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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...

Ban Fireworks-South Africa



I want this to be taken to the High Court in order for the fireworks to be banned.

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-02)


Fireworks scare the living day lights out of animals and so many get hurt, lost and killed because of them!

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-02)


I have dogs and cats of my own. Due to the war that rages every new year and diwali we can never go to out as we have to be at home for my babies. The number of strays and scared animals that roam the streets in the aftermath of these idiotic actions of selfish stupid people breaks my heart.

(Brakpan, 2017-01-02)


I totally agree. More thought for the ones without a voice. My animals agree as well.

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-02)


because of the damage done to our pets and birds and almost everything besides the human race

(benoni, 2017-01-03)


It is upsetting and scares the poor animals unnecessary

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-03)


I hate firwworks

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks are harmful to kids and animals

(Kempton park, 2017-01-03)


It is a disgusting activity that causes distress to all the animals

(boksburg, 2017-01-03)


Being in animal welfare I see the devistation caused by fireworks. Your fun is not there fun. Please ban the use of fireworks.

(JHB, 2017-01-03)


I stand fully against no fire works due to the harm it can cause animals... having dogs of my own, I dread the fireworks as they get scared beyond and my heart bleeds for all animals going through it.

(Germiston, 2017-01-03)


Because animals are

(Cape Town, 2017-01-03)


Its cruelty towards the animals!!!

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-03)


Representing those who get killed, injured and scared by ťhe misuse of fireworks

(Northcliff, 2017-01-03)


There is no need for fireworks

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)



(KwaDukuza, 2017-01-03)


I hate the wastage. That money could solve problems and change lives.

(Cape Town, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks causes too many animals untold stress and harm and there are too many irresponsible people who have access to fireworks. Fireworks should only be used for public, traditional or corporate displays, by professional, licensed fireworks handling teams. And only silent fireworks should be allowed. Fireworks should not be made available to the general public.

(Port Elizabeth, 2017-01-03)


Because of all animals (and small children) who have acute hearing and are extremely frightened by the loud bangs...also the people that get hurt when letting them off!!

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-03)



(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I had to sit up all night with a terrified dog who has been sick for 2 days as a result where I live it sounded like world war 3 everyone who was letting off fireworks was trying to have the loudest, I could here Plover birds flying in the dark screeching. It is all so unnecessary.

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


I feel fireworks are unnecessary and frighten all animals

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


It is a horrendous selfish act against animals who cannot help themselves

(florida, 2017-01-03)


i hate fireworks and what it does to animals

(cape town, 2017-01-03)


We need to start taking responsibility! !

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


I'm sickened at the damage & destruction fireworks have caused our pets.

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks kill mame injure and frighten our animals

(Brighton Beach, 2017-01-03)


Animals are petrified of fireworks.

(Port Elizabeth, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks are dangerous and animals are petrified of them

(Witbank, 2017-01-03)


This has been going on for years. ENOUGH!

(Bangkok, 2017-01-03)


I hate what fireworks do to animals. Animals are part of families and a scared or injured animal is as good as a scared or injured human being for their human families.

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


It's animal cruelty and frightens human infants as well. New years Eve 2016 my cat went missing due the fireworks display on our beachfront. Thank goodness she came home after 3 weeks. It's a waste of money as well.

(Port Elizabeth, 2017-01-03)


It is unnecessary to have fireworks .... no justification for scaring any living soul

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


I hate that fireworks cause harm to innocent animals

(Aberdeen, 2017-01-03)


Only when you sit up with a dog that is so scared of whats going on you'll understand the need to ban fireworks....

(Klerksdorp, 2017-01-03)


People can't think and miss use them

(Brakpan, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks are a menace to society

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


Ban fireworks. Too many animals is getting hurt.

(Elspark, 2017-01-03)


I'm signing because I am an owner of two dogs who are terrified of fireworks.

(Middelburg, 2017-01-03)


Abuse against animals cannot be tolerated

(ABERDEEN, 2017-01-03)


I would be devasted if my animals got hurt. We need to stand up for them.

(Kempton park, 2017-01-03)


People don't keep by the rules. Newborn babies , small chilldren and animals are easily terrified by the sudden noise.

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


My fur kids were so scared. One started to fit. I called saps and to date they are still coming. We pay their salaries but they dont provide the service.

(Germiston, 2017-01-03)


This needs to happen urgently.

(Pietermaritzburg, 2017-01-03)


Our animals need someone to stand up for them!!!

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


We had to stay at home for New Years as I was too worried about my dogs been affected by the fireworks. And lo and behold the bangs went off at midnight even started before then. My dogs were terrified and it broke my heart. I feel it's so unneccessary for bangs to go off and if it really is required then it should be a display of lights, not noise and it should be done in a controlled and restricted environment away from residential areas!

