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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...




Titans Forever

Alyssa F. (Singapore, 2023-05-12)


I'm signing because they need to renew titans because it is a good show

Iden Teyari (Sydney, 2023-05-12)


The Show did NOT deserved to end

Fineas Malea (Freiburg im Breisu, 2023-05-12)


I was told to sign but i dont mind

Nix Wala Lang (Kyoto (ems), 2023-05-12)


Bring TITANS back!! ❤️❤️

Kreeon Kreeon (-, 2023-05-12)


I belive there is more to explore in the Titans univers, we didnt had the chance to see all the characters glow ups and story lines Raven in special, i would love to see her again on the dark side of the powers and story telling. Much love from a huge fan. # Titans4Ever.

Robert George (Bucharest, 2023-05-12)


Titans needs to come back

Amber Morlen (Apopka, 2023-05-12)


Because the show deserves one more season at least!
Titans has always been a huge part of life and will always be but now it feels like a huge part is missing
James gunn has elseworlds why doesn't he add titans in that too?
Bring titans and it's cast and crew back

Abdal rauf Siddiqui (Dubai, 2023-05-12)


I'm sign in because I miss titans so much and i want another episodes or anything cuz i want them back 😔

Nassim Frigui (Monastir, 2023-05-12)


I Want To Bring Titans Back

Ali Majid (Baghdad, 2023-05-12)



Daniela Mijares (Torreón, 2023-05-12)


I'm signing in because i want another season for titans!

Jasherene Boras (Turku, 2023-05-12)


I am Signing because I love this show and there is more to talk about and the actress and actors are to good to throw these characters away

Kaylee Atkinson (Alexandria, 2023-05-12)


I want to bring the titans back 💙😁

Moe Moe (Baghdad, 2023-05-12)


I love Titans and we deserve to have another season.

Florence Samuel (Katy, 2023-05-12)


Dc Titans is my favorite show. I love the characters and the family dynamic they portray.

Sally Fadimba (Atlanta, 2023-05-12)


I want to see titans get a 5th season!

Jocelyn Alonzo (Los Angeles, 2023-05-12)


I'd love for titans to continue for at least one more season

Aiden . (Zwickau, 2023-05-12)


Save Titans

Samantha Hernandez (Utah, 2023-05-12)


I’m signing because I’ve been watching Titans for a few years now and it did not deserve to be canceled! It still has so much potential and one of the best DC shows out there.

Maricel Pingul (Daly City, 2023-05-12)


Love Teagan's Raven. I need more content with her. Also the show overall just keeps getting better and better so I want to see what it has to offer, because I feel like it has only scratched the surface of it's potential.

Adam Makovec (Prague, 2023-05-12)


I want titans to last longer they are truly amazing

Arnav Ony Ghosh (Mumbai, 2023-05-12)


I'm signing because I want The TITANS back , their stories relate to me ...

سناء بولودان (Marrakech, 2023-05-12)



Winterwings edits (Siparia, 2023-05-12)


I'm signing in because I love titans and I would do anything to get the show back!❤
The ending was amazing I cried sm lmao. I really hope a 5th season will be announced, I know it would mean a lot to many fans including me :)


Angelica Nielsen (Aalborg, 2023-05-12)


I loved this show so much and don’t want to see it end yet

Jarah Dieng (Indianapolis, 2023-05-12)


I want a new season of Titans!!!

Bejba Krejza (Warsaw, 2023-05-12)


The teen titans have been apart of my childhood ever since I started watching teen titans go. When Titans came out, it was like my childhood came to life, and I will always love the show for that. I can only see these actors playing these characters in the future, so my hope is that with DC being rebooted they will find a way to come back.

Josiah McVety (Mission, 2023-05-12)


I want to bring the titans back!

marcelo Lima (Jardim Ingá, 2023-05-12)


i really want them to come back

Carla Carvalho (Porto Velho, 2023-05-12)


They did rachel dirty in season 4 😭

Jake Beardsmore (Shropshire, 2023-05-13)


titans forever! ❤

Lissa Siqueira (Teresina, 2023-05-13)


I love ❤️ the titans show and it deserves to be renewed for more seasons

Vanessa Isaacs (Northville, 2023-05-13)


Titans is one of my comfort shows I generally love it and don’t want to see it go

Laura Deo (Nashville, 2023-05-13)


This show wasn’t canceled over less views. It was canceled over streaming services. A lot of people loved this show because their characters came to life and these actors did an amazing job at it. This show needs more screen time.

Kraig Bonnie (Brooklyn, 2023-05-13)


Titans is my favorite show, I’m already losing the flash I don’t want to lose this show right now too

Kori Dunn (Des Moines, 2023-05-13)


I really really love titans, been here since 2018, I'm sad that titans suddenly getting cancelled and the last episode seems rushed because all of the actors and the director wasn't expecting it to be cancelled so they had to rush everything, even if we can't have titans back at least make a spinn off show on their life story like "Titans : New beginning", Dick and Kory life, about how they're relationship growing and maybe they might get married and have a child like they show us, and rachel, about her life on college and how she's taking things and all, Gar guarding The Red, Connor progress with superman, Tim and Bernard life story, really hope they're able to renew this, since s3 and s4 are hbo max, Netflix can just take the show back and renew it right cause Netflix create this right? It's "Netflix Original Story" or something

