Harsher laws on motorcycle theft in WA
Had my motorbikes stolen, and there needs to be harsher punishmentsJesse Thompson (Perth, 2025-02-17)
I’ve had bikes stolen and seen many more go missing with thrives getting little to no consequencesThis needs to stop as over $25000 were stolen from mine in motorcycles and will take years for me to recoup
Joe newman (Perth, 2025-02-17)
I’ve had my bike stolen and didn’t get it back so I’m furious and support the petition stronglyAaron Leagas (Forrestdale, 2025-02-17)
Close mates bikes are getting stolen and would hate for my own pride n joy to get stolenJamie Widdison (Albany, 2025-02-17)
People need to have consequences for their actions otherwise they’re going to repeatedly do itMitch Pearce (Mount Barker, 2025-02-17)
Personally had bikes stolen and then the same person was back out stealing the next week, and alot of freinds getting bikes nicked aswellJosh Garner (Albany, 2025-02-17)
I’m signing because the Police did very little to try and recover my sons three stolen motorcyclesThey were seen - in clear view and names were provided but nothing was done
The criminals get away with no punishment
The guy who had my sons bike even phoned him to say stop looking mate - your bikes long gone
They think they are above the law - new Laws are needed for these thieves
Delia Newman (Quinns Rocks, 2025-02-17)
If you lost somethings ! Are you happy!How you feeling that!
If you was one ! You understood!
Chan Huynh (Yokine, 2025-02-17)
I have had a bike stolen and know others that have as well and its impossible to get insurance and impossible to ever get police action. It's just goneDylan Atkins (East Warburton, 2025-02-17)
It's the right thing to do catch the scumbags!Jamie Manners (Perth, 2025-02-17)
The crime rate for stealing motorbikes is out of control where I live and nothing is being doneSeth Jones (Albany, 2025-02-17)
I had 3 bikes stolen by the protected species. They broke into my garage and damaged my belongings, I lost pay from not being at work, had to spend a heap more money making my property more indestructible and lost about 40k in bikes. It's bs our government does nothing and police are powerless. We need capital punishment it's the only way the Neanderthals will learn. Our woke grubament doesn't care and we are all fed up we can't have nice things.Brenton Blackberry (Perth, 2025-02-18)
My Sons KTM which Cost him $15000 was stolen from our house while he was up on the MonesWayne Dally (Warnbro, 2025-02-18)
I'm tired of living in fear. The police do their best yet the law allows violent criminals to do as they please.Tyron Hempsell (Perth, 2025-02-18)
Hard working taxpayers again getting the rort end of the deal with these CRIMINALS getting off lightly due to a weak judicial system, the BAD GUY wins again in Australia.Joel Moore (Perth, 2025-02-18)
Police are not doing enough they just don't care more needs to be done to stop or prevent the amount of bike theft in waBenjamin Hamilton (Perth, 2025-02-18)
I'm signing this petition because family members bikes got stolen and never got them back. A law for us and a totally different law for the bike thieves. Judges must be held to account for not being extremely hard on these youths. Police should be able to Chase stolen motorbikes if they're not wearing helmets.Carina Lister (Perth, 2025-02-18)
I am concerned with the increase in numbers of bikes being stolen and can see someone or a group taking things into their own hands out of frustration and then something worse happening.Pamela Hellemons (Bedfordale, 2025-02-18)
I’m sick of seeing bikes get stolen by repeat offenders whilst I work hard to buy mineHarley Spatt (Kelmscott, 2025-02-18)
I’m signing because I’ve had dirt bikes stolen and I agree.Marcus Wood (Beckenham, 2025-02-18)
I'm sick of the amount of stolen bikes and the apparent impunity of the thieves.Philip joyce (Bentley, 2025-02-18)
My bike got stolen and this needs too stopAndy Kinsella (Scarborough, 2025-02-18)
My motorbikes got stolenRenae Keen (Yanchep, 2025-02-18)
It getting out of hand bikes stolenShaine Bransby (Orelia, 2025-02-18)
