Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

Quoted post



2014-10-31 16:45

It's about time people stood up to the mother Grundies of the body corporate, if this little boy needs help by giving him a dog, then give it to him, are you all so pure that in your life you never broke a rule. Pets do a lot of good for the disabled and children so climb off your high horse and give permission for him to have one. You are lucky you people of the body corporate, are in perfect health, don't begrudge others who aren't. I think Bellamont needs a change of body corporate, would hate to live there clearly you little bit of power has gone to your heads.



#87 Re:

2014-11-10 10:46:54

#86: -  

 I heard the body corporate got the boot a few weeks ago


#89 Re:

2014-11-25 11:39:39

#86: -  

 I can totally agree, however, do you know how small the garden is that this poor labrador will be kept in.  No you don't? That is the reason we have a no pet policy.  We have never said that this little boy does not deserve an animal to assist him, we are saying think about the animal first.  No-one is thinking of the poor animal that will be kept in this minute small space with nowhere to run around and be a dog when it wants to.  Come on think this through seriously.