Opposition to ITV

Quoted post

Mohamed Adam ITV

#121 Report Back from ITV

2012-07-29 20:32

I wish to advise that I have been informed that ITV does not have music in any of its programs. There are however "musical tunes" which some of our advertisers put as a background in their adverts. I am pleased to announce that we are in the process of asking all advertisers to remove these "musical tunes" which appear as backgrounds on their adverts. This process wiill InshaAllah take about 2 to 3 months to complete.



#154 Re: Report Back from ITV

2012-07-30 12:27:23

#121: Mohamed Adam ITV - Report Back from ITV

Three months of Haram music. Yoh, doc, you got guts! Do you not know that our Holy Prophet peace be upon him closed his blessed ears when he passed by a shephard who was playing a flute.

Why cant or dont the molvies of ITV guide you a little?