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


I'm signing because I cannot bear the physical and mental damage being done to our animals. Surely as a nation we should be held accountable for these animals ... we are custodians not owners and we should ensure their safety and well-being at all times.

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


Because i have animals and i hate that i cant do anything for them when people do fireworks

(Kempton Park, 2017-01-03)


I'm am sign this Petition as we have to put animals first. The noise is terrifying for animals . Animals have no voice BUT I DO so please ban fireworks... Ruth Sherrin

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


Its very cruel and my dogs are always frantic and frightened

(ramsgate, 2017-01-03)


Anything that causes unnecessary suffering should be banned. There are silent alternatives available

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I hate the effect that fireworks have on all our animals, babies and the elderly.

(Port shepstone, 2017-01-03)


I am signing because too many animals aRe harmed killed and lost during festivities celebrating something that happens every year.

They need a voice

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


My pets were injured because they are scared of fireworks and because of this we chose to stay home with them

(Springs, 2017-01-03)


This should be banned or used in designated areas. It scares animals.

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I'm signing because... i hate seen animals distraught, hurt, lost, killed etc etc

(portshepstone, 2017-01-03)


100's of animals incl birds and wildlife are killed, maimed and traumatised. Dogs and cats get lost, jump through glass doors and windows, get impaled on fencing. If this happenend to humans, they would be banned instantly. Well animals also have feelings, they love unconditionally, they fear, they hurt, they bleed, exactly like humans. And then there are all the fires these stupid things cause. Yet people care more about a cheap thrill, which ultimately is just a stupid bang and a great way of burning money. Ban fireworks!!

(Cape Town, 2017-01-03)


I care about animals.

(Port Shepstone, 2017-01-03)


The officials are unable to police the sale and discharge of fireworks so banning them completely will give the officials more power.

(Umtentweni, 2017-01-03)


Sick of the animal abuse!!!!

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


I'm singing this petition. Ban firework

(Ekhurhuleni, 2017-01-03)


I was a burn victim due to fireworks that fell into our property that other people discharged and lost all 4 my pets because of this

(Kempton park, 2017-01-03)


Animals are terrified of fireworks!!

(cape town, 2017-01-03)


They are harmful to humans, animal and the environment

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I have animals and they are terrified of fireworks which causes them to injure themselves

(Atlasville, 2017-01-03)


People are completely inconsiderate, not only to animals but also their fellow humans.

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


Of the terrible pain and trauma that poor animals go through due to been terrified of the fireworks.

(durban, 2017-01-03)


I hate what it does to the poor animals

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


The aftermath of lost Pets, death of pets traumatised by fireworks just cannot be worth it!

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


There is no reason for the fireworks and it causes the deaths of many animals.

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I hate fireworks and how animals suffer

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


No more fireworks

(Johannesburg, 2017-01-03)


I'm tired of seeing innocent animals suffer from human stupidity and small mindedness

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


It's my right.

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


Ban Fireworks immediately!!

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks cause harm and suffering to all animals ...

(Jhb, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks cause more harm than good. The noise is frightening to many animals and often leads to injury or psinful death - domestic and ferals.

(Uvongo, 2017-01-03)


It is cruel to animals.

(Kempron Park, 2017-01-03)



(pretoria, 2017-01-03)


My 3 cats and 3 dogs are terrified and just about wrecks my house trying to escape. I have seen or heard about animals dying trying to escape. Enough is enough

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks not only scare domestic animals but they scare old people and wild animals too

(Linbro Park, 2017-01-03)


I love animals.

(Lephalale, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks are not used or controlled safely in this country - they're a relic and a danger to animals and are not worth the pain and death they cause!

(Stellenbosch, 2017-01-03)


It is cruel and o animals who have no choice or say in the matter

(Mokopane, 2017-01-03)


Fireworks and crackers are still going off in Midrand. The police say they can't control this and that people don't know they may not fire fireworks (since when is ignorance a excuse to break the law), so is this not a clear indication that the people of South Africa cannot enjoy this freedom as they cannot be responsible and law abiding. If it cannot be controlled then it should be banned. It's not as if it's creating jobs or growing our economy. It is growing the Chinese economy and benifitting some store owner who sells other products in anycase. Fireworks should be banned from being imported and anyone selling it should be fined, this can be controlled. This is unacceptable and disruptive and harmful and a absolute waste of money in a country where majority cry poverty daily.

(Midrand, 2017-01-03)


I have had enough of our pets that we care for and they care for us to be abused in this manner.

(Benoni, 2017-01-03)


Someone has to speak up for our pets and all animals as they can't do it fireworks hurt them as they are scared of it and it's not fair towards them

(Boksburg, 2017-01-03)


I see my animals traumatised every time.

(Durban, 2017-01-03)


I'm signing because people cannot behave when given the chance. Animals have feelings too. I'm doing this for not only my own pets but for every harmed animal out there!

(Newcastle, 2017-01-03)