Hackmans Lane Against Speeding



I am signing this petition to address the ongoing issue of excessive speeding along Hackmans Lane, where I live. This road has become increasingly dangerous, and tragically, two people have already lost their lives due to road accidents. Despite these devastating incidents, there has been little action to improve safety, and drivers continue to speed along this stretch, putting residents at risk.

Karen Collier (Cm3 6re, 2025-02-01)


I’m signing because I live on Hackmans Lane in a tiny hamlet called Cock Clarks and it’s very dangerous with excessive speeding continuously that the authorities continue to ignore and do absolutely nothing about

Simon Hammond (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I don't feel safe living on this dangerous road. The constant relentless speeding is getting worse as time goes on, putting people at risk. We also have lorries passing through at speed mounting the pavement to pass each other. I have been campaigning for years but still we have no permanent solution to this ongoing problem. How many more lives need to be lost here, before action from the Authorities is taken!

Elaine Rutherford (CHELMSFORD, 2025-02-01)


I'm signing because I believe that our village road traffic control needs improving before more lives are lost.

Glen Wood (Cockclarks, 2025-02-01)


I’m signing after having experienced years of speeding by vehicles driving through Cock Clarks. We have seen an increased volume of traffic passing recently including big lorries. Sadly we have now had two fatalities involving cars on Hackmans Lane. It is of great importance to manage the situation better by implementation of speed reducing measures

Laila Loveday (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I often cycle along Hackmans Lane and cars are regularly speeding along there which is extremely dangerous.

Tim Edwards (Hockley, 2025-02-01)


I live on this road in a small village and the speed of the traffic is in excess of the speed limit and is very dangerous!

Anya Rutherford (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I’m concerned about my friends who live in this road which has become a haven for dangerous inconsiderate speedsters. Something must be done to kerb this illegal activity blighting the neighbourhood.

Paul Lindus (Norwich, 2025-02-01)


I live on hackmans lane and witness daily the speeding and it's pure dangerous.

Hayley Earp (Purleigh, 2025-02-01)


A friend has explained about having to deal with terrible accidents on this road, on too many occasions

Charles Bradbury (Rotherham, 2025-02-01)


I am signing because I live on hackmans lane and the traffic is fast and dangerous

Clair Quinn (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I am signing this petition as the speeding along Hackmans lane and through the village of Cock Clark’s is extremely dangerous, the 2 very recent fatalities is clear evidence of this. Every year these fatalities occur and preventative measures must now be taken to prevent any further deaths.

Steve Quinn (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I’m concerned ba out road safety and the lack of action/ activity by the bodies involved in Essex Safer Roads Partnership

Stephen Champion (Stock, 2025-02-01)


I live in cock clarks and it needs to be a safer place to live. 2 deaths along the stretch of road needs addressing and the local council are doing nothing to help

Claire Payne (Essex, 2025-02-01)


I live on hackmans lane & it’s like a race track: people drive like absolute morons because there’s only national speed limit & then it drops to 30mph but people continue their crazy speeds. Many have died & 2 in the last 2 months. It’s ridiculous & something needs to be done before more people die

Rachel Napier (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I live on Hackman’s and fear an accident will happen every day.

Kathy Coleman (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


There are too many reckless drivers and 2 fatal accidents on Hackmans Lane just in the last few months.

Danielle Windecker-Hilton (Purleigh, 2025-02-01)


Having lived in the village for over 40 years I have seen an increased number of accidents and fatalities. It is common occurrence for cars to lose control through the village and a couple of cars have ended up through our hedge. It is impossible for me to go for a walk with my grandchildren as it’s so dangerous.

Janice Dowsett (Cock Clarks, 2025-02-01)


I live nearby and am so sad about the tragic recent incidents. I have witnessed erratic and dangerous manoeuvres causing me to sweat too many times. The road needs to be safer.

Sara Costa (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


There are accident’s all along this whole road and every day pulling off the drive is a risk, speeding and unsafe drivers speed up the 60 road then barely slow down past the houses in the 40 limit.. we are unable to walk along the pathway in Hackmans Lane Especially taking children to school for fear of speeding and unsafe drivers ending up in a field or on top of us.

Julie Keeble (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I live in the village of Cock Clark’s , due to cars regularly speeding in and out of the village along Hackmans Lane, often ignoring the 30mph speed limit and the constant stream of HGV we are unable to walk safely around the village. Our plea’s for speed control and calming measures are not being taken seriously despite two recent fatal car incidents.

Susan Reed (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


I live in Hackmans lane and constantly see speeding and horrific accidents, this road needs looking at urgently

Robert keeble (Purleigh, 2025-02-01)


Every single day i witness utter stupidity and dangerous driving through the village. The road is known for its straight sections that encourage speeding and bad driving.

Scott Day (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


As a Hackmans Lane resident the vehicles are travelling too fast and it’s only a matter of time before there is another fatality

Simon Curtis (Chelmsford, 2025-02-01)


Road is desperate for safety measures. Rumble strips would work well before sharp bend along from kennels

Paul Fillary (Danbury, 2025-02-01)


I live in Hackmans Lane and find it so dangerous getting in and out of our driveway due to speeding cars, lorries and farm vehicles. I have emailed highways, the police and council to no avail.

Debbie Curtis (Purleigh, 2025-02-01)


I live here and am fed up with the constant stream of speeding motorists through the village.
Just a matter of time before another life lost.

