NSFAS to fund accommodations for students under 60 credits
I am one of the students who have less than 60 creditsElihle Madasi (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-13)
I am of the students who has less than 60 credits.Mbasa Ngcanga (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-13)
I'm signing this because I'm on of the students that are suffering because of the decision taken by NSFASOwam Nyama (De Aar, 2023-03-13)
I'm one of those students who have less than 60 creditsElihle Qawule (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-13)
I'm signing because the less 60 credits affected me and I come from a disadvantage background, NSFAS would be a great help to me because I would like to study further towards my dreamsEmihle Simayile (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I support this initiativeCharity Tibane (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I am also affect by this new rule of nsfas. It is stressing me to a point where it's even hard to settle down and study because I might be kicked out anytime at res and what will I do after that .I am coming from a less previlleged home there's no second option or anything they can do for me if nsfas does not fund me.Lulu .Z (GRAAFF REINET, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because, it is unfair and unjust for the NSFAS board to think that a student qualifying for NSFAS should find their own means to paay for accommodation because of 60 credits that are to be done at on campus face to face, where are they supposed to get the money? Isn't the purpose of the scheme to help aid students with no means to pay for accommodation why now are they being told that they have toBuhlebenkosi Hulushe (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because, I want nsfas to fund people who are affected by less than 60 creditsAphiwe Meyisi (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I'm also affectedRINAE Nethonzhe (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I have less than 60 credits amd I dont have a place to stay because the accommodation isn't paid by NsfasSalmina Machaea (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I have less than 60 creditsVinette Nwaila (Soshanguve, 2023-03-14)
I'm not financially stable I won't be able to pay accomodation for myself and I'm one of the students who have less than 60 creditsLuxolo Nkosiyabo (Flagstaff, 2023-03-14)
I’m signing this because it’s unfair to people who want to study in tertiarySange Njengane (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because i am one of the students affected by this rule.Sibongile Silanda (Vereeniging, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I am also affected by this and it is so much stressful cause the very moment I applied for nsfas that showed that I need financial assistance. So I do not have money for those things that nsfas is not going to pay for us. Nsfas must drop this 60 credits.Basetsana Mogapinyane (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Because I want student with below of 60 credit to be funded tooLulamile Khwanya (Flagstaff, 2023-03-14)
Im signing on behalf of thw students who have accommodation,allowance and credit problemsLiyema Ngcwembe (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I am signing this petition against the NSFAS new rule because we as as first years extended students we do not afford to pay our academic fees ,accommodation and living expenses.Waphiwe Mzilikazi (MIDRAND, 2023-03-14)
Im signing here because this is a very serious issue that might affect a lot of students especially those who wont have residences where are they going to stay.Ongeziwe Tshaka (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm one of the students who have less than 60 creditsKabelo Malela (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I feel it’s unfair for us first years that do extended programmes to not be funded..Olwethu Mabaso (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Because this also affects Me as I'm one of the students with under 60 creditsAnele Masemola (Newcastle, 2023-03-14)
I'll like too see UNSFAS fund student with less than 60 creditLungani Mthokozisi (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-14)
I am a student who is doing a course with less than 60 credits, this has affected me emotionally and it is super draining. I'm afraid that if this issue doesn't get resolved I'll have to deregister and go back home already I'm broke and I come from a disadvantaged family, everyday it is a struggle on what I am going to eatThabiso Kalake (Port elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I’m signing because I would like NSFAS to fund students with less than 60 credits fullyNgazibini Ngcaluza (Gqeberha, 2023-03-14)
Because I am affected by this new rule, I hv less than 60 credsSesiphiwe Mankahla (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm also affected.Paballo Vincent Mediwane (Zeerust, 2023-03-14)
I want nsfas to pay rent for student with credits less than 60Mufunwa Bulannga (THOHOYANDOU, 2023-03-14)
I’m signing because I need the fundingZukhanye Roqo (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I know fellow's of mine who got kicked out of residence ,it's painful and some think of d deregistering. I am also afraid that I might also be infected because I am doing 5 modules and I don't even know how many credits they weigh. I hope our appeal to be funded would be taken into consideration.Nokuzola Mthembu (BIZANA, 2023-03-14)
It is unfair that students with less than 60credits are partially funded . During registration some of their courses didn't allow then to take up more modules to meet the 60 credit marks . Why should their livelihood be determined by the number of points they have and this belittles their courses of chosen careerUzukhanye Shinya (Gqeberha, 2023-03-14)
I need Nsfas to approve the appeal or Atleast fund accommodation for students with less that 60 creditsSelina Mologadi Ntsoane (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Because students from disadvantaged or poor financial background also deserve to fix thier academic background and work more harder having a second chance to improve on his or her a academics resultsSipho Zwane (Pretoria, 2023-03-14)
I have less than 60 credits and i can't afford not to be funded cause my parents are not workingTshilangano Takalani (Polokwane, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I want NSFAS to consider our needs and fund us for each an every expense that we have like other NSFAS-funded students.We plead with you to consider our needs as black students.
