Nontell Guest |
#90 Disagree strongly with giving up severance pay2010-12-16 17:03I don't believe the results of the vote. Everyone I spoke to voted no. I've heard some members were not able to vote in a fair manner. They were handed envelopes with their names on them thus letting the union reps know exactly who voted against it. Seems like intimidation to me! I refuse to believe that anyone would voluntarily give up their severance pay. Why did the union let the situation go as far as it did? They never should have let it go as far as it did, meaning the voting stage. Union reps should have fought against least ask the members if they agreed. Members had no opportunity to discuss among themselves or with union reps before the vote. The information session held prior to the vote was held at last possible second therefore we had very little time to digest the info before voting. I want this contract cancelled as I don't believe members were fairly represented and I believe that the union just agreed with it because they were offered money. |
Concerned Guest |
#92 Toss 'em out!2010-12-16 17:14I agree with many of the comments here. If TB wants to get rid of Severence pay, they should start AT THE TOP- not at the bottom! MP's - are you willing to let yours go? Does anyone know the procedures to get 'Force out' the executive? Were we to do that prior to signing, the new administration could carry out a new vote prior to signing.... |
Guest |
#942010-12-16 17:35I lost the faith in Union quite a while ago, but this takes the cake, I got the letter of voting notices after the fact which was in December so too late to vote. I don't agree to this, I thought Union's were to quite and help the people not decept them into the fact and make the final decision. In my word that is call UNFAIR. So this is not because all I had to do is go vote but it has to do with letter people know by written notice way before the fact. |
Nicole Ankou Guest |
#95 It's a real shame!2010-12-16 17:38It's a real shame our union reps are misleading US like this. We put our faith in their hands & this is how they treat us! Severance Pay was fought for a good reason, for our retirement and to take it away after all that hard work would not be right! Young people do not understand it right now but when their retirement will come around, they will understand why we fought for it, for them. Saying "no" to this is "the" right answer. |
hicham laassouli Guest |
#962010-12-16 17:44c'est vraiment intolerable de la part de l'AFPC de nous faire perdre un acquis de cette facon... |
Denise Trottier Guest |
#97 Demande_dinvalidation_du_scrutin_de_lafpc_et_du_ct2010-12-16 17:47Les tactiques de peurs et les menaces semées de ne pas avoir d'augmentation propagées par les représentants syndicals sont ridicules. Le syndicat n'a pas su négocier. Il est absurde que les employés acceptent de perdre leur indemnité de départ d'une valeur entre $30,000 et $56,000 pour une augmentation total entre $2,766 et $5,134 (basé sur le groupe AS). |
Guest |
#982010-12-16 17:47Many people have also said that Union will do more harm to their people then good. This is the case, we are now 2010 going in 2011, they are taking the hard work that was put into this away, we are not in the Hitler days here. Members had no opportunity to discuss among themselves or with union reps before the vote. They were not giving us that opportunity, they would advise us to talk at the voting, but no one was there to listen to us. The information session held prior to the vote was held at last possible second therefore we had very little time to digest the info before voting. Throwned at us. I would definitely want the contract cancelled I don't believe members were fairly represented and dont' believe that the union just agreed with it because they were offered money. |
Huguette Morissette Guest |
#99 demande d'invaliation du scrutin de l'AFPC et du CT2010-12-16 17:48je veux que les votes soient recomptés. |
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