An Open Letter to Members of the GOP
I want election integrity and expect my GOP leaders to work for me to fight for our President!Joan Cliff (Springfield, 2020-11-06)
I'm signing because you the representatives of the people have not done your job.Melanie Hartsell (Kannapolis, 2020-11-06)
The Democratic party needs to be exposed for the cheating and stealing the election from the AMERICAN PEOPLECyndi Lou (Middletown, 2020-11-06)
It is my duty. To ignore this would be to ignore everything our country stands for. Thank you Monica Doucet for allowing me to take part.Jason Maddocks (Turner, 2020-11-06)
I will not take the mark of the beastKieth Charlebois (Wyebridge, 2020-11-06)
I'm signing because I'm tired of how the left or anyone treats the President of the United States and his fellow American Patriots. Enough is enough!!!Erika Scott (New Boston, 2020-11-06)
President Trump is a honest man who loves this country and is the best president we have ever had and he wants to root out the Washington corruption machine that has been going on for decadesJerry Griffin (Cuba, 2020-11-06)
Because I’m a true patriot and I’m over this shit!Gary Downs (Apollo Beach, 2020-11-06)
I firmly believe in our President, Donald J Trump and all that he stands for.Kimberly Edgmon (Gary, 2020-11-06)
I am expecting to see the legislators of this country step up and support President Trump!Kelly Hissom (Goshen, 2020-11-06)
Voter interferenceBonnie Tyler (Newark, 2020-11-06)
I too am fed up with the corruption and BS. We need to have a safe and secure way to register our vote in this country.Robert Freeland (Middletown DE, 2020-11-06)
I’m signing because sitting on the side line isn’t going to fix the corruption.Brenda Williams (Elkton, 2020-11-06)
I am incensed that the elected Republicans are not standing with our President in the face of this blatant attack on our country.Jana Iversen (St. Augustine, FL, 2020-11-06)
Everything about this election is fraud! The peoples voice does not seem to matter. We spoke, we voted, and we are being deniedDawn Houghton (Springdale, 2020-11-06)
Lawless politicians disregard of the Constitution and law.Steve Smith (Cassville, 2020-11-06)
It’s past time to put these Potomac RINOs on notice.Steve Lindsey (Tallassee, 2020-11-06)
I have no faith that the election just held was fair and honest and that massive cheating did not occur!Jimmie Bowling (Scobey, 2020-11-06)
As a veteran and a Christian, if I decided to be as corrupt and evil, "stealing" money and not doing my job i was paid to do, then I would be in the brig or prison. You are no different and should have to answer for your crimes and what you have done to this country. 30 years ago you would be on trial for treasonous acts and in my opinion still should be.Katie Taylor (Ozark, 2020-11-06)
Corruption has gone on for far too long.Adam Klaus (Eureka, 2020-11-06)
I’m signing because of obvious voter fraud and robbing the election from the will of the American people. It is a travesty.Ruthie Bale (Marco Island, 2020-11-06)
I am tired of government running over our rights with no consequences. We need those who were elected in government to represent us. We the people demand you to stand up and do your job.Denise Seabourn (Disputanta, 2020-11-06)
I stand with my fellow Americans who are fed up with the way you are doing nothing for "us' the American peopleJames Wilson (Marseilles, 2020-11-06)
I'm signing because we are tired of the garbage.Michael Shake (Cassville, 2020-11-06)
Victoria Holmes (Manteca, 2020-11-06)
Trump deserves to be supported by the GOP since he's proudly endorsed all of them already. He's done a great job for this Nation and its people. He will continue to make America even greater again. I support him as the God should as well. God bless my President Trump and his family.Sincerely,
Janina Moe
Janina Moe (Brea, 2020-11-06)
You need to do your job and arrest those involved in cheating our country! Only count legal votes.Darrin Shiplett (Ft Leonard WOOD, 2020-11-06)
