Petition to have Mark Lillywhite removed from office

On February 26 2023, Mark Lillywhite, sheriff of St. Joseph County Michigan, was arrested for OWI, carrying concealed weapons while under the influence, IN A COUNTY ISSUED VEHICLE, and rear ended a vehicle causing it to run off the road, and roll several times. 

The arresting officers stated that his eyes were bloodshot, and they could smell the alcohol, slurring his words, urinating on himself, Lillywhite was later tested for his blood alcohol content, he refused to at the scene, and it was 0.252! Over three times the legal limit! Lillywhite also stated to police that he was not the driver and refused to give the officers any information. 


Mark Lillywhite was only charged with two misdemeanors. And was only given a year of probation for his punishment. 

I am asking the citizens OF ONLY ST. JOESPH COUNTY to stand behind me, and this petition to remove Mark Lillywhite from office. 

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