Analytic Philosophy Department in Zagreb to be closed down
I'm signing because the closing down of the Department of Analytic Philosophy in Zagreb would be a painful and unfair loss for serious philosophical thinking in our region.(Budapest, 2017-03-21)
Head of Department, Department of Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest(Budapest, 2017-03-21)
Save the department!(Bratislava, 2017-03-22)
I'm signing because the analytic philosophy department that belongs to Faculty of Croatian Studies is doing an excellent research. Closing the department would be a great loss.(Bratislava, 2017-03-22)
I'm signing because Philosophy is very important. In my opinion, It is not at the top but at the bottom of every other studies, so without it students could lose their rights to find their places in their society.(Sárospatak, 2017-03-22)
I'm signing because I consider the department as an outstanding institution in the region.(Brno, 2017-03-22)
It is incredible to hear that someone intends to close the scientific/educational center which operates on internationational level!(Brno, 2017-03-22)
The department is an important international contributor in the region. It has sent outstanding students to our MA and PhD programs at CEU. In this time of unceertainty, Croatia and the world need more clear, critical thinking of the kind analytic philosophy offers, not less. - Prof S. Rippon, Philosophy MA Director, CEU(Budapest, 2017-03-22)
The world needs more critical thinking, not less. This department is essential for education and democracy.Simon Kirchin
Dean of Humanities
University of Kent, UK
(Canterbury, 2017-03-22)
Closing that department would be attack to principles of culture in our countries where analytic philosophy is known as what helps to cultivate the methods of rational solving problems.(Prague (Praha), 2017-03-22)
I am fighting and I will fight for education!(Ploče, 2017-03-22)
Kao bivša alumna filozofije i sociologije na HS-u strašno mi je svjedočiti pokušaju zatiranja jednog od najboljeg studija filozofije u zemlji te desničarskog progona profesora i profesorica koje su se drznule suprotstaviti režimu plagijatora i političkim manipulacijama. Ne damo filozofiju na HS-u!(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
...defending common sense...(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Kao potpredsjednik Udruge studenata filozofije Scopus, osjećam moralnu obvezu usprotiviti se odluci o ukidanju, po svemu sudeći, najboljeg Odsjeka za filozofiju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, ako ne i u cijeloj Hrvatskoj. Za najbolju citiranost, međunarodnu prepoznatljivost, kvalitetna predavanja, znanost i internacionalne konferencije na kojima je Odsjek za filozofiju HS-a ugostio neke od najboljih stručnjaka u polju filozofije, za poticanje STEM područja kroz gostujuća predavanja nastavnika PMF-a, za analitičku filozofiju i, naposljetku, za društvo koje kritički razmišlja, potpisujem ovu peticiju. Solidarno uz filozofiju!(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
We should all unite for the best philosophy department in the University of Zagreb!(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Because I care for the future of Croatian studies!(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Potpisujem peticiju za bolje sutra, za zdravi razum i razvoj društvenih i humanističkih znanosti bez uplitanja prljave politike(Split, 2017-03-22)
Javno iznad privatnog(Bistra, 2017-03-22)
This is the last episode in the mismanagement of the University of Zagreb and the bad policies of the Croatian government when it comes to higher education and science. As an alumnus of the Centre for Croatian Studies, I hope the staff and students will prevail against this continuous institutional violence. Jedan svijet - jedna borba i samo hrabro!(Utrecht, 2017-03-22)
Podrška!(Amsterdam, 2017-03-22)