Subject: Urging WFP Executive Director to Uphold Humanitarian Values
I am appalled by WFP's representation at the Halifax event, given the apparent genocide in Palestine. I have been working for WFP for 10 years, serving in emergencies and supporting people in need around the world. My strong humanitarian motivation has always stemmed from my background, coming from a Palestinian refugee family in exile. However, I am now not only witnessing poor external advocacy by WFP for Palestine but also support for an aggressor who is murdering innocent civilians.Isra Wishah (Rome, 2023-11-25)
A neutral approach is crucial for achieving a peaceful resolution.Ely Cheikh CHEIKHNA (Nouakchott, 2023-11-25)
Given the recent developments, the WFP reputational risk is very high and I fear (first and foremost) the personal safety of my colleagues in Gaza strip, other fields where WFP operate, SCOs, COs and RBs.Ola Eltoukhi (Rome, 2023-11-25)
WFP is not taking a proper side regarding the genocide in Gazza.Megan mccaine, cindy's daughter is siding with the zionists
Micheal K (Beirut, 2023-11-25)
Duality of standardsBasel Hasan (Damascus, 2023-11-25)
Somaya Samir AhmedSomaya Samir (القاهرة, 2023-11-25)
I believe more meds to be done immediately!Yasmina H (Cairo, 2023-11-25)
I believe wfp should be the first to condemn using food as a war weapon and advocating for humanitarian and ethical principlesFarah Khabaz (Rome, 2023-11-25)
Am not satisfied with this EDJohn Lowik (Ny, 2023-11-25)
As a WFP personel and as a human its my duty to fight hunger and support those who are suffering from lack of food. Gazze needs our supportAhmed Nalbantli (Ankara, 2023-11-25)
We have to have peace in this region, and we need the strong side of this conflict to initiate it and not keep killing civilians.Anas Khalil (Beirut, 2023-11-26)
HifzHifzalla Abdulla (SANAA, 2023-11-26)
To Stop the War, Safe life's change Live'ssameer rahmathalla (MOCHA, 2023-11-26)
I'm signing this Petition because I want to stop the war.Saif Saleh ALRADAMI (Al-Hodeidah, 2023-11-26)
Stop the Israel Genocide in PalestineGAMAL NASSER (Sana'a, 2023-11-26)
Stop the fire in Gaza and contribute to preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war.Hanan Farhan (Sanaa, 2023-11-26)
Stop the fire in Gaza and contribute to preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war.Saber Shamsan (Sana'a, 2023-11-26)
Hunger should never be a weaponYounis SAIF (Sana'a, 2023-11-26)
Stop the fire in GazaLaila Hayel (SANAA, 2023-11-26)
because of dire situation in Gaza and to save the lives of children and women.Abdulalem Alsanabani (Sadah, 2023-11-26)
The dire situation in Gaza and to save the lives of women and children.Naif Al-Eryani (Sana'a, 2023-11-26)
RehamSaeedReham Saeed (Hajjah, 2023-11-26)
The dire situation and to save the lives of women and childrenMajed Alnamer (SAADAH, 2023-11-26)
Cease fire on Gaza, stop the killing of civilians.Wafa Madhkor (Hajja, 2023-11-26)
Urgent Call to Strengthen WFP Advocacy for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza and to Leverage WFP’s Influence to Prevent the Use of Hunger as a Weapon of War"Bana ZARZAR (Deir Ezzor, 2023-11-26)
Stop Killing children and womenEtfak AlDubai (Aden, 2023-11-26)
In an attempt to avoid redundancy, and as I believe the script of this petition powerfully reflects on all the reasons why I am signing this petition, I would like to focus here on what I think are 2 additional points:- I am extremely concerned that how WFP is perceived today - after the ED has deliberately compromised our basic principles of neutrality and impartiality, would eventually expose our colleagues in Palestine as well as in other countries across the Middle East to further risk.
- Unlike the position WFP has undertaken since the war in Ukraine started, at an early stage of this humanitarian crisis we - WFP staff, were instructed not to use social media and not to express our opinions. I am still wondering how we have reached this level of double standards whereby basic humanitarian principles are selectively applied on staff vs. ED, and on populations of Ukraine vs. Palestine.
For the reasons expressed in the text of the petition and above, I believe the situation has become irreversible and the only solution I can think of is for the ED to step down so that WFP can focus on the damage control and retrieving its credibility and reputation, and staff worldwide can rebuild trust in the organization and regain faith in the work we do and our raison d'être. #notmyboss
Zeinab Sabet (Cairo, 2023-11-26)