Proceed with Ōtepoti Dunedins George St Upgrade as planned



Contemplating changing work already done just because a small vocal minority don't like it is ridiculous.

Phil Archer (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


Wont be an accurate review of roading layout change until after it and some surrounding work already underway is completed. Agree to defer review 1 year.

Andrew Nally (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


As a zillennial parent of a toddler, and as a member of the disabled community, I’m desperately excited for the redevelopment of George Street. I’m excited for a space that I won’t have to keep a vice like grip on my child’s wrist to keep her from running into traffic, and for less traffic to get past when I’m crossing the road. I’m excited for there to be more seating available, a playground, a little more peace and quiet in the hustle and bustle! I’m looking forward to socialising with my friends outdoors between meetings and shops. I’m looking forward to a thriving street performance culture where you can hear the instruments over the cars. And I’m looking forward to finally living in a 21st century city, not bound by the ideals of another boring rich white man, but instead the youthful voices of the future leaders of Ōtepoti Dunedin.

Scout Barbour-Evans (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


While the plan is not what I was after (full pedestrianisation) this is a great compromise made after much consultation. Please work on moving forward as planned and not being stuck in the past based on a few businesses.

Megan Thomas (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


I want the city centre to be a more enjoyable experience.

Anna Grigg (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


This is the best thing that has happened to Dunedin in many years . Making beautiful , safe pedestrianised zones , whilst repairing pipelines . It’s the way forward for Dunedin . There is absolutely no point in reviewing or stopping something that is so beneficial and was voted on in council previously .

Rosemary Manjunath (Dunedin, 2022-10-27)


The work so far looks FANTASTIC- let's finish the job and do a job worthy of our cool wee city

Jacqueline Fraser (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


George Street was desperately tired and very unfriendly to pedestrians, I used to avoid it when I had small children as it felt so unsafe.
The new layout, whilst not completely car free as I wanted, is far nicer, feels safer and encourages me to spent more time shopping and enjoying the vibrancy of our main shopping area.

Jo Neilson (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


The progress so far is looking stunning. The plan is good. Let's not stop progress.

Mike Moroney (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


Why change a good project, never be scared of change who knows you might like it.

Annie Naylor (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


Anything else would be a waste of money and a waste of an extremely amazing asset to Dunedin. This long awaited revamp is underway.

Barbara Anderson (Port Chalmers, 2022-10-28)


It will be wonderful when finished and just what the city needs, it is an unbelievable waste of money to review this now. Just get on and finish it!

Robin Turner (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


I want to see a vibrant stainable city centre where people have priority over cars

Steve O'Connor (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


The current plan for George Street makes it pedestrian friendly. A social place, aesthetically pleasing. Safe for children and elderly. Accessible. A much needed facelift.

Louisa Dodds (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


This project needs to continue with out the council interfering.

Ruth Kelsall (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


We've gone through years of consultation and the construction has started - and it is a big improvement and looks great. Stopping it now would be a step backwards and a huge waste of time and money.

James Dignan (dunedin, 2022-10-28)


I want George St upgrade to be completed.

Abby Sabrini (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


I'm looking forward to seeing the new George St. What's done so far looks very inviting. Fewer cars, places to sit, gardens, a bonus for all Dunedin's citizens and visitors.

Genevieve Vincent (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


This really needs to be completed as planned and NOT hijacked by a few ill-informed businessmen who now have the ear of the Mayor

Gerard Hyland (Dunedin, 2022-10-28)


because Dunedin needs to move forward and i like change to many dunedin people are backward and dont like change

Tina Scully (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


I fought for this. It's also important to retain accessibility for disabled people too. This redevelopment offers much in the way of accessibility.

Chris Ford (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


Pedestrianisation is better than traffic.

Toby Swallow (Balclutha, 2022-10-29)


I am looking forward to Dunedin moving forward, not backwards.

Carolyne Smith (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


Dear Council. I am VERY happy that there is some more pedestrian centered development being built in Dunedin at the moment. I am originally from Europe and there the streets with pedestrians are a paradise for everyone and more people go shopping there if the streets are made attractive to walk and spend time. I am very much happening for spaces in the city, where people can meet and eat and shop and just like to be. I am very much in support of the current upgrade of George Street. Please continue!!!

Christine Keller (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


I’m signing because it is important for our city to create progress. This was supported by disability advocates and age concern and we should continue

Megan Gibbons (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


I'm signing because I support the George Street upgrade, it will be lovely for pedestrians and create a good city vibe.

