Save Renee's Box.

  • ByFB_IMG_1590183484790.jpgHi I'm Renee I'm a mother of a 7 month old boy and a 12 year old dog. Renee's box is my business and vocation.

Without warning the Sunday night 6 weeks ago, was sent a message on Facebook messenger saying  my frontage seating space was being taken from me. I managed to negotiate 6 weeks but that's up and in all honestly I'm distrought. 

Update : Now I've been given a rediculous 4 weeks to move the entire business, if you've been inside you know thats alot for me to do, pretty much impossible with bubs too 😅😭

This makes it impossible for me to open my shop. I was given no reason for this and I know the businesses around me are supportive of me as I have spoken to the majority about this already and they are behind me. Even happy to accomate for changes so it could work better. 

This had caused huge stress and taken a massive toll on my heath I've lost over 10 kgs since the message and my milk has all but dried up.

I don't want this to be seen as being passive aggressive or pushy this is simply the best way I could think of for people to show their support. Right now support is what I really need most as I feel completely broken from this. I don't feel the people involved understand what I do and it would be good to hopefully show them with this.

This is my lively hood as well as what keeps me well and happy, and so it's a terrifying prospect to be losing that at such a crucial point in my life. With a young baby and all.

I should probably also mention that I have a serious autoimmune condition (rhumitiod, which attacks your joints and can also attack your organs and brain) and  PTSD, so creating this business on my own from literal nothing to start with is quite a big thing.. 

I'm offering to double my rent to keep this small seemingly insignificant space as its hugely important for me.

This is a last ditch attempt to save what is, well, my life.

I just want to reiterate this petition is NOT to force anything its just to show the support I have it's for me more than anything... Something to help me with the strength I need to get through this.

Thank you


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