Kim Clayton (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


This road is so dangerous I live on the bend in the village and I live in fear coming out of my drive as the cars and HGV Lorrie’s are coming round the corner at such a speed all of Hackmans lane cars overtake there are ditches along the roads so if you had to avoid a car overtaking on the other side of the road you have no chance of surviving ! I live in fear and nothing is being done to make our village safe

Debbie Turner (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


Vehicles using Hackmans Lane are travelling too fast and are too large for this route. The villager of Cock Clarks is condemned to live in danger by this traffic. As the name suggests this is a ‘lane’ not a major trunk route.

Warren Jennings (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


Speeding kills and destroys the lives of others.

Mark Howman (Southminster, 2025-02-02)


There has to be action about the speeding

Alex Clements (London, 2025-02-02)


My son lives in hackmans lane and has been witness to many crashes on the bend before the village of Cocks Clarke due to speeding some resulting in deaths

Carol Fillary (Danbury, 2025-02-02)


I work on Hackmans lane and witness the crazy speeds that drivers use. When pulling into Hackmans lane you are at such a dangerous angle as cars going over 50 miles per hour have no chance of seeing pulling out.
Let’s stop this awful traffic problem

Rosemary Parker (Maldon, 2025-02-02)


I live on Havkmans Lane & te speed & size of numerous vehicles is a danger passing through our village

Isobel Davison (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


Because I live in the local area and the road has become so dangerous

Sally Plummer-jones (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


I live on Hackmans Lane
I have two entry points onto Hackmans Lane from my property
One is on the straight within the 30mph speed limit with good visibility in both directions I use this when leaving my property on my horse
This has become increasingly dangerous to step onto Hackmans lane and carry on our journey due to a large volume of vehicles up to 40 tonnes heading in both directions, many of the vehicles are by far exceeding the 30mph speed limit
I have the same problem on the bend opposite The Fox & Hounds pub when exiting my property either in my car or when trying to cross the road when walking

Tracy Garner (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


Just need something done

Phil Dowsett (Cock Clarks, Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


The speed limit needs to change! Too many accidents and deaths on that road.

Sam Walshe (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


I live in the village and I’m saddened by all the speeding traffic and possibly preventable recents deaths, despite all efforts to out line to the council all the dangerous on going driving activity on Hackmans lane. We need to be heard.

Liesa Brownless (Chelmsford, 2025-02-02)


I can’t stand the speeding it’s frightening so many accidents caused by the speeding we have lived here 22 years speeding cars have got worse

Jennifer Moss (Chelmsford, 2025-02-03)


I no longer feel safe cycling along this road. Traffic speeds are ridiculous.
This issue needs urgently addressing before another life is lost.

Dawn Moran (Hazeleigh, 2025-02-03)


I'm signing because it is a very dangerous lane through a lovely Village. People are driving way to fast. You don't want anymore victums

Maureen Egberink (De Lutte, 2025-02-03)


I first experienced death on this road in 2001, I moved to Cock Clarks in 2015 and I saw so many accidents. It’s terrible that the local Counsellors are not listening to the people who are directly affected. We never signed up to be first responders or to have our mental health so affected by the tragedies on this road. I have since moved away to enable my children and I to have a more relaxed life away from Hackmans Lane.

Janine Hurley (Danbury, 2025-02-03)


This needs to stop!

Hayden Appleby (Maldon, 2025-02-04)


There is a serious problem all round this area with total disregard for safety particularly speed. It is immoral than nothing is done and people continue to die unnecessarily after problems are highlighted over and over again 😡

Stephen Russell (Chelmsford, 2025-02-05)


Speeding traffic

Penny Barber (Chelmsford, 2025-02-05)


I'm signing in support of the local people who live on this road. I regularly ride my bike along this road and as I cyclist I feel like I'm taking my life in my own hands as motorists scream past at ridiculous speeds. Something needs to be done...urgently before more people car drivers and cyclists alike are killed.

Rob Meacham (Hadleigh, 2025-02-06)


I feel strongly about the appalling and fatal speeding in Hackmans Lane in Cock Clarks. It is unsafe and the Council seem happy to simply ignore the problem and the feelings of the local residents.

Richard Collier (Chelmsford, 2025-02-08)


I live on Hackman’s Lane and am concerned about the increasing number of Lorries using this road at speed and often driving around bends with wheels over the white line. I have encountered this dangerous practice many times on this road.

Cheryl Jennings (Chelmsford, 2025-02-08)


I live on Hackmans lane and the speeding and the fatalities have become impossible to cope with

Lynn Hammond (Chelmsford, 2025-02-08)


I’m signing this petition as a long standing resident of Hackmans Lane. During our time here we have rescued at least 4 cars from the ditch, we’ve had our car crashed into on our own driveway and our next door neighbour has had their walk crashed into at least 3 times. All due to cars losing control from driving too fast.

Sue Hillman (Purleigh, 2025-02-11)


I’m signing because I live on Hackmans Lane and have been personally effected by the recent death of a boy on this road in a tragic car accident.

Jo Barber (Cock clarks, 2025-02-17)


I am signing this petition because this is my village and since moving to this area I have seen so many near misses with the way the cars drive through the village. I have so far known two fatalities that have taken lives of young people.

Alpa Day (Chelmsford, 2025-02-19)

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