We demand the withdrawal of NATO from Libya

Quoted post


#12 Re:

2011-06-14 11:18

#10: -  What you say is just a lie, NATO has been protecting unarmed civilians who were being attacked by their dectator Gaddafi. This man has ruled Libya for 42 years, can you imagine. No body can rule for all this years without a hidden continous bloodshed. All world is still remember Locerbi victims, it was a pit of what Gaddafi has for humanity. Gaddafi is just a cold-blood killer, not only for his poeple. 




#26 ello Loser.Re: Re:

2011-06-15 13:47:38



#27 Re: Re:

2011-06-15 13:55:41

#12: - Re:  

 Look Loser.  Let me school you with some critical thinking - or maybe you should go back to school.

First.  Nato is protecting TERRORISTS. Just because the man has been living in his own country for 42 years it prooves NOTHING.  And yes, I can imagine a cinario where someone can be a leader that long without a hidden contonious bloodshed.  Not to justify Lockerbi Tragedy, but you need to open your eyes to something: "In Democracies like Britain, there are no INNOCENT CIVILIANS vs. Non Innocent Ones, because if you vote for a PM and spend your taxes on the Armed Forces, you are as much a soldier as them."  You are a Terrorist, and know NOTHING about Politics, you are a Cold Blooded idiot with the only thing that quinches your thirst being Blood of Tripoli Civilians.  I wish you throw yourself from a bridge rather than continue to live so my kids don't have to live in a world of people like you.


#34 Re: Re:

2011-06-18 21:24:43

#12: - Re:

Maybe you`re right regarding Gaddafi, but it is not a point if he is "good" or "bad" - the aim of all NATO interventions (Afganistan/Serbia/Lybia etc.) was same: devide the world in order to rule the world!

I don`t know where`re you from, but if you experienced bombing by NATO, you would understand all that propaganda (" IF YOU DON`T COME TO DEMOCRACY, DEMOCRACY (BOMBS) WILL COME TO YOU").


#35 Re: Re:

2011-06-19 14:50:56

Lockerbie was not the work of Gaddafi or Libya. If you look for the truth, you will find it. (ref: Susan Lindauer, Robert Black )