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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition SAVE HEIDI'S LIFE.
BSDetector |
#126 Re: BS Detector,Re:2015-05-02 22:43That is a joke. This must be the petition writer, the irresponsible dig owner. You claim the courts overturned the towns decision, but only on a procedure, then the courts upheld the order. Why don't you quit while your ahead, quit lying and only quoting selective BS? The newspaper article says it all, and all your neighbors know the truth. I hope the town goes after you for every penny. You are a disgrace. You take zero responsibility, you manipulate the truth, you attack our mayor, board, police, and lie to a judge. You are delusional. |
Guest |
#127 Re: I Expect there is More Going on Here2015-05-03 00:15#33: - I Expect there is More Going on Here Yes, this little rodent of a mayor does! He needs to go - he is a pitiful excuse for a politician! |
Guest |
#128 y2015-05-03 00:20#119: - Read JudgeRe: Re: HW Mayor is wrong You are an idiot. Obviously you did not read the extremely detailed account of this case in the Tribune. I think Heidi should live with you. |
Guest |
#129 Re: Regarding comments #116 and #117 - Residents Beware of your mayor2015-05-03 00:24#118: Neighborhood observer - Regarding comments #116 and #117 - Residents Beware of your mayor Okay neighborhood observer if that is your real name. I am not part of the Hawthorn Woods government. I attacked your intelligence because you and the other "idiots" made up your minds without investigating the 7 attacks Heidi inflicted, as well as the account of how the village tried to send Hiedi out of the village, the Bacardi's snuck her back in and she bit again. |
Guest |
#1302015-05-04 18:06I cannot believe that the Village of Hawthorne Woods cannot make their own decisions when it comes to this dog and not listen to the attorney that wants the dog put down. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. Perhaps PETA and the ASPCA should be contacted and bring this to the media channels who would rather see this dog placed in a home rather than killed. What a waste of the taxpayers money. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-05-04 20:47- Date of removal: 2015-05-04
- Reason for removal: Insulting and inappropriate comment about one of the other commenters
guest |
#133 Re: y2015-05-07 20:16We are residents of HW and we would be happy to take this dog. It is sad because in the article it sure seemed that the writer had lots of information that seemed to be provided to her, perhaps, we should consider the truths and falsehoods on both sides of the issue. I was sad to see that the writer mentioned "fences". We have a outside electric fence, however, it does not prevent the dog from leaving the yard if there is a power outage or if the owner forgets to put the collar on or if the batteries die out on the collar. In additon, electric fences do not prevent certain dogs from leaving the yard. This is true for several breeds of dogs - especially hound dogs. In fact, hounds may leave the yard to chase a squirrel and then get zapped then not go back home because they are afraid to get zapped. In conclusion, my family would love to have the city review the fence ordinance. We would love to have a REAL fence, for privacy, protection and to help my family enjoy outdoor life. This town has so many rules. We wished that we would have known this before we moved here. We can't even have an outdoor shed, even if it is beautifully crafted. Just too many rules. We as a family hope that this dog can get rehomed and shame on the author of this article because in our opinion it is a bait and switch kind of article. This should never have gotten this far. It is really sad for everyone but mostly, very sad for this dog. People do need accountibility for actions, that involves all the parties involved. The only judgement comes from God. |
guest |
#134 Re:2015-05-07 20:20Our family soooo agrees! Electric fences are not worthy or worthwhile like a REAL fence! This town has waaaayyyyy to many rules that we didn't know about until the home was already purchased back in 2012. Now we are ticked because we cannot have a new shed built to match our home and cannot have a fence so we are stuck looking down our neighbors throats all the time. Kids are cutting threw our yards and with the wildlife in this area I think we should consider REAL fences and outbuildings that are up to perhaps a new city code. |
guest |
#135 Re: Re: BS Detector,Re:2015-05-07 20:23#126: BSDetector - Re: BS Detector,Re: BS detector, you have been so very cruel on this petition. It is almost like you fed the story to the Tribune. The story had a lot of information that unless you are very close to this issue on a personal or professional level, it probably could have been written by yourself for all I know. You are not the judge, jury or executioner. You are just downright one disgrunteled and horribly mean person with a chip on your shoulder. Have a really nice day, I do not think you have many because you anger and mean spirit may prevent you from enjoying a nice day. I will pray for you. |
BS Detector |
#1362015-05-08 11:47Yea sure I wrote the Trib story. Nice stretch. No, I am someone who got a flyer on my mailbox. I was very upset about the story the on the flyer and this petition gave. I even reached out to others and to the police department, and treated our police and people at the village harshly. Then I got a little more to the story, then this newspaper article comes out. I am angry that I was fooled into believing all this nonsense. What is mean spirited and cruel to me is people who manipulate the truth for sympathy. That is mean spirited and exactly what these folks have done. I bet the owners are the ones who contacted the newspaper, and thought they could manipulate the truth with them as well. When you read that story is is unbelievable all the problems these people have had. They should never be allowed to own a dog again, it is all their fault, not the dogs fault. |
