Opposition to ITV

Quoted post



2012-07-30 09:10

By saying that itv is the lesser of two evils means that you, in charge of itv are actually admitting that itv is evil. Is this correct? So why waste your time commenting and defending something evil??


Mohamed Adam ITV

#152 Re: You misunderstand me

2012-07-30 12:20:20

#143: -  The term "lesser of 2 evils" applies to those who believe that TV is Haraam and still watch TV. In that case ITV is regarded as the "lesser of 2 evils" I do not believe that TV is Haraam if it is used in the form of a Dawah Channel like ITV. This is also supported by many learned Ulema and also there was a conference of 150 Scholars of whom only 1 objected to a Dawah Channel. Those 150 people are more learned then you and me.

 I can provide you with a reference regarding the above matter if you need it.