Keep Our Kids Healthy! We need proper flush toilets and hand washing stations!



I want a better solution for our kids!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


We need a better solution for our children.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


There is a better solution available and ready.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I'm signing because the current solution is unacceptable for our kids, staff, and volunteers.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I agree our children need proper washing facilities.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


My child can’t even power the pump on the hand wash station!!

(Los Angeles, 2018-01-11)


We need these restrooms for our kids at school !!! ASAP

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


Let's add in that the reason for the repairs is due to the presence of asbestos....

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


As a ER doctor during this flu season, current situation is unacceptable for elementary aged school children

(Woodland hills, 2018-01-11)


I’m signing because my daughter is s student at WHES and she and her schoolmates deserve better. They are small children who shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced by a lack of proper bathroom facilities while work is done on campus.

(West Hills, 2018-01-11)


My child is one the children who is directly affected by this and this is not the proper facilities for our children.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


My children have attended Woodland Hills elementary school for the past eight years, and this is unacceptable, especially since the work needed to be done on these restrooms for the past five years.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I would like proper and sanitary facilities for my daughter and the rest of the 700 children at the school, especially during this virulent flu season.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


Because I’m a mom of 2 Whes students and care about their health and that of all the children at the school. You are also placing a tremendous stress on parents who will have to miss work should their kids become sick as a result of this situation which is completely unhygienic.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I agree

(Woodland hills, 2018-01-11)


Students deserve better than this!

(West Hills, 2018-01-11)


I am signing because the children deserve better. The taxpayers deserve better and LAUSD has obligations to the students and their families.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


We need a comfortable and sanitary bathroom arrangement for our young children. The current plan is not acceptable.

Thank you

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I believe in it

(Vicendese, 2018-01-11)


Basic needs must be met.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


concerned parent

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I cannot believe that any school district would allow this type of port of potties. Why aren't the children being thought of, and who is responsible for making such an unhealthy, problematic decision?

(Calabasas, 2018-01-11)


Keep our kids healthy, and minimize the spread of germs while at school, please!!!

(Woodland Hills Elementary School, 2018-01-11)


My children attend WHES and this is unacceptable!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I care! I believe these elementary age students need a sanitary healthy option for bathroom use.

(Calabasas, 2018-01-11)


Putting kids health first is important!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I want our children to have sanitary restrooms. I'm signing because I'm upset the school didn't tell us about this themselves. I'm signing this because administration does not tell the truth.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I'm signing this petition because children need a better toilet situation (instead of porta potties) while construction is taking place.

(West Hills, 2018-01-11)


This is horrifying and something must be done immediately, especially since the flu season is at its worst!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


The current "solution" of pit toilets is unacceptable for our elementary age students. They deserve a sanitary alternative to protect their health, and a very speedy repair/remodel job on the bathrooms.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


There is a better solution than the pit toilets proposed. Katy McNamara has done the leg work and I support her and this petition for the benefit of our children at Woodland Hills Elementary.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


I'm signing because a healthier option is always better for our children!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-11)


Without safe clean bathrooms and was hi g stations there is a higher likelihood children will get sick and miss school. Isn't this what the school distrust wants to avoid?

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-12)


My child is directly affected by this. Given it's flu season and hygiene is extremely important, and per the district attendance in school is important too, we need cleaner facilities for our 7-10 year old children while the regular bathroom is under construction.

(woodland hills, 2018-01-12)


The kids need a better restroom situation.

(Lake Balboa, 2018-01-12)


My child uses these bathroom and i want her to stay healthy!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-12)


Our kids deserve more sanitary restroom conditions!!

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-12)


There is a better solution, with running water and flush toilets for a comparable price.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-12)


This is very unsanitary and poses a threat to the health and safety of our children. LAUSD should be ashamed of themselves to allow such a deplorable environment for our kids when you know if the table was turned that would not be the case at their office.

(Woodlamd Hills, 2018-01-13)


The children of our community deserve to be comfortable and ready to learn without being concerned about this inconvenience.

(Woodland Hills, 2018-01-18)