Rachel Roth (Penang Island, 2023-05-13)



Arindam Sarmah (GOLAGHAT, 2023-05-13)


Titans deserves more seasons

Lara Peláez (Torrelavega, 2023-05-13)


I miss them

Cassidy H (Langwedel, 2023-05-13)


I love titans sm I want more

Crystal Jeffs (St Columb Minor, 2023-05-13)


I need 5 season I love titans

Antonis Papadakis (Greece, 2023-05-13)


I’m signing because I love Titans and I feel like there aren’t enough seasons for it to end yet

Cassidy Harrell (AL, 2023-05-13)


Titans cannot end it's too early Rachel used her powers 3 times (I miss purple raven) and she didn't even say azareth metrion zinthos

Omar Houssein (Beirut, 2023-05-13)


I love Titans show it changed my life

Sofiene Guennoun (L'isle d'abeau, 2023-05-13)


I loved the show and believe that it should continue for fans of Teen Titans and Titans comics! Also Dickkory

Jade Amara (Los Angeles, 2023-05-13)


Life will never be the same without TITANS I think I speak for everyone when I say BRING TITANS BACK

Gareth Gould (Brighouse, 2023-05-13)


We need our young heroes of the DC Universe.

Kayla Bernal (Los Angeles, 2023-05-13)


Titans needs a season 4

Kay Mccoy (Cheyenne, 2023-05-14)


I want titans have a better ending and fulfill story they need to tell

Aza Bear (Nyc, 2023-05-14)


this show deserves a season 5

Aurora Blackwood (Ottawa, 2023-05-14)


i need. the titans back

lee . (riyadh, 2023-05-14)


Because i love this show and the actors in it

Luka Mardaleishvili (Rome, 2023-05-14)


I love the show Titans and I don’t want it to stop

Ilian Hristov (Trudovets, 2023-05-14)



Dc Titxns (London, 2023-05-14)


I love Titans they saved my life

Max Navarro (Krasnoyarsk, 2023-05-14)


To save the show

Goratileone Mguni Ndlebe (Kroonstad, 2023-05-14)


Titans is the best dc show I've ever watched,I am so sad that it was canceled and that the whole season seemed rushed.

Oakley Wishes (Cheb, 2023-05-14)


I'm signing because I love titans and it has been apart of my life for a very time and its a very important part of my life.

Marshel Mulapo (Windhoek, 2023-05-14)


There is so more story lines that Titans has yet to explore and the cast is just elite!

Aria Michaels (Marietta, 2023-05-14)


Love the show ! We Deserved Tempest, Cyborg & Hawk & Dove 2.0

Quan waight (Quincy, 2023-05-14)


This show is awesome and there are so many stories left to tell and characters to introduce.

Chris Albanese (Valley Stream, 2023-05-14)


Because I really liked this series and I want to see more Jason todd (curran walters)

Jason Morin (Paris, 2023-05-14)


I want it to continue

Shaun Evans (Bishop auckland, 2023-05-14)


Love the show and the characters

William Gibson (Garden City, 2023-05-14)


I am a big nightwing fan and I ❤️ the show

Terry Spigel (Hatfield, 2023-05-14)


I want Titans renewed

Ambrogio Calabrese (Milano, 2023-05-14)


It's a great show that should return.

Dylan Havis (Beaver Falls, 2023-05-14)


Titans was the best show and doesn’t deserve end

Kaitlyn adams (Walterboro, 2023-05-14)


I want the show to continue

Gabriel Morales (Coral Gables, 2023-05-14)


I thouroughly enjoy this show and want more

Rose Gonzales (Ipswich, 2023-05-14)


I love this show and would like it to have more seasons.

Richard Ujlaki (Alacska, 2023-05-15)


Titans is a great show that deserves more time, and some furthering of the story.

Todd Shown (Cordova, 2023-05-15)


The Titans show has had an amazing impact in my life and truly has become one of my favorite shows, it pains me that a show with great potential is cancelled and I want to do whatever I can to support the cause of getting more seasons.

Daniela Hammonds (San antonio, 2023-05-15)


Love the series and characters and still want to see more of them. Canceling HBO Max if it’s gone.

Brandon Delgado (San Francisco, 2023-05-15)


There are too many open plotlines that need to be tied up.

Joel Kight (Athens, 2023-05-15)


I'm signing because there are still a lot of characters and stories that needed continuation or closure for us fans of this TV series.

Clint Sia (Davao City, 2023-05-15)


I want Titans back.

Krenz Wauger (Lipa, 2023-05-15)


The show is incredible and I like it

Leticia Vilchez (Lima, 2023-05-15)


This show must go on !

Erik Bélanger (Quebec, 2023-05-15)


I want the show to continue 👏

Anthony Izquierdo (Aguadilla, 2023-05-15)


Love the show!

Jess Santiago (New York, 2023-05-15)


i will miss the titans so much, they are my family and i want them back

Alessandro colalongo (Pescara, 2023-05-15)


I'm signing this petition because I want the Titans series to continue!

John Rothenberg (Boise, 2023-05-15)


Because i love this show

Elmo _ (blank, 2023-05-15)


I love the show and i want to see the characters relationship grow more

Brittany Taylor (Georgia, 2023-05-15)


i love this show

abby k (roanoke, 2023-05-16)


I want atleast a season foive

Daija Mitchell (Ewa beach, 2023-05-16)

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