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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...

Save Bathgate Green Belt



Save green belt area's.

Patricia Atkin (Tillicoultry, 2022-10-14)


We must protect our precious green space and we must respect local democracy

John Ogden (Bo'ness, 2022-10-14)


I believe in this cause

David Aiton (Kinross, 2022-10-14)


Too much land is being appropriated for housing. A number of flats in Bathgate are being demolished for rebuilding into flats and there is something similar happening near Livingston. Leave this precious ground alone.

Susan Vickerman (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Fed up of all the houses being built and the green belt being eaten up with it no wonder there is a decline in certain animal species greedy property developers

Debbie gunn (West Calder, 2022-10-15)


I grew up in falside. Played in that area for years. Took dog walks there.. believe there's no need to destroy that natural area for houses when there's plenty other places to do it

Katrina Fraser (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I originally objected to the plan nothing has changed.

Brian Lavery (Armadale, 2022-10-15)


we must protect natural green belts and not allow petty officials to destroy them at their whim. follow the money

david colman (bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I'm digning as I oppose to the desecration of green belt land and wanton destruction of ancient trees and wildlife. In addition there are insufficient community services to support this development. Traffic, Doctors, Schools and pharmacies are already bursting at the seems.

Alex Fleming (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I object to the destruction of this special area where nature flourishes.

There are protected species present who will be further endangered of their habitat is removed.

Rosslyn Barr (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Local democracy rules surely over some anonymous person with no local knowledge

Tom CLARK (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


As a resident in Bathgate I feel not only is there no infrastructure for more houses in Bathgate the said development is in the green belt which hosts varied wild life

Elaine Flannigan (Bathgate West Lothian, 2022-10-15)


The use of the Scottish Reporter to overrule local councils and take away greenbelt is scandalous.

Chris Horne (Linlithgow, 2022-10-15)


I am signing because this decision is ultimately a wrong and dangerous one. Firstly because of the environmental destruction and secondly because of increase in traffic on a road that is already swamped with cars coming from the many new built estates in Armadale. Bathgate does not need more detached houses with a possible minimum of 2 vehicles + work vans entering on to an already busy road!

May Dunsmore (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I value the green space around our town and the flora and fauna in it. I also object to the rejection of the public appeals.

Lisa Lumsden (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


This is a protected site.

Paul Henderson (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Permission for this had been denied and should not have been overruled, this is essentially green space and belongs that way not for housing

Bernard Gallacher (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


To build on and destroy acres of land in a green belt, to destroy protected species and ancient trees is absolutely disgraceful and downright disgusting. The green belt is there for a good reason, to protect our land... Bathgate is struggling with the population influx already and is steadily getting worse, with no regard to the lack of resources to accomodate the people that live here. What is being done here is absolutely to line someones pockets, pure greed and totally no thought to anything or anyone else. This is 2022, we should be looking after our planet, not destroying it for pure profit!!!

Laura Weir (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


We need to preserve more green space in Bathgate, far too much housing development as it is without the expansion though of local services to cope with the influx of people to Bathgate. We need more things like schools and doctors surgeries not more housing

Benjamin Gallacher (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I’m signing this because I want Bathgate,s nature and environment to be protected for the good wellbeing of our community and for all who come after.

Bernard Mcilwaine (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I care about the green belt

Janet lee (Boghall. Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


It is an utter disgrace and an environmental disaster that this is being allowed to happen. What about the legal obligation to protect our vulnerable wild life and green spaces. I am beyong angry at this.

Margaret Ann Boyle (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


We must protect democracy and respect the wishes of the local community

Ian McGregor (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


It’s green belt.

Elaine MacLennan (Livingston, 2022-10-15)


Reporter needs to stop overriding local democrat y.

Malcolm McGeachy (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I am concerned about the abuse of green belt in West Lothian

Sally Hopkinson (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Being from Bathgate I strongly disagree with the consent that has been granted for new house development in the Falside area of Bathgate. The town has no capacity for more housing and the green fields should be kept that way .

David Heatlie (Glasgow, 2022-10-15)


Apart from losing one of the few remaining green areas in the town, the road system nearby is not made for that many more vehicles. Also the local school would be oversubscribed.
So many people against this, especially the local government planners, yet one person gets to override their decisions. Not right!

Susan Scott (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Enough with taking away our protected green land so someone makes a fortune in backhanders.
Enough of not listening to people who live here.
Enough of one faceless person riding roughshod over a democratic vote!!


Brian Watson (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I agree with Harry and this bit of green belt in Bathgate needs to be preserved

Andrew Craise (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I agree with Harry Cartmill that this important green belt area in Bathgate should be preserved

Helen Craise (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


We must save our Green Belt

Terry Barrett (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


The community do not want the land developed. There will be an environmental impact as well as an impact on community services which are already stretched.

gordon mcmillan (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


The overturn of this unanimous decision is an absolute disgrace.

Claire Rafferty (Armadale, Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


There are rare species of wildlife in this area. I am trying my best to help our environment, I have seen kids from the local primary school over to get interested in wildlife. Is today’s society all about greedy fat cats making a fast buck for themselves and no consideration for the kids of today.

William Weir (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


As a former resident of the area under discussion, I know first hand the detrimental effect that this will have on the environment , infrastructure and amenities for the residents of Falside and Windyknowe.
The decision to grant planning permission has no sound logic behind it and is not wanted by the majority. It should be overturned.

Steven Rosie (Falkirk, 2022-10-15)


We need to save our green belt for our children and nature
Use brown belt first
West Lothian council rejected this

Alice Mc Nulty (Harthill, 2022-10-15)


The protection of the environment and surrounding green belt area should be paramount

Charles Mackenzie (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


There are a limited number of green spaces our town can enjoy and the Scottish Government's decision to obliterate a habitat with such diverse wildlife, flora and fauna is a disgrace. Shame on you!