Nyree McInally (Dunedin, 2022-10-29)


This will create a quieter, more welcoming CBD.

Warren Hurley (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


George Street and surrounding areas have been upgraded and designed to ensure safer, healthier and better access for all of the community. There's no point in wasting time and money on changing the project now.

Karen Milton (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I think the plan that has been started is a good plan and I don’t want to see a huge waste of money in making changes to what has already been agreed upon

Priscilla Inglis (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


a pedestrian friendly inner city is something that contributes to our wellness and sense of community.

willie campbell (dunedin, 2022-10-30)


It’s overwhelming a positive change and asset to the central city. It would be a massive shame that the mistaken opinions of a very small number of central city business owners be prioritised despite clear evidence that these sorts of changes are beneficial for business and wider community alike, and it will be a massive waste of ratepayers money to go back on/conduct a review that has already been acknowledged will not canvass or listen to the views of the wider community. It’s also a waste of the hard work of all the folks involved in making these changes happen.

Melanie Orchard (Port Chalmers, 2022-10-30)


What a wonderful gorgeous place it will be .. it doesn’t always have to be about parking ..Take time to linger and enjoy , we need to be progressive as a city . We are so proud of what a beautiful friendly place it is to live .. let’s join the rest of the world and put people first !

Kerry Buchan (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


Because it will be great

Virginia Lawson (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


Please continue with the upgrade. Bring us into the 21st century.

Gail Vince (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


The planned upgrade of George St is great.

Suzanne Middleton (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


Let’s just get it done!

Francesca Bolgar (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


It's time to make the dunedin downtown district more pedestrian friendly!

Angie Hughes (Opoho, 2022-10-30)


I want the upgrade to go ahead and not waste money reviewing it

Mary McLean (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I am appalled that this current council is considering derailing this project when it's almost completed. Prior to this work, this was a tired, dreary uninspiring part of town. The work uplifted and modernised this area and it looks great. PLEASE don't undo all this wonderful work. I feel this campaign has been mostly driven by one very immature business owner who is now on council and is driving his own agenda and not acting in the interests of tax payers.

Sam Connors (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I've been supporting the idea of making these changes for more than a decade, and I am very pleased at the results so far. I am very happy to see my rates money going to the beautification of the downtown area and the improvement of the underground infrastructure. Keep moving forward!!

Tim McMullen (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I think the George St project should be continued because it is going to look amazing and what a huge waste of money a review will be, that's not even the huge expensive it will be if yhey decide to alter anything. JUST LEAVE IT BE.

Angela Moore (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I definitely want the George Street project to proceed to completion with a more pedestrian friendly inner city much like many lovely European cities. Please do not waste public money on a review.

James Higham (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


It’s ridiculous to scale it back at this point.

Christine Canty (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I support a CBD with low/no car traffic.

Jennie Henderson (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


The pipes needed replacing and it was time for a revamp. Most other cities have pedestrianised areas and shopping streets, eg CHCH
No point in stopping now. Let’s make it better and beautiful

Caz Brigham (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I agree wholeheartedly with the petition statement, let's move forwards not backwards!!!

Donna Suszko (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I believe that the changes will be good for the city -I do not believe that Dunedin shoppers need to park outside a shop for it to be used - pedestrians and cars can share areas safely - this happens all over the world and I don't think we are any less capable of managing this.

Bernadette Moroney (Dunedin, 2022-10-30)


I love Dunedin and have been waiting so long to pedestrianise George Street. This would turn the centre city into a vibrant hub. Businesses, and the arts must surely benefit. We are likely to need to socialise outside for a time due to Covid and who knows what future pandemics.

Sue Maturin (Dunedin, 2022-10-31)


It's an absolute no brainer to continue. All this hysteria about it was a smoke screen cooked up to the get rid of the previous mayor and divert attention from much more pressing issues than this red herring.

Bruce Mahalski (Dunedin Central, 2022-10-31)


George Street has been long overdue for refurbishment and the current plan is a great step forward in making the CBD attractive and pedestrian friendly.

Lindsay Gordon (Dunedin, 2022-10-31)


It will be great! Don't undo it.

Claire Laverty (Dunedin, 2022-10-31)


I’m signing because this work is much needed and already looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the finished result.
I believe that to not complete this venture will cost us as ratepayers much more money.

Deb Stutter-Fill (Dunedin, 2022-10-31)

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