Sex offender reform California



I am signing because I agree with Erin Aldridge COMPLETELY and believe that sex offenders & child abusers have NO RIGHTS.

Racey Alexander (Winterport, 2020-07-31)


I believe this needs to happen

Erin Aldridge (Boulevard, 2020-07-31)


As a mother and a victim of sexual assault as a minor , the punishment has to fit the crime. As of now the justice system falls grossly short. There needs to be more ridged laws and less “rehabilitation” for the men and women who prey on children.

Sarah Scott (San Diego, 2020-07-31)


Someone needs to protect our children!

Brandi Neff (Santee, 2020-07-31)


I'm signing because I believe this is the only solution.

Samantha Moo (El Cajon, 2020-07-31)


I agree 100%

Joshua House (Lakeside, 2020-07-31)


I'm a victim of sexual assault

Jennifer Slomski (Appleton, 2020-07-31)


I believe sex offenders should get life in prison without parole and be convicted after their first offense. No more women and children living in fear.

Tatiana Taylor (Lakeside, Ca, 2020-07-31)


I am a survivor of childhood rape! I was seven. It was 1986. I still have flashbacks and trauma to this day. Those memories don't ever leave. This shouldn't even be a thing! Anyone who thinks about sexually or physically harming a child, needs to be locked up and tortured every single day for the rest of their life. No bail no parole! Sick & perverted. The planet would be off better without them.

Misty Moon (Wichita, 2020-07-31)


Our women and children deserve to be protected from these sick individuals!!!

Rachel Bartelt (Largo, 2020-08-01)


Keep them in prison where they will be raped and beaten by other inmates forever or turn them over to the public and let them be hunted like wild game without impunity. Damn those who harm all children. Burn them alive.

Christopher Christian (Tobaccoville, 2020-08-01)


I’m signing this because we need to protect our children and not let them down by letting their attackers out.

Jessica Tipps (El Cajon, 2020-08-01)


Because the act of forced rape and or child molestation, is no less harmful to an individual or family. As domestic terrorism...

Freddie Aldridge (San diego, 2020-08-01)


I signed this because my money is used against me in enough terrible ways. Time for them to truely suffer for their horrible actions as their victims must suffer.

Mike Ostrom (Lakeside, 2020-08-01)


I feel like it’s pretty self explanatory.

Jessica Smith (Longview, 2020-08-01)


Because no one that makes someone else live in fear forever deserves to be paroled.

Reya Cassidy (Daphne, 2020-08-01)


As a survivor of rape, no one ever deserves to go through the things we survivors have. And if this helps keep the people causing it off the streets, gladly have my signature.

Terra Kinman (Las Vegas, 2020-08-01)


People who rape women or molest children are the SCUM of the earth and don’t deserve an inch of leniency. They should rot like the trash they are.

Josh French (Santee, 2020-08-01)


There’s no room or reason to have pedofiles in our world .

Teresa Burkhalter (San Diego, 2020-08-01)


Because this needs to stop and it needs to stop now!

Xochitl De Loera (Chula Vista, 2020-08-01)


These children deserve to be saved and provided with the love and care they deserve.... Pedos can #%*^ off and die 😊

Camara Wimbish (Atlantic City, 2020-08-02)


Families, women and children deserve to feel safe and be safe. Children need to be protected against any person who tries to harm them or is a potential threat to their safety.

Cheyenne Luna (Long Beach, 2020-08-02)


I'm signing because...I am victim of more than one of the POS. My daughter will never be.

Carly Dyson (RANCHO SAN DIEGO, 2020-08-02)


I was abused and he was given probation. But I suffer everyday because of it.

Shauna Stevens (San Diego, 2020-08-03)


I'm signing because there is no cure for rapists and pedophiles. We will not allow them to infest our society.

Dana Jones (Lakeside, 2020-08-04)


This is disgusting what’s happening in this world. Thankful for the ones truly doing something about it and standing up for a important cause.

Tonya Obannon (Long Beach, 2020-08-04)


I'm signing this for the dozens of women I know that have been sexually assaulted & affected by it on a daily basis.

Jessie Luetticke (Lakeside, 2020-08-04)


The rape of a child is a violent act of contempt, not an expression of sexuality or affection. Death to all pedophiles.

