Opposition to ITV

Quoted post

Sister ITV is the pits

#298 Re: Isn't the debate over now........?

2012-08-09 14:54

#296: Muslima - Isn't the debate over now........?

Not some radio islaam programs are haraam. ALL ARE HARAAM.


Think b4 u talk

#299 Re: Re: Isn't the debate over now........?

2012-08-09 16:10:38

#298: Sister ITV is the pits - Re: Isn't the debate over now........?

Some people are crazy. If all the programs are haraam. What wud you say about the on air programs of ml abdul hameed from azaadville, who is part of your ''ITV is haraam'' gang...? And other ulama like him who's programs are on radio islaam and yet they're part of your gang too???

You need to think before you talk, else you make a fool of yourself