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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...




it is very important that this gruel mistakes has to be stopped immediatly!

(Gemert, 2017-03-02)


I belief in justice, this has to be stopped cause everyone is equal.

(Gemert, 2017-03-02)


Persons with albinism are human just like other.

(mr, 2017-03-02)


Cynthia cruz

(Dorchester, 2017-03-03)


I have a NGO with the same ideas, I want to help PWA in Tanzania.

(Soest, 2017-03-03)


I support equal rights to life & protection for persons with albinism

(Nairobi, 2017-03-03)


I believe that every human being despite of skin, they have right to life and freedom. I support the fight against killing of people with albinism

(Nairobi, 2017-03-03)


Stop the stigma PWA are normal human beings. Stop the killing they have the right to live!

(Dar es salaam, 2017-03-03)


I have albinism

(Lilongwe, 2017-03-03)



(Blantyre, 2017-03-03)


We need our right

(Tarime, 2017-03-03)


I am Signing because people with Albinism have right to life as all other people on Earth

(Mwanza, 2017-03-03)


I am a Pwa and I support josephat's actions

(London, 2017-03-03)


All children, everywhere, should be safe.

(keizer, 2017-03-03)


I am serving NOAH Albinism Germany since many years as medical advisor and I simply CAN NOT believe these horrid acts are happening!

(Homburg, 2017-03-03)


Stop killings of persons with albinism. We deserve the right to life.

(Jinja, 2017-03-03)


I believe every life is important.

(Alameda, 2017-03-03)


Everyone...EVERYONE has a right to life. Ignorance needs to be wiped out.... leave these beautiful souls alone. The slaughtering must end. I sign for my friend and family member NDW!

(Burlingame, 2017-03-03)


I'm for life being blessed

(Nottomgham, 2017-03-03)


I'm signing because albinos are God's children too, they deserve safety and protection.

(Depoe Bay, 2017-03-03)


I have been to Buhangija in Shinyanga and the plight of these kids and parents has broken my heart. I tried to help, to protect ,to feed ,to support them. To make theit plight known. Please please stop the slaughter maiming of albinos.

(Pretoria, 2017-03-03)


It's just wrong.

(Port Shepstone, 2017-03-03)


The brutal acts towards albinos (which is most prevalent in East Africa, particularly in Tanzania) is awful, inhumane, and needs to be stopped.

(Richland, 2017-03-03)


My mother live with albinism and she ´s very beautiful and good!

(Saint Jean Sur Richelieu, 2017-03-03)


I havé the same condition and I don't understand way a country does not protect its citizen. This is outrageous. Please do something. These people have the same right to live like everyone else

(Notre Dame du Laus, 2017-03-03)


I have cared for the albino children in Buhangija. It is a travesty that these children have to be "imprisoned" in a compound because they are not safe in the outside world, due to being hunted.

(Brielle, 2017-03-03)


So disgusted that this is happening in the world when we are all equal as each other.

(Ballymena, 2017-03-04)


I want to be a part of change!

(Avalon, 2017-03-04)


Their rights are as important as anyone else's. And the albinos I know are great people that I am happy to call my family. This practice is ridiculous and so wrong. It needs to end.

(Harrow, 2017-03-04)


this is abominable. I wish to help.

(cheshire, 2017-03-04)


I have albinism and i want the slaughtering of Persons with Albinism to end.

(Harare, 2017-03-04)


People with Albinism have every right to a life free of the fear of being hunted.

(Fairfax, 2017-03-04)


I am signing on behalf of the people with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome who feel deeply about this issue.

(Oyster Bay, 2017-03-04)


My sister has albinism

(Edmond, 2017-03-04)


I like this Petition

(Dar es salaam, 2017-03-04)


It is horrific and the world needs to stop it

(Leicester, 2017-03-04)


The slaugther of albinos MUST stop!

(Varberg, 2017-03-04)


I have seen the plight of these people in Tanzania and they need protection

(Northampton, 2017-03-04)


This madness has to stop !!!!

