NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education.



2016-09-28 12:26

Because my right to education matters.



2016-09-28 12:38

My son is doing his 4th year B-Tech. I am a single parent and had to pay for my son's education which I did with difficulty. Therefore the university has an obligation to these paid up students. I think this is totally disgusting and something has to be done. How can you just shut down a University.



2016-09-28 12:42

Because i am paying my own studies , i am working to pay my studies and I find it unfair that those of the students that is paying their own studies have to suffer because of the strikes of a few ungrateful and lazy students



2016-09-28 12:48

Absolutely sick and tired of the sense of entitlement.



2016-09-28 12:59

I signed this petition because I want to graduate the end of this year. I wont let these students mess with my future! Iam dont keeping quiet. Its time to fight back.



2016-09-28 13:08

I signed this petition because many students and parents are making enourmous sacrifices in order for the students to attain and achieve that which they enrolled for, viz a tertiary education. The right to protest should never, in any way, infringe on the rights of others who chose not to protest.



2016-09-28 13:08

Unlawful Protests violates our Right to Education



2016-09-28 13:08

People who WANT to study, should have the liberty and right to do it. If a person WANTS something, you PAY for it. If a person NEEDS something, you BUY it. or are masses going to stampede for free groceries in future? NO NO NO. Free stuff are not valued. Already school education is at peril due to teachers who are not properly qualified. what assurance is free education going to be for better qualifications? up to now nothing has worked - so all of a sudden free university fees is going to make up for lack of integrity and responsibility to WANT to improve and to WANT to have GOOD grades??



2016-09-28 13:10

I signed it as all students have the same rights, that of protesting and that of not protesting and continuing with their studies as they are contracted to.



2016-09-28 13:12

My childs fees has been paid in full... she should be able to complete the year and graduate



2016-09-28 13:13

I have a son that is in his final year and we really struggled to fund his studies. I also do not agree with all the damage that has been done as I am a taxpayer.



2016-09-28 13:15

Single Mother working my ass off 7 days a week to keep kids study debt as low as possible. Kids also working part-time during term and holidays to assist with costs. Debt must be paid back whether they complete their studies or not. They MUST complete their studies!



2016-09-28 13:26

My daughter is a student at kovsies and i believe we all have the right to make our own decisions regarding our future and our future should not be decided by the minority



2016-09-28 13:33

NMMU is allowing a small amount of students to violate the rights of students to study and thereby assisting these hooligan students to negatively impact on the lawful students' future



2016-09-28 13:39

We are paying a lot of money to give my child an education and it is costing me money when he cannot attend classes. They need to understand that other people has got a goal to work towards. A week lost means more work crammend into a short period.


#466 Re: Re:

2016-09-28 13:48

#270: - Re:  oh I'm sorry did some one hurt your feelings? Get over yourself already. These people trashing the places are no better than any other thug or criminal 




2016-09-28 13:48

I am tired of unlawful riots disrupting other people's lives



2016-09-28 13:57

It's rediculous....... why should our future depend on a handful of thugs. Protesting is one thing, but intimidation and shutting down a university is ludicrous. The university must take a stance.



2016-09-28 13:58

please allow our children to study for their future.



2016-09-28 13:58

I have a son studying at NMMU George campus. I struggled to pay the fees but did so. I feel it is unfair that my child is being prevented to receive education and that he is not free to move around freely



2016-09-28 13:58

My child at the university, and I pay the fees



2016-09-28 13:59

I want to ho back to school



2016-09-28 14:32

It is the rights for students to ATTEND Universities and carry on with their classes without any unlawfull protests or denying of entry!!!! We are paying for our Children to obtain degrees and must be allowed that our children have and attend classes.



2016-09-28 15:02

My son needs to complete his studies. We are paying, and he cannot attend classes.



2016-09-28 15:04

Our children have the right to their education as they have studied and passed tests in order for them to get further in life!!! Now they want to prevent our children from obtaining their degrees. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!