Guest |
#137 Re:2015-05-08 23:45I read through all these posts after a neighbor told me about some petition for a dog. I did read the trib article and searched the names of these people like someone else said they did. Was interested since I've met Joe several times and always thought he was just a good straight businessman and perfect for HW, this whole thing seemed way out of character. So what I read told me these dog owners have no personal credibility, that's for sure. I think they need a new hobby. |
New Resident |
#138 Re: Re:2015-05-12 13:51Wish we could have real fences and outdoor buildings to protect our animals and the people that come into the yard. We have a dog that goes out on a run everyday but if I do not know (which no one ever knows) when the person comes to check gas or electric meters well, the person could get nipped as our family dog would protect the yard. I have seen from my house to our backyard neighbor where the owners have a large shephard type dog. I saw the electric meter reader come to my house a half hour prior. The owners had there dog out for about an hour on their electric fence. I could literally see the shock as the meter reader walked into the yard. My dog is only out for about 10 minutes at a time so she can do her business. She is about 40lbs but can bark to protect the family quite loud if someone comes on the property. We do have signs in the yard and on the door to our home. Since we are in the older part of town, we just don't have enough storage for lawnmowers and such, nor do we have the funds to hire a landscaper. Most of this town is very wealthy and quite able to pay the large tax dollars. I wish the council would look into approvable outbuildings like sheds and greenhouses and also really, really think about real fences. With an actual locked fence the meter reader would have to ring the doorbell and/or the meter would just be estimated. For the safety of all involved, please city council rethink this -- a real fence could have avoided many of these issues for the Bacardi family. |
Common Sense |
#139 Village should settle and let the dog be rehomed2015-05-12 19:53I read the article and I have investigated other sources of information on this matter. The Village should stop wasting money and allow the dog to be rehomed outside the Village. Even other unfriendly commenters said it is not the dog's fault. I just don't understand why the Village is so hell bent on killing this dog, while it is HW's regulation that no fences are allowed. Stupid is as stupid does I guess. |
Guest |
#1402015-05-17 10:08It will be senseless to have her euthanized, especially since she's found a new home |
Guest |
#141 Re: Village should settle and let the dog be rehomed2015-05-20 03:38#139: Common Sense - Village should settle and let the dog be rehomed The village has no jurisdiction to demand a dog's death. When you bring a lawsuit against a village, of course they cannot comment or do anything until it runs the course. |
Guest |
#1422015-05-31 00:34This whole scenario sounds too much like politics gone awry......and haven't all IL taxpayers and suburban taxpayers experienced that in recent times? Why would any governing body not agree to relocation rather than spend almost $30,000 of taxpayer money? I'd like to know the answer. |
Guest |
#1432015-07-07 03:15There is no reason that Heidi should be killed. The owners are being more than reasonable. What does Hawthorne Woods have to gain by killing this dog - at this point they are just bullying these people and wasting tax payer dollars. It needs to stop - let Heidi go to a rescue! |
Guest |
#1452015-07-07 11:55because it's time to end this thing-actions have been taken-the dog is no longer danger to this community-spend your tax dollars on children-daaaaaaaaa |
Guest |
#147 Heidi2015-07-08 13:06I've been following this case. I've heard both sides. You know, I really don't know what happened nor what is true. Liars are everywhere. I've learned that just from living. HOWEVER, I do know that when a person has a "bad day" or "lashes out at someone," we don't euthanize them. We just say "OK, man, take it easy." The person then will feel bad about being mean or hurtful, and life will go on. So maybe Heidi had a bad day. I'm sure she feels bad. Life should go on --- for her as well.
Guest |
#148 Re: Heidi2015-07-17 00:35The poor dog has had multiple bad days over a long period of time. Ever heard the term "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Applies here. To the dog and the owners. |
ha |
#149 Re:2015-07-21 18:57If you think that Heidi is a beagle, you don't know anything about dogs. I live in white birch lakes and that dog was definitely a Rhodesian ridgeback/pit mix. Doesn't matter what the breed is, but the fact that people think this is a beagle frustrates a dog person like me. Go google image beagle. |
BS Detector |
#150 Re: Re:2015-08-10 14:26You are correct that it does not matter what the breed is. What does matter is that it is part of a pattern of lies and deceit these owners continue to perpetuate on people to mask their complete disregard for all their neghbors, children, and pets. Part of their poor us story constantly refers to "this little beagle." They duped me with their letter as well, until I looked into the details myself. The are just full of deceit. |
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