This election is fraudulent. We see several states committing fraud. Where are the federal officers? Why are they not arresting these vote counters who are on camera filling out ballots? Why are they not arresting the counters in Pennsylvania who are not allowing observers? Where is our DOJ and republican senators and congressmen?Patty Rubley (Greeneville, 2020-11-06)
Because I know this is voter fraud there’s no way Biden even got half those votes the election is rigged for Demtards this is unfair and unjust it shows how dirty our government really is TRUMP should of Won by a landslide and everyone knows this quit lying and cheating we are on to you evil cowardsCharles Parrish (Banning, 2020-11-06)
The vote was rigged no way did Biden win fair and square,TRUMP won!!Delores Johnson (New Port Richey, 2020-11-06)
Do your damn jobs please!!! Our democracy and Constitution is as stake here!Anthony Corvelli (Poultney, VT, 2020-11-06)
Trump was done wrong and we want justice ..Trump2020Shirl Henry (Farmington, 2020-11-06)
I support President Donald Trump and all the good he has done for this country and the American people. I will not sit by and watch our country be destroyed. The corrupt election is the final straw.Lynette Azar (Pinehurst, 2020-11-06)
I'm sick of the corruption in Washington, D.C.Dottie Hershey (Longwood, 2020-11-06)
FREEDOMChristo Morten (Hartwell, 2020-11-06)
I am SICK of the corruption in our government and it has to end, now!Christie Strode (Bowling Green, 2020-11-06)
I'm tired of having to choose between Dem and Dem-lite.!If you ever want a shred of credibility again you better get off your worthless RINO butts and FIGHT for our President!!!
Martin Babin (Raceland, 2020-11-06)
I believe the ballots are messed up.Velma Moore (Hayward, 2020-11-06)
I believe in President Donald J Trump!!!Debi Whitlow (Bowling Green, 2020-11-06)
Rampant fraud has demeaned the voting process to the point that NO ELECTION will ever be trusted again.Russell Phillips (Keller, 2020-11-07)
I'm signing because this isn't right, clearly there is fraud running rampant within this election.Mercedes Mackenzie (Broadalbin, 2020-11-07)
The federal gov. need to be held accountableTroy Sasso (Tampa, 2020-11-07)
I'm signing because it's obvious that fraud is being perpetrated against the American voter. Biden couldn't attract 20 people at his rallies, there is no way he's winning. More importantly, fraud has been seen and VIDEOTAPED again and again. Conservative poll watchers have been turned away from their duties, and more. It's an outrage!Jayne Romero (Guilford, 2020-11-07)
We need to STOP the voter fraud and I want the truth as to who really won!Susan McKinney (Johnson, 2020-11-07)
I’m tired of elected officials not doing what they should be doing for the country! Get off your asses and do the damn job you were elected to do!!Matt Lee (Sanger, 2020-11-07)
Because I’m sick of the corruption and the rhinos doing nothing they’re part of the damn swamp and we the people have had More than enough!Denise Cruz (Orlando, 2020-11-07)
Sick of the corruption and politicians getting away with everything under the sun. Also y'all better stand up and fight with this President or I will never vote Republican again!!Bryan Patterson (Silver Spring, 2020-11-07)
Elections should be free and fair.Gena Aston (Bourg, 2020-11-07)
I want a free AmericaTracie Perkins (Vinemont, 2020-11-07)
I stand by every word on this petition!!!Melissa Bradley (Redding, 2020-11-07)
Sick and damn tired of criminals in the Democratic party and the FBI committing crimes and nothing doneBobby Sims (Athens, 2020-11-07)
Trump won the election and the Democrats are trying to steal it from him!Randy Tate (Plano, 2020-11-07)
I am signing this because I’m tired of corruption in politics.and the only president that has ever tried to take care of this country is treated horribleBeverly Barron (Rhome, 2020-11-07)
Biden campaign committed major voter fraud and stole the electionKaysi Salinas (Loraine, 2020-11-07)
Tired of the GOP. Gutless Obedient Pussies.Dennis Griffin (Big Cabin, 2020-11-07)