(London, 2017-03-05)


Body part trafficking and killing these children must be stopped!

(Gilbertsville, 2017-03-05)


All lives are sacred.

(Huntsville, 2017-03-05)


PWA are entitled to equal rights as those without albinism. I want to see this happening

(Kagera, 2017-03-05)


it is high time that gross violation of human rights stops!

(Alphen aan den Rijn, 2017-03-05)


No one should be hunted down because of the colour of their skin. Please do all you can to bring an end to the suffering of people with Albinism in Africa and ensure that they can live their lives freely without fear of persecution, to be allowed to realise their full potential. This is their human right.

(Manchester, 2017-03-05)


I want to save the lives of people who are being attacked and killled through no fault of their own. They are a human being like myself and shouldn't live in fear or compounds because of someone else's superstions. They have done nothing wrong. PWA should be able to live free not fear.

(Orkney, 2017-03-05)


Because I want all PWA in the African countries to be free . It is disgraceful that we are allowing innocent people to be treated like this . It must stop NOW !!!!

(London, 2017-03-05)


People with Albinisim are our own brothers and sisters. Stop killing them.

(Mwanza, 2017-03-05)


All life is sacred.

(Lee-On-The-Solent, 2017-03-05)


This slaughter has to stop. It is barbarism at it very worst, committed against vulnerable people for reasons based on ignorance and myth.

(Laxey, 2017-03-05)


I have albinism. these are my brothers and sisters.

(Llakewood, 2017-03-05)


I stand with people with albinism.

(Copenhagen, 2017-03-05)


this is a severe human rights abuse coming close to cannibalism - we have to stand up against these practices and underlying stigma and beliefs

(Mmabatho, 2017-03-05)


I'm signing this because I stand with Josephat and people with albinism. They are people too when deserve to live in a world without fear and to live peaceful as anyone else. The superstitions must stop! The senseless killings must stop! We must educate!

(Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, 2017-03-05)


Want a good life for all without discrimination.

(Beckton, 2017-03-05)


Awful practice it must stop

(Stroud, 2017-03-05)


I am Chair of Trustees for Albinism Fellowship in the.UK.

(London, 2017-03-06)


C'est important de mettre fin à ces barbaries.

(Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, 2017-03-06)


I know someone amazing who has albinism

(West Hills, 2017-03-06)


we need to stop this

(Hilversum, 2017-03-06)


We are all human beings if i take the divine theory we are all created in the image of God.

(Kampala, 2017-03-06)


I'am signing because people living with Albinism are born from people without Albinism, which means they are our off springs, and it makes them part of the brotherhood. Humanity is incomplete without them.

(Chingola, 2017-03-06)


The government of Tanzania must step in and STOP this slaughter of their people....

(Dumbarton, 2017-03-06)


I am an activist of Albinism from Tanzania

(BOCHUM, 2017-03-06)


I feel so touched by the way Albinos are treated and taken to be in our societies. It's high time we changed the mind set of those who don't understand that Albinos are people too. Am so happy for all those Organisations that have come up to for the rights of Albinos especially here in Africa. And trusting in God and with joint efforts, we shall do away with this evil of seeing them as source of all riches.

(Nairobi, 2017-03-06)


To put an end to this barbaric killings of Albinos in Tanzania

(London, 2017-03-06)


People with albinism are people like anybody else.

(Vught, 2017-03-06)


I advocate for the rights of albinos,,,

(Nairobi, 2017-03-07)


I'm disgusted with the way our pwa brothers and sisters are treated and the lack of justice and empathy. WE ARE ALL ONE!

(London, 2017-03-07)


i'm very concerned about what
happened to albinos people especially in Tanzania.

(London, 2017-03-07)


My brothers and sisters do not deserve the treatment they get. We are human too.

(Raleigh, 2017-03-07)


... it Must stop!

(Schweinfurt, 2017-03-08)


Things must Change!

(Pforzheim, 2017-03-08)