I'm signing because justice HAS to be served!Ayesha Goolam Dookhi (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
I am signing this because enough really is ENOUGH!Janitra Hollenberg (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
JUSTICE FOR MERCISHA TEDPAULKerishnie Saayman (Glencoe, 2022-03-15)
Justice must be doneRoshal Mangroo (Ladysmith, 2022-03-15)
Neshika singhNeshika Singh (Auckland, 2022-03-15)
No mother, sister or any person should have to be murdered.Reshma Ramdas (Kzn, 2022-03-15)
Justice needs to prevailYuthika Singh (Midrand, 2022-03-15)
Murderers cannot get away with murder, enough is enough.Jeff Goolam (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
Cowards like these are what's wrong with the world. Time to stand up.Sahil Dookhi (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
Want justice to prevail. I heart goes out to the 2 kids. This has truly heartbreaking.Vanessa Moodley (Durban, 2022-03-15)
This is wrong, if there are issues, leave the person, don't take their life 😭😭Melanie Narayadu (Jhb, 2022-03-15)
I am signing because I want justice for our Lil home town, these murderers need to be sentenced for liferazia Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
She was murderedJenny Hilliar (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
Justice must take placeKogen Parasaraman (Middelburg, 2022-03-15)
Monsters should be behind barsKali Uveshin (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
I want justiceXolie Mbatha (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
Unjustified killing of an innocent women.Sarika Mcdonald (Dannhauser, 2022-03-15)
Because Mercisha deserves justice.Hasan Ismail (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
I want justice for MercishaMala Doorkapersadh (Newcastle, 2022-03-15)
Justice must be servedNancy Govindasamy (Port shepstone, 2022-03-15)
She was my baby sister nd she needs justice because she was taken away from her children nd sisters to soonNatasha Baatjies (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
The people who did this to Mercisha should never walk freeShannal Rajoo (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
Care about justiceSiresh Naidoo (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
Because I believe in doing the right thing.Resheena Thulsie (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
I'm signing this partition because gender based violence has been rampant as of late and many of there perpetrators don't get the punishment they deserve and are still roaming freely among us. Mercisha was my childhood friend and she did not deserve to die this way. In fact no one does. It's absolutely unacceptable and justice must be served.Firdowsa Haji (Delmas, 2022-03-15)
I fight for a crime free South Africa and GBVGaishrie Sharon Singh (Mount Edgecombe, 2022-03-15)
Seeking justiceIradhna Roy (Ladysmith, 2022-03-15)
MERCISHA TEDPAUL needs the justice she deservesKelita Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
We need to stand up for gender based violence. Her name cannot be forgotten.Leighanne Duncan (Durban, 2022-03-15)
Murderers should not be set free.Heidi Ramchurran (dundee, 2022-03-15)
I am against violence to women.Sandra Kennedy (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
justice must be servedroy somaru (gauteng, 2022-03-15)
Justice to prevail for Mercishas girls and family. She was robbed of her life at such a young age. The offenders need to be locked away for life because, according to the community this isnt the first time that they have committed murder.Nivani Sewbhajan (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
I'm signing this petition to make sure the people behind mercisha Tedpaul murder does not get bail and should be given life sentence to protect the community of dundeeNo other person should go through pain we are going through right now
Joshna Parasaraman (Middelburg, 2022-03-15)
This is my niece and I want justice and justice will be served 🙏 💔Rishen Ramnarian (Johannesburg, 2022-03-15)
Justice for the kidsKarusha Chetty (Newcastle, 2022-03-15)
The victim deserves justice!!!!Hafsah Adam (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
These demons meet to pay for their crime.Ashika Raghoonanan (Edenvale, 2022-03-15)
Seeking justice so that family members can reach finality.Mehmood Bhigjee (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
I'm signing this petition in the hope that this young mother receives justice. She was murdered by selfish people who had no sympathy for two young kids who are now without a mother. If we serious about addressing abuse and violence against women and children then these murderers must be punished to the might of the law.Jay Govender (Secunda, 2022-03-15)
I want justice for Mercisha. Enough is enouhTresha Singh (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
I want justice for Mercisha TedpaulNadia Michael (Durban, 2022-03-15)
Justice must be served for uncoot behaviour....and to prevent it from continuing ..Virosha Dheena (Dundee, 2022-03-15)
Signing with the hope that justice will prevail and that evil will be removed from society.Aneesa Khan (Durban, 2022-03-15)
Justice against evil crimes.Zaynab Ebrahim (Durban, 2022-03-15)
#JusticeForMercishaTedpaulRakhil Rambally (Djurgården, 2022-03-15)
Because justice needs to be served abd the pepatrators need to be punishedTamarra Moodley (Gauteng, 2022-03-16)
We want justiceNashvir Singh (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
I am signing because am a motherSarie Grobler (Dannhauser, 2022-03-16)
I want Justice for mercisha life sentenced to death for her brutle murdersNatrisha Dhanasur (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
They must go jailMohamed Ahmed (Dannhauser, 2022-03-16)
Justice must be served.Sharajani Naicker (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
Justice needs to be servedKavish Ramcharan (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
I believe justice needs to prevailCindy Padayachee (Durban, 2022-03-16)
I'm signing this because I do not think criminals who commit murder should be granted bail, and should feel the full might of the lawTaahir Hoosen (Midrand, 2022-03-16)
This is pure cruelty, these people need to be hung.Usheema Naidoo (Newcastle, 2022-03-16)
I just want justice for MercishaThwala Mendy (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
I’m against violence against womenMachelle Kriel (Welverdiend, 2022-03-16)
For justiceKemeshnee Naidoo (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
No one deserves what happened to HerAlisha Basdow (Johannesburg, 2022-03-16)
Justice musr be served. No bailAshika Dheopursad (Durban, 2022-03-16)
Justice must be served!Renisha Naidoo (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
I'm signing because nobody has the right to take an innocent life!Samia Jamal (Newcastle, 2022-03-16)
JusticeArishka Sookdew (Newcastle, 2022-03-16)
Those idiots need to be hanged...bring back death penaltyNichelle Luckan (Benoni, 2022-03-16)
Justice for Mercisha is all I'm hoping for.Nerina Deena (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
Im signing because she was a woman! a mother! a sister and a friend so justice must prevailMala Sooknannan (Glencoe, 2022-03-16)
I want these criminals to pay for taking the life of an innocent women.Tamika Pillay (Dundee, 2022-03-16)
I want justice for this familyRoshni Suman (Weltevredenpark, 2022-03-16)
We need justiceRaeesah Dawood (Dundee, 2022-03-16)