Voter fraud is real and we need to stand by President Trump. He won fair and square.Tiffany Schroeder (Philadelphia, 2020-11-07)
Voter fraud is out of controlCody Saathoff (Watertown, 2020-11-07)
Stand up for us or you are one of them!Patricia Riddle (Richmond, 2020-11-07)
I want the Republican party to 100 pct fight for President Trump!Bryn Shaw (Bradenton, 2020-11-07)
I will not stand by and let a corrupt deep state take over our country.Carol Fetzer (Provo, 2020-11-07)
I'm afraid for my country and sick of do nothing politicians.Vivian Mathis (JACKSONVILLE, 2020-11-07)
We the people support our President Donald John Trump!!! GOP get behind him now and speak up!! You work for US!!! Open up America and end the COVID BS as well!!Jenice Owens Adams (Tallahasee, 2020-11-07)
Because I want to save our countryKelly Nesmith (Fernandina Beach, 2020-11-07)
I too have watched this president diligently try to bring america back to its greatness and have seen the corrupt politicians against everything he has accomplishedHenry Thornton (Union point, 2020-11-07)
Our President needs support. We stand with him, as he has stood for us. We expect our elected Republicans to do the same.Robin Strecker (rocky point, 2020-11-07)
Enough is Enough!!Michael Mazzilli (Oceanside, 2020-11-07)
I have a child who I want to grow up in a free country. I want him to have all of the opportunity that I did. If the Democrats win I don't see a bright future for him.Regina Gordon (Medford, 2020-11-07)
I'm tired of the corruption.Rebecca Tomlin (Pueblo, 2020-11-07)
I’m fed up! I will not except the disrespect!Raquel Peters (RockyPoint , New York, 2020-11-07)
We need to stop the corruption within our government. We, the people, voted fairly for our current president. All of the illegal votes need to be investigated and the ones responsible, incarcerated. Furthermore, Biden and his entire campaign committee should be charged with treason!Kristin Birdsong (Byron, 2020-11-07)
GOPs we are watching you just sit on your hands. This is NOT why you were reelected. DO SOMETHINGTimothy Kellner (Chesterfield, 2020-11-07)
I'm signing this because I want the Republican Party to Prosecute and jail all of the deep state criminals.Dave Scott (St. Peters, 2020-11-07)
I'm signing because I am sick and tired of watching our President and our country at that hands of traitors and radical leftists!!!Cynthia Gonzalez (Bay Shore, 2020-11-07)
It is time for you to remember your OATH of office. You will do what you were hired to do or there will be consiquencess. We the people are not amused.Patrick Mickler (St. Augustine, 2020-11-07)
I am so disgusted with the Democrats. They have shown you and every American exactly what kind of people they are! That’s not anyone I want to run my country! They blatantly cheated and you all know it!Laura DeLage (Romeo, 2020-11-07)
Donald Trump is MY president, we elected him and I will not stand for voter fraud that will steal the election from us and him.Iliana Adler (Casper, 2020-11-07)
The corruption in this country has gone on long enough! It is time they hear our voices and know we are coming for those that betray our country and our president!Gladys Roberts (Casper, 2020-11-07)
R K BoutteRon Boutte (Grapevine, 2020-11-07)
I will stand behind President Trump. Many many do. It is your duty to stand behind him also. We will remember. Our lives will never be the same, as we know it now, unless this voter election fraud does not take precedent on your agenda.Linda Bragg (Independence, 2020-11-07)
The do nothing GOP are pathetic. Get off your asses abd fight back.Anthony Titolo (Huntington Beach, ca, 2020-11-07)
I’m signing because our republican leaders have let us, the American people who voted them into office, down. Trump helped get them elected and they immediately abandoned him allowing the voter fraud to go on. Stand up foe the people who got you elected you cowardly republicans! Do something and stand with Trump or you will never be voted into another term!Amy McClain (Chandler, 2020-11-07)
