Harsher laws on motorcycle theft in WA

To the dirtbike and motorcycle community as a general matter of concern that the whole of Perth is experiencing with the amount of dirt bike and motorcycle theft is now getting seriously out of control it's time we all come to together to push and stand our grounds with our WA government to make harder punishments and laws around the theft of motorcycles with atleast a mandatory 9mths minimum imprisonment for repeat offenders with a known criminal record and a fine up to $50000 and they should be set to have a bail condition of $5000 surety if they are granted bail in the hopes the parents or responsible person become more accountable having to sign up there $5k worth and then have it taken when there children/family breach there bail conditions, as we all know dirt bike theft will never end but it may slow down due to the punishment they will receive if we can get this approved so please share this around and spread the word IMG_5413.jpeg

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