Olunje Qadi (East London, 2023-03-14)
I do not have the funding for res and feesLihle Ntsele (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I've been funded by NSFAS but I can't register for res and I can't receive my living allowance because of the credits that are less than 60Asemahle Bianca (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I don't have accomodation and food allowance because of my credits,that are lower than 60Oarabetse Sethathi (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-14)
I am signing because I am also a first year student doing an extended programme.Imkhitha Nkonki (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-14)
Im signing this because i am one of those students who will be affected by this matter if it continues.Namhla Bongelo (Flagstaff, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I would really like for my sibling to get funding for accommodation as none of us at home can afford to pay for that.Tshegofatso Phiri (Tshwane, 2023-03-14)
I am signing this because I am currently being affected by this and I am so far away from home and it's stressfulLerato Bernice Monyepao (MIDRAND, 2023-03-14)
I want all the students to be funded by nsfas whether his or her modules are less than 60credits or notSinentlantla Nenekazi (Bizana, 2023-03-14)
I'm one of the affected studentsVuyolwethu Ntabeni (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I'm one of the student's who's credits are less than 60Simvuyele Sao (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I need nsfas to help me with living allowance and accomodationUnosipho Angle (George, 2023-03-14)
I am also affected by this issueAthenkosi Fanta (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Every student has the right to safety, so every student deserves to stay in a secured place while they finish their studiesLindiwe Buthelezi (Palmridge, 2023-03-14)
Im signed because I also have less than 60 credits and currently not receiving an accommodation fundHlumelo Chigoo (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
i’m doing an extended cource in Bcom general tourism and as extended programme students we were notified that we won’t be funded for living allowanceEsethu Menti (Addo, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this petition because I'm one those students who are affected by the 60 credit ruleYolanda Mkhathini (Dundee, 2023-03-14)
Im signing this because of what nsfas is doing is affecting most students at varsity as they now have to pay for their own accommodationsBamkhitha nyathibamkhitha21@gmail.com (Uitenhage, 2023-03-14)
Im having 53 credits and Im from Joburg I cant afford to loose a place and have no where to stayMaserame Sefatsa (Port elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Nsfas needs to help student's who have less than 60 creditsMbali Nocanda (King William'S Town, 2023-03-14)
because nsfas doesn't want to fund for accomodation and doesn't want to give me meal allowance and I'm relying on themthandiwe gazi (cape town, 2023-03-14)
This is just cause.Neo Khoathane (Johannesburg, 2023-03-14)
I'm a first year student from an underprivilleged family so this decision by Nsfas is depressing me because I'm one of the students with less than 60 creditsSiboniso T (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because i am a first year student who is doing Bcom extended and i am affected by the60 credit criteria I don't have a place to stay I can't even study ..I am not able to even study because I am squirting in one room with 60 people this is really painfulRejoyce sambulo (George campus nmu, 2023-03-14)
Because i stay farPB MALEFO (HAMMANSKRAAL, 2023-03-14)
I am signing this because I am one of the students under serious stress because of the possibility of not being funded due to my credits being less than 60. Had we been informed about this earlier most of the students wouldn’t have bothered because they would’ve been aware of what they’re about to face and not just face it while they’re here. It’s sad that NSFAS miscommunicated with us as studentsVuyolwetu Juba (East London, 2023-03-14)
The 60 credit rule must be canceledSamkelo Nhlanpho (Emalahleni, 2023-03-14)
Wz already have financial problems at home and if Nsfas won't provide that means I will be obliged to drop outQueen Digawane (Mafikeng, 2023-03-14)
I have a problem getting my living allowance because the course I'm doing has less than 60creditsTsholofelo Kgomane (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm affected by this and I will have nowhere else to go I can't afford the residence and food allowanceBusisa Njobe (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Shelter is one of the basic needs a person should have. NSFAS should pay for accommodation.Didintle Mashaba (Qebega, 2023-03-14)
I'm already have an clearance but I don't funded nowAkho Pama (Ngcobo, 2023-03-14)
I want students with less than 60 credits to get their allowanceMihlali Matebese (Soweto, 2023-03-14)
I am a first year doing an extended programme that has less than 60 credits and I’ve travelled 14 hours just to be kicked out of resSabelo Bengu (Gqeberha, 2023-03-14)
