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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition dailymail.co.uk/floodpetition.



2014-02-12 17:13

Further to Ian Berrell's excellent article in today's Daily Mail I am horrified to discover last year Britain gave Pakistan £265 million and WE ARE GOING TO GIVE THEM £446 million by next year. We are ruled by oafs - Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are rich callous men who care not one whit about our British people.



2014-02-12 17:13

Time to think of the people at home to get then stabilised. A suspension of foreign aid or even half of it for 3 months would be a great start.



2014-02-12 17:23

the overseas aid budget should be cut.So
all flood defences and other work required to protect families from future situations same as we have this winter in the united kingdom.



2014-02-12 17:28

All work needs ongoing maintenance so ALL overseas should be channelled to all coastal defences and inland flood prevention to ensure this does not happen on this scale again.



2014-02-12 17:40

If the news of the flooding our country has had over the past months had been anywhere else in the world our government would have been pledging money and aid of all kinds to help THOSE POOR PEOPLE.What about US!


2014-02-12 17:41

This petition is very welcome in our house even if it is long overdue. Aid to countries who use it for reasons other that what it is intended for should stop immediately and diverted back to where it will do most good. I.E. BRITAIN. After all, charity does begin at home



2014-02-12 17:44

We need the money spent here not abroad



2014-02-12 17:46

older people are loosing out on there savings, also houses are getting colder, and now goverment are thinking of stopping bus passes, this is the only way for older people to get about.



2014-02-12 17:51

Goverment should now focus on flood victims in our own country..also I hear we could have some funding from EU sources but not much time left to ask for it..why is it were not applying for it ,,,



2014-02-12 17:56

Money to be spent at home before overseas



2014-02-12 18:10

people speaking sense at last



2014-02-12 18:11

Well done Daily Mail, why does it take a disaster such as the awful flooding to bring the publics blood to the boil and attempt to bring the Government to their senses and accept " we have a disaster so spend tax payers money at home ".



2014-02-12 18:12

Total agree



2014-02-12 18:22

when ever there is a flood or disaster in another country we set up an appeal for donations and the government also send money where is are money from other countries



2014-02-12 18:27

Charity begins at home. My heart goes out to all those affected by the floods and money should be used to help these folk and flood defences are put in to stop anymore flooding in the future before it goes abroad



2014-02-12 18:27

is money is needed to look after the interests of this country not wasted on other nations.



2014-02-12 18:30

givr some of foreigh aid budget to help the flood victims,help should begin at home



2014-02-12 18:32

We live next to a river and feel so dreadfully sorry for all the people that are flooded.Are hearts go out to them.



2014-02-12 18:33

I have been saying for some time that as a country we are supposedly in debt, so how can we donate large amounts to other countries, many of whom are rich countries. Sorry as I am for those people in the Philippines it is not our problem and we, as a country, cannot afford to offer help. Also, a lot of aid sent to other countries doesn't get to the people it is meant for, it lines the pockets of those in charge.When we are debt free and all our home grown problems have been solved, then we can think about donating money to other countries.



2014-02-12 18:40

Keep the foreign aid in England



2014-02-12 18:42

why don't they do what the people ask not line their own pockets



2014-02-12 18:48

Absolute disgrace as usual government rhetoric takes over from providing proper funds to eliminate this problem once again caught with there pants down still we can take comfort in helping India to launch spacecraft with our overseas aid how does that help the problem of global warming Mr Pickles you are all taking the P--- big style and those poor flooded families are paying the price for your gross incompetence



2014-02-12 18:48

Charity begins at home -when the flood subsides and all the damaged repaired then consider sending aid abroad.



2014-02-12 18:52

I believe that charity begins at home, and should be so, so that every assistance be given to the people in G.B. first



2014-02-12 19:03

Lets help our first.