Mercisha deserves justice.Bibi Ayesha Moola (Dannhauser, 2022-03-18)
Justice needs to be delivered. No human deserves this. They mst face the full wrath of the law. Think about those 2 innocent kids that have been robbed of the most important person, their mum. Stand up for mercishaNisha Beharee (Pietermaritzburg, 2022-03-18)
We need the murderers to rot in jailMohamed Jardine (Dundee, 2022-03-18)
Justice needs to be served. They don't deserve bail. They shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets.Saffiyah Desai (Newcastle, 2022-03-18)
I'm signing because I want justice for Mercisha Tedpaul!Leaine Lindeque (Johannesburg, 2022-03-19)
Justice must prevail in our courts.Neelan Maharaj (Newcastle, 2022-03-19)
Justice must be serve rip beautiful momHaley skriker (Cape 5oen, 2022-03-20)
Killing defenceless women is a serious crime. It deserves extreme punishment.John Williams (pmburg, 2022-03-20)
Justice must be served for MercishaNarisha Baijoo (Newcastle, 2022-03-21)
I am totally against GBV. Not enough is done to protect our women and children.Irene Brussow (Piet Retief, 2022-03-21)
Those responsible must rot in jailCathy Moodley (Durban, 2022-03-21)
S.M.RamlakanShalat mahomed Ramlakan (Ballito, 2022-03-21)
This was harse and uncalled for...those children need their mother, no matter the circumstances. That is the reason the death penalty need to be brought back....Gender based violence in any form is not called for.There need to be more serious sentencing and punishment implemented by law to make sure murders does not continue...i think the law is too leniant on murderers...
Elizabeth Herbst (Newcastle, 2022-03-21)
Justice should be served!!!!!Kerisha Vengtas (Ladysmith, 2022-03-21)
I am signing this petition because I want justice to be served on those monster murderers!! They should be tortured!Govender Cherilyn (Phoenix, 2022-03-21)
Justice must be done I say no bailKeshav Bugwandeen (Jhb, 2022-03-21)
We want justice for Mercisha Tedpaul.Asha Ramdass (Newcastle, 2022-03-21)
I am signing because I want Justice for Mercisha Tedpaul,no one deserves to die like this,the poor kids are motherless now,I hope the law plays it's full role and the people that did this must pay.Desha Gounden (Mpumalanga, 2022-03-21)
Because of the brutal way in which she was murdered and the fact that her two beautiful daughters now have to live without a Mother.Fazil Ince (Houghton Johannesburg, 2022-03-21)
I stand in solidarity that justice must be served to the three people involved .And that all women can be safe in our society of today. Enough is enough we are tired and will not tolerate this anymore 😡😡😡Farana Phillips (Johannesburg, 2022-03-22)
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN NEEDS TO STOP !!!! This is a horrific crime ... and justice needs to prevail!Tessa Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-03-23)
This girl deserves justiceKerryn Moodley (Durban, 2022-03-24)
This young woman's partner, children, sibling and extended family deserve justice for this horrific crime perpetrated against this young mother. 💔Yougandrie PARAMASWAMI (Thabazimbi, 2022-03-24)
Justice needs to be served,,woman deserve justiceNakita Pieters (Westerncape, 2022-03-24)
I would like to see justice for an innocent mother . sister . this person needs to have a sentence that befits his ill deed.Verona smith (Dundee, 2022-03-24)
I careYogesh Naidoo (Durban North, 2022-03-24)
I'm signing because I don't want those criminals to get bail.James Swart (Durban, 2022-03-24)
I'm signing because I feel the killers need to be brought to book...they need to be locked up and the key thrown.Lutfiya Rawat (Benoni, 2022-03-24)
Justice needs to be servedSam Annathan (Newcastle, 2022-03-25)
This is monstrousTia Joubert Ellis (vryheid, 2022-03-25)
No one deserves to have their life cut short by people they consider family. They should rot in jail.Shabnam Fairgrieve (Johannesburg, 2022-03-25)
This is a psychotic thing to do to an innocent person ,suspects need to learn a lessonEbrahim Adams (Newcastle, 2022-03-25)
I strongly feel this woman deserves justiceEsme Bierma (Newcastle, 2022-03-25)
We declare justice for Mercishas death!!! This is absolutely merciless and insane!!!Rehana Shaik (Jhb, 2022-03-25)
Justice must prevail. Murderers had no mercy on another human life. Innocent babies are robbed of their mom.Anita Harrinarain (Durban, 2022-03-25)
R. OrieeRishi Oriee (Newcastle, 2022-03-26)
No bailTasvir Phunwasi (Witbank, 2022-03-28)
Justice needs to be served and a death sentence or life in prison should be the sentencePeace Njikizana (Rosebank, 2022-03-28)
I wish to see justice doneGreg Cox (Rotorua, 2022-03-28)
I am signing because justice needs to be done for this atrocity. She will never see her little girls grow up, her family deserves justice as well. I pray that we will see justice prevail.Zubeida York (Cape Town, 2022-03-28)
Because that could have been my daughter. Abuse against women must stop. NO BAILJacky Vermeulen (Newcastle, 2022-03-28)
She did not deserve this and they need to sit for what they have doneAdri Van der westhuizen (Newcastle, 2022-03-28)
The family needs justice and this lady did not deserve this brutal behaviourKevin Pillay (Gauteng, 2022-03-28)
This lady did not deserve to die this brutally. Justice needs to be served. This was someone's mother. Please deny bail to the accused to send a strong message about gender based violence.Nalen Naidoo (CAPE TOWN, 2022-03-28)
I'm signing this because the victim and her family deserve justice.Khulshab Autar (Glencoe, 2022-03-31)
These are MONSTERS!!!They deserve nothing less than to rot in jail until death.
Sunitha Ramnarian (Newcastle, 2022-04-01)
I want Justice for Mercisha! Murderers cannot walk free!!sharlene bhagwandeen (Dundee, 2022-04-01)
Murderers should never be given the choice of bailSharoma Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-04-01)
In support of the bereaved family 😪😭Tracy-Lee Segabetla (Benoni, 2022-04-01)
I'm fedup with the justice system that's failing our young woman and mothers on a daily basis..because the perpetrators have more rights the the victims which is sad ..and it just goes to show how corrupt and messed up our justice system and South Africa in a whole..I get sick to my stomach everytime i see a bf,husbands etc just getting a slap on the wrist for killing their partners /exes😠😠Lesley-Ann Plaatjies (Cape Town, 2022-05-04)
I want justice for Mercisha and every woman in this country.Elizabeth Eckert (George, 2022-05-10)
We are against gender based violence and the killing of women n children. She was a mother, a sister, a daughter she deserved to liveLethu Sithole (Dundee, 2022-06-02)
Woman need protection. Hopefully the support will help bring these issues to lightDoreen Southwood (Cape Town, 2022-06-02)
Our system is failing us, as women we are nothing. There is no justice for GBV, it needs to end and it starts with the system.Chané Russell (Durban, 2022-07-17)
No bail I'm signing because our families & community are struggling with out himPunky Ntloko (East london, 2022-08-09)
Crime has increased due to the number of vagrants in the area especially tgexspruit and along Garsfontein road. illegal squatters need to be removedFiona Campbell (Pretoria, 2022-08-17)
I'm signing because that animal suppose to be locked up long ago but the law let us down.Rowann Padayachee (Gauteng, 2022-10-08)
Justice needs to be served to enable her family to get the closure they deserveAvril Lloyd (Ethekwini, 2023-06-21)
Mercisha's voice might be silenced by others, but we can speak for her and demand justiceLurika Bal (Newcastle, 2024-04-19)