We the People Demand Action from the US Department of Justice: File on Planned Parenthood
Planned Useless has gotten away with too much for too long, time for them to play by the same rules as everyone else!Samuel Woolwine (Winston-Salem, 2020-09-29)
this is a disgusting abuse of power and dehumanizes all lives.Christine Clark (Loma Rica, 2020-09-29)
I am pro lifeRichard Dialessi (Agawam, 2020-09-29)
Planned Parenthood sells baby body parts from late term abortions and David Daleiden should not get in trouble for his investigative journalism.Kim House (Seattle, 2020-09-29)
Abhorrent illegal acts may have been done by PP, and even if the prosecution ultimately fails to prove such acts beyond reasonable doubt, it will help publicize the abhorrent legal acts that, beyond reasonable doubt, PP commits.Acyuta Ananda (Kolkata, 2020-09-29)
These illegal and inhumane practices must stop.Lois Kerschen (Calexico, 2020-09-29)
I'm signing because no one is safe in a country where such violence continues unchecked.Elizabeth Jennings (Berkeley, 2020-09-30)
As a nurse, a mom, and a human, I am deeply troubled by the unethical practices that have been made clear in these videos. The illegal sale of body parts must be addressed. The law is not subject to our personal opinions, you have a duty to uphold and enforce the law even when it might be uncomfortable. The time is now to a tand for human dignity and ethical practices.Breanna Jewell (Idyllwild, 2020-09-30)
The abortion industry needs to be held responsible for its heinous, illegal actions. Patients over profit.Kristin Vail (Denver, 2020-10-03)
The government must be held accountable for its anti-human actionsGreg Piper (Washington, 2020-10-03)
Abortion is murder.John Cruz (Spanaway, 2020-10-03)
Abortion is murder.Kathleen LaGrua (Escondido, 2020-10-03)
It's very important to expose these barbaric, evil practices on innocent human beings--helpless little babies--done for money.Debbie Deane (Lawrenceville, 2020-10-04)
Fetal trafficking and augmenting procedures for this is wrong and killing born alive babies is also wrong.Elizabeth Olson (Trumbull, 2020-10-04)
There must be accountability for Planned ParenthoodKyle Deming (Chicago, 2020-10-04)
I'm signing because I believe in the rights of the unborn and I believe that justice should be brought to those who have committed crimes but have yet to be tried or convicted of those crimes.Crystal Tam (Kenedy, 2020-10-04)
Accepting the fraudulent Roe vs Wade was the beginning of the end of our beautiful Country.If we don’t reverse it, and clean up our ways,
the United States will be finished.
A true Shame.
Joan Triulzi (New York City, 2020-10-05)
Protecting life and protecting investigative journalism is important!Thad Crouch (Austin, 2020-10-06)
Let’s once and for all end the barbaric, evil practice of abortion and the trafficking of infant tissue and organs.What can take a more important precedent than ending the painful slaughter of infants for profit?
Bernadette Yunker (Pittsburgh, 2020-10-06)
This is country governed by laws that should be enforced for the maintenance of the common good, because the common good elect the people that made the laws. Stop ignoring the people’s will set forth in the legal system.Pierrette DubePhillips (Merced, 2020-10-06)
I want planned parenthood to be prosecuted for their crimes os selling baby body parts.Joanne Krause (Watertown, 2020-10-08)
Time to investigate plannedparenthodHector villeda (moorpark, 2020-10-08)
I’m signing because this is an issue that is very important to me. Pre-born humans also deserve justice and protection under the law.Rebekah Gillaspie (Portland, 2020-10-08)
The corruption and Health negligence of Planned Parenthood has gone on for far too long and must be brought to justice. Give women honest, ethical healthcare now.alexis zuercher (emmaus, 2020-10-08)
Because abortion extremism does not reflect American valuesLauren Handy (New Orlean, 2020-10-08)
Action by AG Barr needs to be immediate!Eileen Loretz (Canastota, 2020-10-08)
I believe in the innocence and sanctity of human life.Ashley Heskett (Wyandotte, 2020-10-08)
Planned Parenthood is evilGwynavere Griffith (Las Cruces, 2020-10-08)
LIFE, liberty, property. You have to be alive to exercise the other 2.John Gannon (Boca Raton, 2020-10-08)