Justice for Nasser Ahmed

A Pissed Off 14 Year Old

/ #405

2016-11-16 22:01

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Pathetic that such man has the role of a deputy head, Nasser deserves justice which Allah will provide, thoughts are with the family going through this tough time, may Allah give them sabr and peace. A young innocent soul has been take by the will of Allah, however this man deserves to be behind bars and the school needs to reconsider its values and the fact that it is a place of learning and that it is not acceptable for teachers to act in such way. It disgusts me that this poor boy had to be forced to do things and made to feel unworthy, and instead of being in a lesson, learning, getting an education, he was made to 'clean a basement' because a ignorant prick abused his role as a teacher. Only Allah knows how the boy must've felt and how he suffered, the police should take this very seriously and realise this man does not deserve to be anywhere outside of prison let alone a school environment. Justice will be given. There is so much I could say and so much I want to say, but may Allah punish this man and give Nasser's family sabr. Ameen.