Rob Thornton (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Our schools, nurseries and doctors cannot sustain more households. This piece of land has always and should always be where Boghall ends.

Manda Drummond (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


The local area can't cope with another 200 houses in this location. The SG needs to reconsider its decision as it will only bring problems to Bathgate.

Graham McLauchlan (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


There are too many homes being built without thought for the infrastructure (GPs already at bursting point, schools full etc) or the environment

Linsay Logan (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I’m signing because nature has to balance - are there any plans for Carbon Capture? No didn’t think so.

Dylan Hampshire (Strathaven, 2022-10-15)


As a local resident I enjoy and appreciate the local flora and fauna on my doorstep. There are plenty of brownfield sites that could do with welcome redevelopment instead of spoiling what little accessible greenery we have left

David Curliss (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I strongly object to the destruction of our community and the hazardous effects of this potential housing estate.

Sam Rennie (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


Moved away from the City, to be in Bathgate for peace and to live the quiet life. Bathgate doesn't really need 100 odd brand new properties.

Kevin McGaff (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I oppose the building of house on green belt in our area.

Nicola Graham (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I care about protecting wildlife and environment of the local area, and Scotland as a whole. We should not be destroying these areas to line the pockets of property developers, nor overriding the wishes of the local people on the matter.

Carrie Boardman (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


The land around Bathgate is beautiful......we need to keep this.

Alice McKay (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


This estate not only will destroy an environmental area but it will also put a strain on services that are already inadequate

Amanda Campbell (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I care about the small amount of green space we have left and the wildlife.

Pamela Donaldson (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I don’t agree with the future housing development plans

Elizabeth Marr (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


It’s where I spent my childhood

Alison Ann Fenwick (Hamilton, 2022-10-15)


Im originally from Bathgate and this levelling of protected green belt is disgraceful

Moira Jackson (Livingston, 2022-10-15)


The unnecessary destruction of
green belt land without the support the local community. Financial gain is the main priority ,with no consideration for the local environment.

Ian Rutherford (Falkirk, 2022-10-15)


I'm against losing our green belt

William Hynds (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I'm unhappy that so many people have opposed this housing proposal but they are being ignored.

Lorna McOwat (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I think these decisions destroy democracy.

Tony Boyle (Livingston, 2022-10-15)


We have to protect animals habitat

Jill Robertson (Haddington, 2022-10-15)


People need green spaces and the Central Belt of Scotland is being overdeveloped massively and unsustainably.

M D (Cupar, 2022-10-15)


This will ruin the environment in this area as well as cause schools and GPs to be oversubscribed

Nicholas Salerno (Bathgate, 2022-10-15)


I was brought up in Bathgate and hate seeing the erosion of the local communities’ democracy!

Reid John (Westbury, 2022-10-15)


It's important to protect wildlife and save green belt areas from destruction. Also the heath centres in Bathgate are already struggling to cope with numbers of patients in our area.

Jacquelyn Christie (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


Absolutely disgusting, leave our land alone

Irene Martin (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


This area has a natural open area with greenery and wildlife, also to build here would e a traffic safety hazard given the location.

Lynne Waddell (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


I think our local health care & education departments cannot cope with an influx of new residents. The roads certainly don’t need any more traffic & the drainage system simply will not be able to cope. It is very important to keep our green belt without building more houses.

Anne Bannan (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


1. It's a complete disgrace that decisions are made in full knowledge that it will wipe out already endangered species.
2. Why is an unelected person able to make these crucial decisions when it's clearly against the will of the local people in the community.
3. The infrastructure is not there to support this sudden rise in the population, the extra schools, roads, medical support is just not in place and it will cause major problems in the bathgate area.

Andy McKay (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


It’s critical that this doesn’t become the norm! We have to keep the green belt to protect the true nature of the town. The town itself doesn’t have the infrastructure to support all the extra people that building more houses will bring. Schools are full, roads are way too busy , can’t get kids into clubs cos they are already full!

Dee Bell (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


Why does this one single nonentity have the power to overturn the democratic vote with no possible recourse!! It's scandalous
He's probably got a bulging back pocket though!!

Stewart Reid (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


The environment should be protected. Enough of these new housing developments

Andrew Todman (Macmerry, 2022-10-16)


I live in Falside and was part of the numerous campaigns to block this development. Twice rejected by council and not wanted by residents. Now the say so of one planning person our beautiful area will become a sprawl of houses with insufficient infistruture to cope.

Sarah McLachlan (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


This is an area of natural beauty and too many of are green belts are being destroyed by greedy housing developers

Rose Drummond (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


The concept of the green belt was first introduced back in 1935 as a special land designation wrapping around the urban areas in the UK in order to protect the sense of openness in the natural context. Without this strict guidance, it was predicted that high levels of urban sprawl would dominate the natural context; with new developments consuming all available land as the population rapidly grows. The green belt acts as a protective barrier to this - reducing people's ability to build on the surrounding rural areas, thereby ensuring the continued protection of biodiversity and forest lands. That is why this housing development must be stopped and this area of natural importance be preserved for future generations of the Bathgate community. If not then Bathgate's urban sprawl will co-join with Armadale and an important natural widlife corridor will be lost.

Andrew Baird (BATHGATE, 2022-10-16)


Green Space is important as there soon be no place for our wildlife to live.

Billy Bishop Bishop (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


There needs to be green spaces. The infrastructure of schools and medical services need to be able to support the communities around them.

Diane Samuel (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)


I don’t agree that one person (reporter) can overturn a decision from an elected assembly.

Robert Flannigan (Bathgate, 2022-10-16)

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