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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition dailymail.co.uk/floodpetition.


#376 Re:

2014-02-13 12:12

#1: -

Charity begins at home.  This is our green and pleasant land so let's keep it just that.  Don't give our hard earned money to all those African despots - they have enough stolen money to last them life time. India, Pakistan and China do not need our money so don't waste it on them. Come on Call Me Dave this could be your finest moment!



2014-02-13 12:14

successive governments have put the interests of foreign people and immigrants over the people of this country and if anything is said against this policy you would be condemned a racist so we have no free speech anymore and most people find it easier to suffer in silence

#378 Re:

2014-02-13 12:19



2014-02-13 12:20

Charity begins at home. Stop wasting our hard earned money on all those African despots who already have more 'stolen' money then they will ever need in a life time! India/Pakistan/China etc do not need our money. This is our green and pleasant land that we are fighting for now. Your Country Needs You. Call Me Dave, please note - this could be your finest hour!


2014-02-13 12:21

Yes stop talking about it and get on with giving some proper financial help - those poor people need help NOW - it is only a matter of time before they start becoming ill with all the raw sewage and filthy water they are living amongst.



2014-02-13 12:24

spend the money in this country and make a name for yourself mr cameron



2014-02-13 12:34

They keep asking where are they going to get the money for flood relief,easy , just divert the 11 billion from foreign aid to aiding this country,does anyone think our Prime Minister has enough common sense to see this, I doubt it.



2014-02-13 12:46

we amy not live in the



2014-02-13 12:48

too much of our taxes are to countries to line the pockets of unscrupulous politicians



2014-02-13 12:50

The poor families who have suffered the floods in their homes should receive as much money as it takes to restore their quality of life, as soon as possible, lessons should be learnt and flood defences implimented as soon as conditions allow. Use the money for overseas aid . Stop pontificating.



2014-02-13 13:09

The people of this country have an expectation that, as their taxes are putting monies in THIS Governments coffers, it is right and proper that in times of crisis experienced by the UK taxpayer who faces the loss of home and business that they should be the recipients of aid NOT other countries. If not then the British people should actively seek that all parties in Westminster be declared Not fit for purpose.



2014-02-13 13:14

As much as there are needy countries who benefit from our help there are some who are getting our support who don't need it but charity begins at home those poor flood victims need help now and as soon as humanly possible that includes money spent on preventing it happening again

#388 Re:

2014-02-13 13:28

#1: -

All overseas financial aid should be withheld until our present national crisis has been dealt with. 'Charity should begin at home'.


#389 Re:

2014-02-13 13:31


#390 Re: Re:

2014-02-13 13:33



2014-02-13 13:37

Charity is now needed at home!!



2014-02-13 13:40

Charity is desperately needed by the British people at this moment in time - chai ritzy begins at home!,,



2014-02-13 13:46

Stop sending money abroad until we have sorted out our own mess


#394 Re: Re:

2014-02-13 14:10



2014-02-13 14:15

Sooner we get a reply to this petition the better,maybe the PM will stop talking nonsense about the money.



2014-02-13 14:18

If these floods had happened in Asia or Africa, the Disasters Emergency Committee would launch a full scale appeal. Where are they now?



2014-02-13 14:18

I fully agree that the money for the overinflated overseas budget should be diverted to help this country. Will Mr Cameron LISTEN, as to what the people saying?



2014-02-13 14:21

Can someone ask the PM- Why does Britain give £11 b foreign aid to other countries, and how does this benefits us.



2014-02-13 14:23

Stop sending money abroad and spend it on our flood victims.



2014-02-13 14:24

I do not think money that the government gets from me, and everyone else in the UK, should be given to other countries to help them sort out their problems. Whatever problems these countries have are probably self inflicted, especially if they are dictatorships that have been allowed to happen by citizens who would probably be dictators themselves if they could be.