Traffic calming in Croydon



I'd like to support a move for more traffic calming measures in my area.

Nadia Pisanti (Croydon, 2021-03-15)


Serena Rd needs to be speed controlled

Raymond Pieters (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


I agree i live in this area and its scary how fast people drive inclduing Jacooba loots road (120kmh plus easily) Trucks that are Excessively above 10 ton limit also use road like a highway

Jamie Biggins (Kempton park, 2021-03-15)


I am signing this petition because all vehicles seem to use Serena Rd as a race track with no thought of other people.
I have to use Robyn to gain access to Serena and have been in some close calls because vehicles do not stop at Robyn/Serena 3 way stop, so I hope that the speed bumps are also installed along that part of Serena

Pat Pickford (Croydon, 2021-03-15)


The speeding vehicles pose a threat to pedestrians and residents.

Jay Olivier (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


I'm signing because I have more than 10 near accident misses of vehicles speeding down Serena Road when I access from Robyn Road. I also walk my dogs over Serena Rd to the Joan Hunter Park and was almost run over by a speeding courier van last week.

Dion Prinsloo (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


The traffic in this suburb is just too hectic. The 5t limits are seriously ignored and huge trucks race through our village.

Michael Du Mont (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


I'm signing because we need something done in this street to calm the traffic. People speed and are very inconsiderate

Darian Nicholls (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


Speeding in Serena

Gerrit Van Rooyen (Johannesburg, 2021-03-15)


I'm signing because I am the owner of Mickeys Magic land, one of the nursery schools in Serena road. The accidents I have seen on this road and too many to name and I fear that one of the kids of my school are going to be involved... I fear for the safety of my kids and their mom's, dad's etc that travel down serena to come to school and go home... people race down the road not worrying about the safety of anyone not even themselves...

Judy-Lee Small (CRoyston, kempton park, 2021-03-15)


Keep roadcsafe for all

Martie Swarts (Croydon, 2021-03-15)


People seriously need to slow down on these roads before they end up killing someone

Jade Le roux (Croydon, 2021-03-15)


I’m signing because the traffic in this area. We also have a lot of taxi’s driving through our residential area. Would be nice to make it a boomed area.

Melissa Pillay (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


I am signing because I experience the terrible drivers along our road. There are two pre-school crèches on Serena road and people still drive recklessly and speed.

Dylon Govender (Croydon, 2021-03-15)


Speeding vehicles and trucks exceeding the 5 ton road restriction. Disregarding road rules including speed, stop signs and weight restriction.

Gordon Payne (Kempton Park, 2021-03-15)


I'm signing because the traffic is horrendous. Huge, heavy, long trucks also use Serena Rd causing much damage to the road, and noise and air pollution.

Karin Dodrill (Kempton Park, 2021-03-16)


I live in Croydon and I am aware of the heavy traffic through our area, as well as careless drivers.

Mary-Anne Moonsamy (Kempton Park, 2021-03-16)


I fully agree that our area has become a place where roaf users do not care for the safety of pedestrians. Skipping stop signs and speeding frequently... This must come to an end.

Anthony Delport (Johannesburg, 2021-03-16)


It's time our suburb was made safe from these maniacs speeding through our suburb. Jacobs Loots Rd should also be included in this petition as it is also used as a thoroughfare.

Jennifer Doherty (Kempton Park, 2021-03-16)


I’m sick and tired of people skipping stop streets and big trucks that should not be traveling through a suburb damaging our roads terribly

Freda Landsdale (Croydon, 2021-03-16)


I have nearly been rammed in the back by people refusing to stop at the stop streets

Shanon Reynolds (Kempton Park, 2021-03-16)


I'm signing because, I live by the traffic circle and I had a car come through my wall. Several times had cars miss my house by inches because cars speed and cannot stop in time at the traffic circle. My neighbour's had cars several times come through their walls. Every time we hear the screeching of tyres we have this fear and check whose house or what has been hit. A few years back a child was knocked and killed. I have a child that likes to play in the garden but because of these incidents, I'm afraid to let him play outside. Please can we have speed bumps... Save our children from these irresponsible, reckless speedsters.

