Australia Day Bill of Rights Run Petition

Quoted post

stressed non rider

#65 against new laws

2013-12-15 07:13

Please join the petition to remove the new laws and take back our freedom and rights in the new Bill Of Rights that must be studied to the last letter to ensure our freedom and all our future generations freedom to be Australian and share time with any family or friends we choose to dress how we choose and choose our transport. These laws are wrong and the jail term in solitary is what a prisoner of war is put through not a member of the public it is inhumane to treat a human being in this manner. All the new laws are wrong for bikers or members of the public. Our diggers gave their lives to keep our freedom and they need to be honoured and we need our freedom to be Australians back. The bill Of Rights will ensure that we and future generations will be safe from misuse of power by any present or future government. Australia including Queensland must be included in the Bill Of Rights.



#69 Re: against new laws

2013-12-15 13:00:04

#65: stressed non rider - against new laws

well said mate, we have people working hard to push for a bill of rights for the whole of australia. look up MARK ALDRIDGE on face book he also has a web page with the propssed Bill of Rights. we are protesting on australia Day in canberra and other locations around the country.