I am a student who is affected by this rule as I am doing an Extended Programme,I find this very unfair because many of us come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are living in poverty at ResQhama Hamani (Gqebera, 2023-03-14)
I'm also negatively affected by the rule.Alutha Nohaya (Gqeberha, 2023-03-14)
I won't be able to get living allowanceMkhuseli Mkhuseli (Bizana, 2023-03-14)
Less than 60 creditsChauke Vutomi Angel (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
Im signing because this thing of not getting living and accomodation allowance is stressing me I cant even focus on my study because Im thinking about What if I will be kicked out to the Res that Im living to, where would I go?😓Masibulele Nxusa (PORT ELIZABETH, 2023-03-14)
I am supporting those in need maybe day these may affect me one dayBukho BUGQWANGU (LIBODE, 2023-03-14)
I’m also affected by the under 60 % credits so I would like that to change as I will not be able to pay accommodation for my self i’m pleading with NSFAS to pay for all courses the same even us under 60 creditsSiliziwe Mbebe (Port elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm one of the students who has less than 60 creditsAndrea Daniels (Jeffrey's bay, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because nsfas need to fund students with 60 or less creditsayanda kula (king Williams town, 2023-03-14)
I'm a first year in Tourism Management extended and i didn't know about the 60 credits thing so pls help me with accommodation and allowance.Nolubabalo Makasi (Cape Town, 2023-03-14)
I have no place to stay yet I am expected to attend classes every on an empty stomach. NSFAS has been funding us all these years but all of sudden we have money to fund ourselves now.Tabo Bodoza (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I'm also affected by this rule of less than 60 credits and don't have any money for food and place to stayZodwa Tyolo (Bizana, 2023-03-14)
im affectedAsisipho Mvana (Cape Town, 2023-03-14)
I am signing this because it is unfair for student who come from disadvantaged backgrounds because they have to pay for accomodation of which it's expensive and also have money to buy groceriesLonwabo Dike (PE, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I want students that are less than 60 credits for their courses to be funded NSFAS(Living allowance, Accommodation allowance, Personal care allowance and travel allowance)Sikhona Ndaule (Germiston, 2023-03-14)
Nsfas must drop the creditsLondeka Shabane (Kwazulu natal, 2023-03-14)
I am also affected by this new 60 credits ruleS'thandiwe Mathunjwa (Johannesburg, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I'm doing extended programme and I'm a first year studentZizipho Mataka (Kokstad, 2023-03-14)
They should receive living allowance and residential allowanceBasanda Kwakweni (East London, 2023-03-14)
Unfunded because of 60 credits ruleSihle Mngcisane (Lusikisiki, 2023-03-14)
I want nsfas to fund accommodations for students under 60 credits.Sisanda Mpheqeka (Mount Frere, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I'm also with the financial scheme and one day it may happen to me so I'm showing solidarity.Azama Maketa (Cape town, 2023-03-14)
I am one of the studient who are affected by 60 credits.I don't have an accomodation nar living allowanceAnza MBALO (EAST LONDON, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I'm a victim of this matter and I'd like that our needs are met and that we get proper funding.Ntantiso II (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing in because I have less than 60 credits and I fall under the students who won't be funded by nsfas.Aziwe Dotye (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I don't have accomodation and I am squatting.Yonga Fountain (Goerge, 2023-03-14)
I am signing this. Because i have modules that has less than 60 credits. Can we at least get cleared for resistanceLolona Nxunte (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I appealedPhiwokuhle Mchunu (Melmoth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing because I am one of the students who were affected by the 60 credit rule, I am hoping that there will be a change.Lisakhanya Gana (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I'm affected by 60 credit and not registeredSkhulile Nonkululeko Mbatha (Ulundi, 2023-03-14)
I'm signing this because I want nsfas to fund meAbenathi Chulumanco Mneno (Umtata, 2023-03-15)
I'm signing because my credit is below 60Siyolise Ndema (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-15)
I am affected by the 60 credits rule as I have 53 creditsChumelihle Makana (Gqeberha, 2023-03-15)
I am partaking in logistics extended program and I am afraid of getting funding and loosing my accommodation because that would mean I have to deregister and go back home.Aviwe Matutu (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-15)
Because I have 60 credits although I am a first year studentLathi Wana (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-15)
I’m sinning this because I’m less than 60 credit but I don’t know how it happen because I’m a first yearSalusiwe Jamjam (Port Elizabeth, 2023-03-15)
Because I can’t register for my studies bcc of Nsafas that doesn’t not approve that I’m fundedMandilakhe Nyangwani (Eastern Cape, 2023-03-15)