Save portlaoise A&E services now following the Leaked Report of the Midlands. Hospital group management .

Quoted post



2015-06-03 20:24

I hate to break it to you all, but lives are being put at risk the longer this poor excuse of a hospital is allowed to remain open. Close it and close it now for all our sakes!



#46 Re:

2015-06-03 20:31:08

#41: -  Yeah cuz that's an intelligent comment close it down..... That's a great solution!!!! 



#143 Re: comment #41

2015-06-04 07:58:52

#41: -  

 The worst of all of this is if you were to put every hospital under the spotlight everyone of them will have bad stories especially every other maternity hospital in ireland! Portlaoise is under heavy criticism atm but it is not alone  and its foolish in thinking otherwise.