Opposition to ITV
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Mobin |
#1512012-07-30 12:18I appeal to one and all NOT to use any offensive language which the proponents of ITV will latch onto just as doctor Adam is doing. Offensive language will merely serve as a propaganda tool and as a distraction form the real Haraam issues. Lest use our intelligence to combat them and not raw emotions. I am sure doctor adam will understand that it is a fringe group that is perhaps very diabolically and intentionally attempting to divert and sabotage the case of those who oppose ITV. ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION TO DOCTOR ADAM: In the light of the Holy Qur'aan i seek to verify the following: Has there been any type of discussions between ITV,its representatives and the Jamiat or the Ulama appearing on ITV taken place for PURCHASING SHARES in ITV? And what will ITV'S position be if such an offer is made by the Ulama or The Jamiat? |
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#152 Re: You misunderstand me2012-07-30 12:20#143: - The term "lesser of 2 evils" applies to those who believe that TV is Haraam and still watch TV. In that case ITV is regarded as the "lesser of 2 evils" I do not believe that TV is Haraam if it is used in the form of a Dawah Channel like ITV. This is also supported by many learned Ulema and also there was a conference of 150 Scholars of whom only 1 objected to a Dawah Channel. Those 150 people are more learned then you and me. I can provide you with a reference regarding the above matter if you need it.
Haider |
#153 Re: Criticism of Ulama openly! correction of mistake in last comment.2012-07-30 12:23Inayat: Just as it is permissible to make "gheebat" by warning a person of the evils and wrongs when there is a proposal for a marriage, so too is it permissible the warn and name the Ulama who are a threat to Islam and the Imaan of people. In fact, it is more important, because only a marriage will break down if facts are wotheld, but here people will loose their Imaan. |
Ahmed |
#154 Re: Report Back from ITV2012-07-30 12:27#121: Mohamed Adam ITV - Report Back from ITV Three months of Haram music. Yoh, doc, you got guts! Do you not know that our Holy Prophet peace be upon him closed his blessed ears when he passed by a shephard who was playing a flute. Why cant or dont the molvies of ITV guide you a little? |
Muslima |
#155 Re: Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV2012-07-30 12:28#135: Mohamed Adam ITV - Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV The conduct of many participants opposing ITV displays the totally Un-Islamic Nature of their conduct and is harmful to their cause. Examples are below: Can you please elaborate further? a) Im not using my real name, neither is my father or brothers. How can this be cowardly or UN-islaamic...? Most people refrain from using their real name on the internet for good reasons. And incase you failed to notice, when you comment on this forum, you're asked to choose a NICKNAME. Whoever wishes to state their real name is free to do so but i those who don't, can't be called cowardly or spineless.
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#156 Re: Question of an Investment in ITV2012-07-30 12:37#151: Mobin - There has never been any discussion of the purchase of any shares in ITV. Let me explain in detail. The ITV does not have any shareholders. ITV is a non-profit company which means that there are no shareholders. The aim of ITV is to promote Islam and the True Beauty of Islam. ITV has made loses for the first 10 years. As I said before if we make a small surplus this month the surplus will be carried over to cover other months if there is a loss in subsequent months. There has been no discussion of the Jamiat purchasing shares in ITV or anyone else purchasing shares in ITV. There are simply no shares to purchase.
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#157 Re: Re: Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV2012-07-30 12:41#155: Muslima - Re: Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV I agree only in the case where you use a nickname to protect yourself from the dangers of the Internet. I did not mean to say that you are a coward. If that was conveyed I apologise. Your reasons for anonymity are valid as a Muslima you have a right to be concerned about the dangers of the Internet. The comment of coward only applies if a person is anonymous and also then attacks other people and hides behind the anonymity. It then is not possible for the victim of the attack to know who is attacking him and it is easy for people to attack from the shadows and get away with it since there is then no accountibility and we do not know who is saying what.
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#158 Re: Re: Report Back from ITV2012-07-30 12:44#154: Ahmed - Re: Report Back from ITV We will try to shorten this period as quick as resources permit. I agree that the time is long. My only observation in this regard is that before ITV was on DSTV there were NO complaints. This same platform was occupied by UK Islam channel which had music and cartoons etc etc. Not a single complaint was lodged about that. Why? What is the hidden agenda against ITV? We admit our mistakes and are willing to correct the situation as fast as possible. What more can we be expected to do? Please advise
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#159 Re: False Statement Number 12012-07-30 12:59"The Haq" makes a false statement about ITV. Has this not contributed towards misleading people who have signed the petition to Oppose ITV. Who is "The Haq" One would assume a Muslim who stands for the truth In this case the "The Haq" has not spoken the truth.
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#160 Re: True Statement Number 12012-07-30 13:00 |
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#161 Re: Re: True Statement Number 22012-07-30 13:00#3: - Re: This statement is true
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#162 Re: True Statement Number 32012-07-30 13:02#4: - This statement is true. Lets try to improve ITV.
