Justice for Nasser Ahmed

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Justice for Nasser Ahmed.



2016-11-16 21:33

The school needs to investigated to why this has happened..it is very sad..if it is due to cruelty or neglect it needs to be addressed. What the intentions were with this head teacher ..and if his intention is wrong he needs to fired..it will only happen to another child if its not stopped..



2016-11-16 21:41

Justice for all
Adam G


2016-11-16 21:47

Scum you done more there is something behind this be prepared the the akirah 



2016-11-16 21:51

A structure and procedure was in place that was the quotation of fact given by the head teacher which sums up supervision; so why was this child with traumatic experiences of health left unsupervised for a second, and a fellow students raise the alarm to a teacher in the next classroom?
Secondly, as by here say questions should be asked as to how with a track record as such did this deputy head get a top order job given similarities whose track record from another Tower Hamlets secondary school.
A Pissed Off 14 Year Old


2016-11-16 22:01

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Pathetic that such man has the role of a deputy head, Nasser deserves justice which Allah will provide, thoughts are with the family going through this tough time, may Allah give them sabr and peace. A young innocent soul has been take by the will of Allah, however this man deserves to be behind bars and the school needs to reconsider its values and the fact that it is a place of learning and that it is not acceptable for teachers to act in such way. It disgusts me that this poor boy had to be forced to do things and made to feel unworthy, and instead of being in a lesson, learning, getting an education, he was made to 'clean a basement' because a ignorant prick abused his role as a teacher. Only Allah knows how the boy must've felt and how he suffered, the police should take this very seriously and realise this man does not deserve to be anywhere outside of prison let alone a school environment. Justice will be given. There is so much I could say and so much I want to say, but may Allah punish this man and give Nasser's family sabr. Ameen.



2016-11-16 22:03


#407 Re: Re:

2016-11-16 22:06

#45: - Re:  

 Raaah sthu man about anger dyo need a slap or saink this guy died bcz of a fuked up teacher who put him in a basement for hours y wouldnt we be pissed of



2016-11-16 22:13

Justice must be done



2016-11-16 22:19

An innocent life has been taken away, inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon


#410 Re: Re: Re:

2016-11-16 22:19

#407: Baller - Re: Re:  

Yeah allow the idiots the rant on. If it was their loved ones they will understand anger, ignore the IGNORANT people making negative comments. Probably a teacher. Maybe the poor simple person doesn't know the meaning of ANGER. Allow the comment. #agree with you #justice for Nasser



2016-11-16 22:29

Justice for Nasser



2016-11-16 22:51

Please, tell as many people as possible about this petition. The more signatures this petition gets, the more attention it will get from the media and the decision-makers.



2016-11-16 22:54

Nasar was in primary and I knew him but bow school did something that effected there parents but not just there parents it shocked people all over shadwell and kt shocked the media.



2016-11-16 22:59

To get justice


#415 Re:

2016-11-16 23:02

#1: -  




2016-11-16 23:04

To get justic



2016-11-16 23:19

because i want the head of bow to get sacked



2016-11-16 23:19

As it is unfair for Naseer and action should be taken to deter others from reapeating similar punishments which our unnecessary and completely unfair , I say this is racist as Naseer is Asian and he was discriminated as he also has learning disabilities... Justice for naseer



2016-11-16 23:27

There is too much injustice in school system



2016-11-16 23:59

Justice needs to be done! the poor boy did not deserve to be on detention the school needs to be paid for the mistake!



2016-11-17 00:02

I have two sons with learning difficulties. This sort of incidents are very upsetting and worring for me.



2016-11-17 00:15

i signed this petition because nasar ahmed was a loved one. He was a very nice and kind hearted person who went to my primary.I have known him since day one of primary



2016-11-17 00:37

Because justice needs to be served and Bow school need to pay for killing an innocent! Children are not safe in schools how disturbing.



2016-11-17 01:04

The boy deserves justice. The school headteacher had no remorse for the boy either.



2016-11-17 03:57

I signed this petition because Nasser deserves justice, it was an accident they are made by everyone no one is perfect and I don't see why he was given such a harsh punishment for an accident, this is just pathetic, even though the teacher knew how Nasser is he was still given a unacceptable punishment and now is fighting for his life, the teacher gave a punishment as if the accident would go back in time, no what happened cannot be rectified, I think the teacher deserves a harsh punishment too and should not be able to teach in any other school ever again as if this has happened once it can happen once again, Nasser deserves justice!!