Alexandra Brock (Wilsonville, 2020-08-04)


Pedophiles can't be rehabilitated. Releasing them from prison only guarantees re-offending and hurting more innocent people, specifically children. As adults, its our job to protect those who cannot protect themselves, specifically children. To allow predators the chance to live among children is not doing our job, as adults. Stop Endangering our children.

Danielle landers (campo, 2020-08-05)


The safety of our nation’s children is of THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE.

Priscilla Luna (Long beach, 2020-08-05)


Im signing for every girl who is told "well you look 18 I wont tell if you don't" and everyboy to ashamed to tell. For all the victims who turn to unhealthy ways of coping because these scars are deep and the people commiting the crime get a slap on the wrist and are free to abuse others.

Misty Fletcher (Ramona, 2020-08-05)


Pedophilia and rape are not defendable acts, whatsoever.

Josh Bugiel (Lakeside, 2020-08-06)


fuck pedophiles!

Kathleen Briceno (Walnut, 2020-08-06)


Rapists and pedophiles deserve no mercy. They are sickos who can not be cured with a help of a doctor or institutions. Rapists and pedophiles are a dangerous to EVERYONE in society.

London Lara (West covina, 2020-08-06)


Fuck those perverts

Lizz Olascoaga (El Cajon, 2020-08-06)



Angela Cobian (Pomona, 2020-08-06)


I'm signing because pedophiles should have been put to death to begin with, not given privacy rights. Predators need to be tagged.

Christopher Fogerty (Spring Valley, 2020-08-06)


Rape and sexual crimes (especially against children) are never accidental and should never admit room to negotiate the culpability of the offender. It is like murder that leaves a living body behind (often) because it is perpetrated with all the violence and callousness of those who do in fact, murder.

Myles Lane (La mesa, 2020-08-06)


Fuck all sex offenders, off with their heads!!

Maria Pasasin (LA, 2020-08-07)


Child molesters are a cancer

Asa Crow (San Diego, 2020-08-07)


I’m a mother and I want my children to be safe.

Shalynn Brothers (Ramona, 2020-08-07)


It's the right thing to do!

Samantha Harding (Swindon, 2020-08-08)


Sex offenders should be allowed to offend again!

Desaray Tice (Bailey, 2020-08-10)


I’m sick of these sickening people and their heinous acts against our children they’re horrible and the worst kind of people. That can’t be habilitated

Lindsey Twitty (ElCsjon, 2020-08-10)


Our children need our help

Lisa Cappasola (LAKESIDE, 2020-08-10)


The “back country” of San Diego county has been a dumping ground for sexually violent predators for years. It’s time we all stop financially supporting them.

Verlet Montano (Campo, 2020-08-12)


I’m signing because I agree that sex offenders need to be taken off the streets for good. I believe in the death penalty for this offense, but life in prison is better than what is happening now. I have been sexually abused myself, by several different people over the years. I am actually one of the lucky ones. Sex offenders cause a lifetime of damage. They should not be allowed to reoffend.

Cytheria Walker-Jones (Senoia, 2020-08-21)


Hopefully I can sign, even if I don't live in California. But, no matter where I live, defending sex offenders is never okay, anywhere. They knowingly made a choice to take the innocence away from another human being, they can knowingly***** off and live in a shithole.

Tomi Goss (Sealy, 2020-08-26)


Because the scars survivors are forced to last a lifetime; shouldn't the assailant have to suffer for life too? For every girl who was told "well she looks legal" and then made to feel like it was her fault. For every boy convinced this was the only way to be accepted.

Misty Fletcher (Ramona, 2020-08-27)


Justice or justice

yes sir (new york, 2021-02-03)


I’m signing because even though I don’t have children they are one of the most pure and innocent forms of life. They don’t deserve to be fearful and mothers don’t deserve to have to fear each time their child is outside. If you decide to touch a child you deserve to rot in prison. You shouldn’t ever see light again.

Alison Burdett (Redding, 2021-03-11)


Life sentence save our tax dollars!

Beth George (Manchester, 2021-06-02)


It*****n matters.

Erika Pascual (California, 2021-06-02)


I care about the future.

Loretta Buerkle (Tupper Lake, 2021-06-02)


I’m signing because it’s the right thing to do.

Shannen Munro (Lowell, 2021-06-03)


I stand with my community to stop this insanity!!!

Jamie Clark (Warren, 2021-06-09)


I’m signing because the laws and consequences on child sex abuse, sec trafficking, and rape are far too lenient and this needs to change.

Gwendolyn Garcia (Lompoc, 2021-06-10)

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