Husain |
#163 Subject2012-07-30 14:01What the heck?!! Sorry DR Adam but please stop saying that ITV must be improved. HARAAM cannot be IMPROVED it has to be STOPPED. Period. It matters NOTHING, NIL and NAUGHT about what uk muslim channels do and what india ulama say. We have hundreds, NO! THOUSANDS of HIGHLY COMPETENT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE ulama in this country. WHY ARE THEY NOT BEING QUOTED on the ITV issue? (see mufti ak's comments) http://www.ciibroadcasting.com/2012/06/21/sa-ulama-differ-on-tv-appearances/ In answer to your dstv question. There's no hidden agenda's. Its simply because this is the FIRST TIME IN SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY that our ulama are willingly happily appearing on television. Yes! The same ulama who taught us as kids, that all forms of photography and TV is ABSOLUTELY HARAAM! |
fareed |
#164 Re: Re: You misunderstand me2012-07-30 15:01#152: Mohamed Adam ITV - Re: You misunderstand me And the more than thousand local Ulama are more learned then doctor Adam and the 150 Molvies who by the way had given a Fatwa that ITV is only permissible if it does not trangress the Shariah and that it is done for the defence of Islam. ITV has women, ITV HAS CARTOONS AND ITV has females reading recipies and the news etc. How does this comply with defending Islam which was stipulated by the 150 Molvies as a precondition? One cannot fool everyone all the time.
Naeem |
#1652012-07-30 15:07#158: Mohamed Adam ITV - Re: Re: Report Back from ITV There is no agenda. Simple and straightforward. The local Molvies have now come on board. First everyone avoided it but now the game has changed. The Molvies have given credibity to ITV. which even the doc will have to agree to. Can all the Ulama of the country be so wrong? Islam is heading with ITV into a "couch" religion. America wants this, the Saudis want this and thus those Molvies who want to be in the good books of the Saudi's want this. Dr. Adam I challenge you, host a program in favour of Jihaad against America and see what happens. |
Khalid |
#166 Re: Challenge to the Ulema who oppose Islamic Media2012-07-30 15:19#140: Mohamed Adam - ITV - Challenge to the Ulema who oppose Islamic Media If ITV was the solution to the problems of Islam, then those problems would have been solved long long ago. Every Muslim country has television, yet the non-Muslim onslaught has not stopped. Why? In fact, things are getting worse by the day for Muslims. It is not your ITV that will save the Muslims from the onslaught. It is Allah's Help which is dependent on obeying Him. The way to counter the enemy is to built up our Imaan, and RESPECT the Laws of ALLAH and practice it. In the Talibaan we have a fantastic lesson. Do they portray their women to others? Did they ITV when they were in power? What weapons does this rag tag have in comparision to 47 Nations some of whom possess nuclear weapons. And yet look at the havoc they causing. This is how Allahs Help descends. Come on doc, join the Tabligh Jamaat for a few days.
Mohamed Adam ITV |
#167 Farewell Message from ITV2012-07-30 18:13Dear All participants. This is my final message. I have learned a lot from the discussion and debate on this forum. I will from time to time read the messages but will not be making any further input as I think I have given more than my share of input and would like to benefit from the opinions of others.
I pray that Allah (SWT) guides the participants to make the correct decisions. I have found the participation on this forum very informative and it has had a significant impact on my thinking on this issue. I want to read extensively on this subject before I make any further comment on this topic. I am not a scholar of Islam.
I wish to thank various participants who gave me the benefit of their wisdom and also for their politeness and courtesy. I have not been offended by anyones comments.
I apologise if I have inadvertently offended anyone. That was not my intention.
muhamed |
#1682012-07-30 22:31down with itv shaytaan n all those who r 4 it............may allah tala guide us, the ummah of nabi sallahu alahi wasallam as we are supposed to be the best of ummahs ameeeeeeeeeeen |
Guest |
#169 Ahmed2012-07-31 00:28Down with the bigger shaytaans who oppose ITV. Down with the enemies of Islam. |
Guest |
#170 Re: Ahmed2012-07-31 00:33Please do not use the word shaytaan. The Shaytaan are supposed to be in chains in Ramadaan.
Bishr Haafi |
#171 We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil.2012-07-31 05:25
Guest |
#172 Re: We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil.2012-07-31 06:30#171: Bishr Haafi - We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil. The figures you mention are quite frightening. It will be very difficult to be among the 1 in 1000 who will not end up in the fire. May Allah (SWT) grant us His forgiveness and have mercy on us.
Guest |
#173 Re: We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil.2012-07-31 06:43#171: Bishr Haafi - We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil. Statement about Imaam Mahdi not true. Do not wait for Imaam Mahdi to save you. Ask Allah (SWT ) for Guidance. Ask the Ulema whom you trust for guidance. Be sincere in your intentions and actions. Avoid all Haraam. Do not watch any TV. Do not own a TV. Get your Islamic Knowledge from authentic sources such as the Quraan and Sunnah. Use the internet only for limited purposes e.g. email and research and visiting Islamic Sites and for academic research. Choose your friends carefully as you can be influenced by whom you associate with. Seek Knowledge. The Ink of the Scholar is Holier than the Blood of the Martyr Read. Iqraa. Read and contemplate and ponder and understand the Quraan. We read too little. We express opinions too quickly without applying our minds to the issues. We take up fixed positions and divide the Muslim Ummah on Sunni vs Tablighi etc. We love to score points in debates and think we have won by our arguments. In the process we do not benefit from the wisdom of others.
Guest |
#174 Re: Re: We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil.2012-07-31 06:58#173: - Re: We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil. One more point. Do not argue with fools. You are only wasting your time. There are a lot of fools and ignorant people on this site as you rightly point out. The views clearly reflect their ignorance. One sentence comments which clearly demonstrates their lack of any grey matter. They only believe in Black and White. There are no shades of grey in the minds of these fools.
Guest |
#175 The fools hide behind anonymity2012-07-31 07:18Most of the fools cannot unfortunately be identified and avoided. They hide behind the mask of anonymity. Most of the informed discussion is from people who identify themselves as in this process you have to be careful what you say. When you make an anonymous comment there is no accountability ( except to Allah (SWT ) ) and the tendency is for the ignorant remarks to come from fools as they can say any foolish thing and get away with it. |
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