The laws are to weak, WApol are a joke and wont chase them, reverse racism it’s called, or privileged whichever.Dale Francis (Gosnells, 2025-02-18)
As past president of Motorcycling Western Australia ive seen and heard of thousands of stories of dirtbike theft from hard working law abiding citizens whom are getting fobbed of by the law and judicary in this state and treated like second class citizens whilst the thieves are untouchable. Itzs anarchy out there .If nothing is done sooner or later a frustrated victim is going to take matters into their own hands and suffer the consequences because of inaction on this .Its totally unfair . seems the thieving dogs have more rights!Paul FOSTER (Willetton, 2025-02-18)
I’ve had mine stolen, never recovered even though the perpetrator were sought out ! And the amount of dirt bikes I witness selling drugs near my work is outrageous! Plus they steal them knowing no penalty and seem to enjoy it . Very sad it has taken this long for some action to support people that actually work hard to afford there hobbies !!Ingrid Klopper (Rockingham, 2025-02-18)
I has four motorcycles stolen by a repeat offender if it wasn’t for my work helping police I would have lost them for good I got 3 back. I’m guessing also there was at least five offenders if I had of tried to stop them it could’ve ended a lot worse for me. It’s only a matter of time before someone is killedjeremy mcdonald (Pinjarra, 2025-02-18)
I’m sick of people losing their hard earned bikes due to low life scumTravis Loakes (Perth, 2025-02-19)
There’s too many motorbikes being stolenMackenzie Batten (Albany, 2025-02-19)
Because the theft is so blatant and in your face almost on a daily basis. These low life scum should not be getting away with what they are.Michael Hart (Perth, 2025-02-20)
I ride and own bikesAdam Shipsides (Dianella, 2025-02-20)
Cause my bike was almost stolen twice from my own garageAndrea Nobili (Como, 2025-02-20)
My bikes were stolenGlenn Jackson (Perth, 2025-02-20)
As a motorcycle owner it would be nice to know that the theft of a bike is taken seriously for onceRichard Albery (Waikiki, 2025-02-20)
I have had bikes stolen with fair response from Police. Disheartening for all when the offenders will just be let go by the judicial system no matter how much effort police put in.Greg Yates (Bunbury, 2025-02-21)
I had bikes stolenMax Newell (Perth, 2025-02-21)
These kids steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bikes yearly with no consequences in an economy where having something enjoyable is very hard earned.Jim Bray (Treeby, 2025-02-21)
Motorcycle theft are occurring to frequently and by repeat offenders. Updated to laws and penalties are required with the purpose if reducing occurrences and addressing root causes.Selby Dutaillis (MORLEY, 2025-02-21)
The laws for motorbike theft are ridiculous and not enough is being doneGrace Clenton (Perth, 2025-02-21)
Have had 3 bikes stolen14mxd Hall (Bushmead, 2025-02-21)
I have been victim of this crime, and the perpetrator got away with it, no punishment.Dylan Sparling (Perth, 2025-02-21)
I’m over the motorcycle and dirtbike thefts we as owners should have a right to feel safe and not worry bout our houses expensive toys being taken more justice and punishment for the offenders committing the crimesCameron Slodecki (Butler, 2025-02-22)
Sick of bikes gettstolenAndrew Bethel (Perth, 2025-02-22)
I really think this situation needs to be addressed for everyone's safety and well-being.Francesco Bietto (Perth, 2025-02-23)
Because we work hard for our weekend leisure toys, and to have some grub break in and steal them while we are at work paying tax to fund these drop kicks isn’t fair.Jamie Kellow (Perth, 2025-02-24)
It’s way too prevalent and nothing ever gets done to these pieces of shitCraig Sharp (Hamilton Hill, 2025-02-26)
Had one bike stolen and another damaged in an attempt.Craig Williams (Perth, 2025-02-27)
Bike theft is out of control in the metropolitan areaMathew Hall (Armadale, 2025-03-11)
This is an underworld going on in WA and needs to be stoppedS B (Perth, 2025-03-13)