Time to take back our area. Restore order.



I'm signing because its the right thing to do...

Ridwaan Nero (Cape Town, 2023-12-05)


I'm signing because I fully agree to everything mentioned in this petition and want to see a difference within our community. #Togetherwecan

Ilyaas Abrahams (Cape-town, 2023-12-05)


We as a community had enough of this young wannabe gangsters keeping our community hostage. 2 of these youngsters even badly assaulted a grown man. They have stabbed others in our area.
They are known to hang out in the Park corner of Palladium road & Broadway circle.

Some of these kids parents are defending them.
These parents are Officers as Saps & City Metro Police.

We as a community logged many complaints with regard to this but no positive response from authorities.
Enough Is Enough.

Charl Bester (Cape Town, 2023-12-05)


I am signing because we need to rid ourselves from these unwanted characters that are out to disrupt our lives. Many of the residents are seniors like ourselves and we have invested in securing a peaceful place to spend our golden years.

Cheryl Medell (Westgate, 2023-12-05)


I'm signing because the gangsterism and drugs needs to be iradicated before It becomes unbreakable to live in the area.
We have always regarded as this area safe, and to allow a few individuals to destroy this community is completely not an option

Shafiek Peters (Westgate, 2023-12-05)


I am signing because i want to be part of removing these elements and see a change in the area. I want my children to feel safe when they walk in the area.

Raees Collop (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


I agree to this statement.

Jodie Prince (Cape town, 2023-12-06)


I agree and witness to all the above. I stand with my community members in taking action against this ongoing volatile behaviour and stand for our right to a safe and peaceful neighborhood.

Yushrah Abdol (Cape town, 2023-12-06)


Iim signing this petition due to the public nuisance and violent behavior of certain residents in my area

Soraya Van Der Vent (Westgate Mitchells plain, 2023-12-06)


I'm signing this because it's by time we take back out community like it was

Mogamat Saaligh (Western Cape Mitchell's plain, 2023-12-06)


We want our area back as it was and cannot allow eliments to take over and cause harm to any residents in our area. We cannot allow our area Westgate to become one od the statistics.

Fatgieyah Lee (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


I want peace

Mariam Janodien (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


Live in area concerned and aware of the incidents

Raoul Willemse (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


I bought property in Westgate for a safe environment to raise my children in, it’s my right to feel safe in my neighbourhood

Michelle Afrika (Mitchellsplain, 2023-12-06)


Verbal abuse as well as attack on our property malicious damage to property

Shannon allies (cape town, 2023-12-06)


I want a peaceful and safe neighbourhood

Sean Chalkley (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


I agree with the above, our children are being exposed to these negative elements daily, I have witnessed first hand the disruptive behavior of these individuals.

Wade Samaai (Cape Town, 2023-12-06)


Tracey isaacs

Tracey Isaacs (Cape town, 2023-12-06)


This has to stop ,they need to be thought a lesson.i have grandkids growing up in area.

Ingrid Fortuin (Cape town, 2023-12-06)


The safety of my community is important.and the perpetrators must be brought to book. Our community can't be held hostage by thugs

Josephine Wilson (Cape Town, 2023-12-07)


Damage to properties

Melanie Frantz (Cape Town, 2023-12-07)


I am a resident in Westgate and this type of behaviour was never accepted and should not be accepted now. We fear for our kids where this used to be a pleasant area to raise kids in. Please assist us in getting our area back to how it was before, a pleasant area to live in. Please hear our plea from the bottom of our hearts as residents and parents.

Thank you

Shannon Jooste (Cape Town, 2023-12-07)


I'm signing because I want a safe environment for my children and grandchildren

Riedwaan Cassiem (Cape Town, 2023-12-07)


To stop this crime that is happening in my area

mikayla cook (cape town, 2023-12-07)


Levels of crime is unacceptable

Yumna Beg (Cape town, 2023-12-07)


I'm signing this in agreement of all that is put forth by the community. I'm sick and tired of lawless behaviour. I want something done immediately.

Gillroy Prince (Cape Town, 2023-12-08)


I am fed up and tired of delinquents in our area who are aiming to turn Westgate into another drug and gang infested community.

Karima Adams (Cape Town, 2023-12-08)


Enough is Enough.. I hear the hearts cry of our neighbors in Westgate area.

Cheryl Bruyns (Caoe town, 2023-12-08)


I'm concerned for the safety of my family

Clarissa Janson (Cape town, 2023-12-08)


I'm signing because our community can't take the on going disturbins

Jolin George (Cape town, 2023-12-08)


I care about my community and the youngsters in the area is starting to be like gangsters

Nigel Nitzky (Cape Town, 2023-12-09)


I am a property owner in Westgate and I am one of many who are raising small kids.

Rushana Sonday (Cape town, 2023-12-12)


there some elements in our area that's harassing our kids at shops also when just having a day out for fun.we as the community refuse to be held captive in our homes just because they are formerlating a gang to oppress us.The loud noises and gun shots that go off at night is disturbing especially when our kids is still out to functions coming home.Our parks are being scattered with broken glass as they drinking strong substances no care for the community or little kids that these parks are build for

Malcolm veenendaal (cape town, 2023-12-15)


I'm signing this petition to make our neighbourhood a safe environment

Ismail Gasnola (Cape Town, 2023-12-20)


These individuals are causing havoc in our area.

Nazeem Kippie (Cape Town, 2023-12-29)

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