We Demand Justice for YueYue - 15yr Sentences for Drivers

https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/373190_252495651468499_557039568_n.jpgWe, the compassionate and just people of the world, in the name of love, are demanding justice for the late (Wang) YueYue.

We are petitioning the Chinese judicial system to impose a minimum of a 15yr prison sentence without the possibility of parole against the drivers who willfully and maliciously ran down YueYue in a premeditated manner, then fled the scene of the crime.

The charges that should be brought forth should be Hit-and-Run causing Death.

We petition the Chinese court under current Chinese penal code involving Hit-and-Run in China to imprison both drivers for the maximum of 15 years, revocation of a driving license, and to impose a lifetime ban from obtaining a drivers license.

Article 101 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China provides hit and run with a major accident results in revocation of a driving license, and a lifetime ban from obtaining one again.

The Penal Code provides that hit and run after an incident resulting in death, grievous bodily harm or major property damage is punishable with 3 to 7 years' prison, and 7 to 15 years if the act of hit and run results in death.

We also petition the Chinese court to bring charges carrying the maximum imprisonment and fines against all 18 passer-by's.

We also petition the international International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, Netherlands to bring charges of crimes against humanity against the drivers and all 18 passer-by's.

To both the Chinese judicial system and the Hague - please be advised we, the global community, will demand justice for YueYue as long as it takes in an unrelenting and determined manner, so help us God.

We invite the world to join our Fan page on facebook: We Demand Justice for YueYue - Sign the Global Online iPetition

We invite the world to join YueYue's Memorial Fan page on Facebook: YueYue - We Love You Eternally & We'll Demand Justice for You


Spider Ledesma and the Compassionate & Just Citizens of the World    Contact the author of the petition