Opposition to ITV

I Hate Itv


2012-08-06 22:26

I completely agree with Aad.Ganchi. What are our children's understanding of islaam going to be?
We can understand all this is unislaamic and differentiate between the wrong and right because we grew up with the correct understanding of islaam (praise be to Allah). But they are growing up continuously listening to an islaamic radio station with so much of wrong in it and seeing it all as islaam!!! If we let them grow up like this theyll never manage to understand the emphasis islaam has layed on the haya of a woman, on the sin of intermingling, on wasting time on haraam futile competitions, on moulana's flirting and complimenting young girls on their brilliance, on woman discussing sex with a non muslim man, on young girls singing and the list goes on and on...Its frightening. They selling islaam for a cheap price. THEY GOING TO ANSWER TO ALLAH FOR MISGUIDING HIS CREATION AND KNOWINGLY LEADING OTHERS ASTRAY. THEY GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY DO UNLESS THEY REPENT. THIS IS NOT ISLAAM. THIS IS NOT WHAT RASOOLULLAH (PEACE BE UPON HIM WANTED FOR US). THIS IS NOT WHAT ALLAH WANTS. THIS IS HARAM, ZINA, SHAMELESS PEOPLE OPERATING UNDER THE SACRED NAME OF ISLAAM...!!!!!!