Sherleen Juggpall (Johannesburg, 2021-03-16)


Street humps will curb the wreckless driving on serena road

Jerona Naidoo (Jhb, 2021-03-18)


Safety is my priority

Tshephang Mphahlele (Johannesburg, 2021-03-19)


I am tired of croydon being used as a thoroughfair. The traffic is really bad going through our little suburb

Cheryl Turpin (Gauteng, 2021-03-19)


I also want in Grysbok Avenue please

Cassandra Cross (Johannesburg, 2021-03-19)


I sign because Serena and Major miller have seen so many accidents in the past due to speeding like mad people. Its getting out of hand with speeding and someone will die

Elizabeth Matthyser (Croydon, 2021-03-19)


I live on Major Miller.

Brian Classen (Kempton Park, 2021-03-19)


I live on the corner of Serena rd. Traffic is far too dangerous for a residential area.

Nanette Kearney (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


To try to get the traffic to slow down to prevent accidents

Dion Plant (Croydon, 2021-03-20)


In agreement and promote safer roads in our community.

Justice Ramathivha (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


I support the decision to install speed humps.

Ndumiso Magadla (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


I live on the cnr of Serena rd and the speed of the traffic is too dangerous.

Shaun Kearney (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


I have see the traffic and the impact of trucks using this road at all hours of the day. I see how some motorists dot obey the rules of the road. As an everyday user of this road change would be appreciated.

Lucia Magudu (Kempton park, 2021-03-20)



Aashiqui Maharajh (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


Because These roads are used as a racetrack and have experienced numerous accidents sofar.

Chantelle Van Wyk (Gauteng, 2021-03-20)


Drivers do not stop at the stop streets. No adherence to the speed limits. Accidents have occurred.

Popsy Naidoo (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


I live in Croydon

Anton Labuschagne (Edenvale, 2021-03-20)


I am signing this petition because I am a resident of Croydon and am affected by the rise in traffic. I support the use of speed bumps.

Ephraim Masibhera (Kempton Park, 2021-03-20)


Traffic control major miller avenue

Sonia Da silva (Kempton park, 2021-03-20)


Because I don't agree with people speeding in a residential area putting families and pedestrian at risk

Jedd van Niekerk (Croydon, 2021-03-21)



Michael Grobler (Croydon, 2021-03-21)


Traffic needs to be more regulated to prevent accidents. We have had multiple cars crash through our walls.

Cherie Alberts (Johannesburg, 2021-03-21)


I am signing because I truly believe that traffic calming is essential in this residential area, where irresponsible road users treat the roads as their own personal racetrack...there are young people in the area.

Mark Enell (Kempton Park, 2021-03-22)


I'm tired of the traffic

Melanie Krige (Johannesburg, 2021-03-22)


I stay in Serena road since 1982. They don't stop at the stop oposite the park. Twice I was nearly ran over with my doggie. Some mornings it takes me 10 to 20min to get out my driveway. Trucks mess up the road, bikes and cars use serena road as a kyalami track. In the past 6 years it got worse. Not to mention the brakeins, people wondering around, look over your fence and the park not safe to walk.

Elsa Toit (Kempton park, 2021-03-22)


I'm signing because for me to get out of Robyn Street is dangerous as 99% of people don't stop at the stop street at the crossing of Serena Road and Robyn street. I had 2 near accidents because of people skipping this stop street. One can't even cross this stop street to get to the park without putting your own life at risk because vehicles chase like maniacs over this stop street without making an effort to stop or even just slow down. We need speed bumps both sides of this stop street as people ignore this stop street and get upset with you when they have to stop when we need to drive out of Robyn street into Serena Road.

Monica Pringle (Croydon, 2021-03-23)


I'm signing this because I live in Croydon

Renee Swart (Croydon, Kempton Park, 2021-03-23)


I live in Croydon and witness the abuse of traffic rules. I have had several vehicles crash into our property.

Rika Classen (Kempton Park, 2021-03-23)


I lived in this suburb for over 35 years there are taxis , trucks , cars and motor cyclists speeding through the suburb . No notice is taken of the weigh restrictions or the stop streets . The suburb is used as a short cut we've had fatalities on Jacoba loot road through speedsters. The stop streets are ignored by the trucks and taxis Its time to bring some peace to the suburb and the residents .

Irene Warner (Johannesburg, 2021-03-24)


Calm down traffic that causes accidents

Keegan Da Mata (Johannesburg, 2021-03-24)


I have had an accident occur in front of my property

Tim van Rooyen (Croydon, 2021-03-24)


Speeding in our area

Kobus Griessel (Kempton Park, 2021-03-28)


Too many vehicles speeding in our area. Heavy duty delivery vehicles are driving on our residential roads which have only a 3.5 tonne weight restrictions.

Tracey Myers (Croydon, 2021-03-29)

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