I'd enough.Fernando Joranhezon (Plantation, 2020-11-07)
I do not accept the results of a rigged election. The people we voted to stand up for our citizens, must stand up for a fair, uncorrupted election. I will fight that you lose your position if you do not fight for President Trump.MaryAnn McFarland (Sterling, 2020-11-07)
I am signing because I love my country. Please do something!William Huffman (Columbus, 2020-11-07)
My America and Constitution are under attack. I swore to defend this country against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. I expect the same, of the elected. For 40 plus years....we, the people...have been lied to, and stolen from.Aron Bechiom (Elizabeth City, 2020-11-07)
This election was a joke. Do it again. In person with id. Any every polling spot watched.James Kepner (Geneva, 2020-11-07)
I am tired of the lies and corruption, and Freedom is not free or cheap! lets do thisEstelle Potter (Traphill, 2020-11-08)
I am tired of President Trump fighting against this overwhelming corruption by himself. We are watching every single one of you.Candy Kerr (Riverton, 2020-11-08)
I'm a patriot who took an oath to defend this country against enemies foreign and domestic.David Charowsky (North Arlington, 2020-11-08)
I too am fed up with GOP laziness. You indulge us at election time, we vote you in, and then you disregard us ..... And we have done nothing. WELL THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT. Remember who voted for you, remember why we voted for you and remember, this time, we will call you out then primary you !Michelle Leatherman Grandell (Conway, 2020-11-08)
The working class needs leaders that will fight for the constitution and against political corruption.Patricia Noyes (Hurst, 2020-11-08)
I am disgusted by the obvious corruptness of the "representatives" in both parties who are enriching themselves at our expense. You devalue human life & encourage depravity on so many levels. You have either actively participated in trying to undermine President Trump throughout his presidency & have covered up treasonous crimes by the prior administration & members of several governmental agencies. You should be ashamed of yourselves.Teresa Hamrick (Tallahassee, 2020-11-08)
I feel that this election was planned years ago when Hillary was defeated! Sad that a political party would scheme such a terrible thing! But they are evil!Dena Payne (Wichita Falls, Texas, 2020-11-08)
WE THE PEOPLE ARE ******* PISED ! SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT NOW !James McCarty (Presque Isle, 2020-11-08)
i am against socialism, communism and want America to stand FREE from the eneimes of the deep stateBarbara Hall-Lowe (Fort Wayne, 2020-11-08)
It's the right Godly thing to do!!!Billie Howard (Sanford, 2020-11-08)
The election was tainted by the democrat party.Mary Ingram (Tylertown,, 2020-11-08)
We the people need a fair election. If the otherside wins due to cheating & gets away with it, we are no longer a free country! Please fight to find the truth and the true winner in this election.Lynn Poag (Palm Coast, 2020-11-08)
Tired of Do nothings in Congress & The House who refuse to follow our POTUS Lead.You are supposed to be working for We ThePeople.
Dana Armstrong (Kingsport, 2020-11-09)
The hypocrisy has to stop now...all these dems are out to lunchHarry Donlon (Port Jefferson Station, 2020-11-09)
Because I believe in America and President Trump, the democratic party has turned their back on both and only interested in power and lining their pockets,they want to control everything and everyone.Patricia McElwain (Athens, 2020-11-09)
I am a Christian and I am horrified at the corruption in Washington and the media.At least with President Trump there was transparency and truth.
Denise Eexton (Awendaw, 2020-11-09)
I agree the GOP hasn't fully backed Trump any more than the Democrats have.Judith Lee (Knoxville, 2020-11-09)
I am a patriot and want a democracy republic!Jayne Lord (Albany, 2020-11-09)
I'm tired of all the corruption in this countryGreg Barton (Derby, 2020-11-09)