Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #1727

2012-11-20 15:11

I knew nothing about the felling of trees on the Common until last week when it was mentioned on Midlands Today. I'm afraid the Council (for which I used to work) has fallen for the conservation scam promoted by all those bodies who are making vast sums of money at our expense.
The Common doesn't need managing but to be left alone as it used to be - and a very pleasant and attractive place it was to visit. But now we have so many interfering busybodies, brainwashed at university and by the Left-wing media who think that Nature and the climate must be controlled by mere mortals.
The climate has always changed and always will. If global warming is taking place it's because we're still coming out of an ice age. Just pray the next one doesn't hit us while we're still here.
In the meantime, I suppose we can expect to see a useless wind farm in place of those trees planted in the 1950s by the school children.
By the way, fixing the spelling errors, etc, might lend a bit more authority to the petition.

Graham Llewellyn