Lisa C

/ #22 How safe is this? *slides a glass of tap water from my First Nation to all those sceptics...

2011-11-06 17:56

I have no concern drinking tap water when I am in the city of Thompson but as soon as I cross that reservation line, drinking the water becomes a concern. How safe is this? *slides a glass of tap water from my First Nation to all those sceptics,indifferent people, and decision makers.
As it is right now - those who have the means and transportation can provide themselves drinking water from outside of the community. Why do people have to leave their First Nations community to access safe drinking water, or purchase bottled water?
How can we get some kind of filtering happening for the people living in third world conditions in a first world country? In the past, people have tried asking for those Life Straws for First nations communities - but their response was that they only provide these Life Straws to third world countries ... and Canada is a first world country. Catch 22.
Doing things like raising awareness (i.e this petition) can create social pressure and educate people on First Nations water issues. We should also be looking at solutions on how we can provide ourselves clean drinking water with the limited financial resources we have. (ironic how Manitoba Hydro and the Federal Government see our water as a precious resource but cannot in turn provide clean drinking water for the First Nations people whose resources they are consistently after for Canada's economic growth as a first world country).