Doncaster Road Traffic/Crossing (Oakhill Primary Academy area)

Doncaster Road Traffic/Crossing (Oakhill Primary Academy area) / Announcements / Reply from Michael Dughers' secretary this morning!! / Comments



2016-07-13 09:41

Any volunteers to be a fatality?? Kids? Parents? Councillors? Ridiculous Regulation that merely encourages complacency and inaction.
Paula Gorman-Jones
The author of this petition

#2 Re: Something has to be changed

2016-07-13 10:02

#1: -  

 This is one of the most idiotic regulations ever, the danger is plain for everyone to see, it doesnt need to be enforced by a fatality... Well... its now time to change this and believe you me ... I'm not letting it rest ... today a petition ... tomorrow banners and protest ... 
I am not going to stand by and wait for 3 families to be destroyed simply because the council will not get off its arse and do something about it!!