Stop This Violation Of Human Rights


/ #20 This Violation Should Be Stopped

2010-12-03 20:56

Being the international political body that it is, the UN has a duty to protect our rights as human beings. Because of votes from Africa and the Middle East, the UN has now decreed that GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) people are no longer protected from arbitrary execution or extrajudical punishment. GLBT people can now be persecuted or executed simply because of their sexual orientation, regardless of any external prohibitions from the law.

In an age when we need more than ever understanding and compassion to solve our deeply intricate problems in our modern world, the UN succumbs to ignorance and bigotry from religious fanatics. There are gay friends, bisexual friends, and lesbian friends, I know and love who could now be imprisoned and executed solely based on their sexuality.