Support the Tropical Wave and save Galion beach spirit


/ #54

2016-03-04 18:18

Patrick has busted his hump to provide something wonderful for St. Martin. He is the only one who is doing anything to beautify Le Galion. The rest of the beach, except for the part the Patrick keeps up, is quite the pig sty and eyesore. The locals come on weekends and holidays and leave the beach as a garbage pit and Patrick and his crew keep their section of the beach spotless. It would be a travesty to take away Patrick's hard work that has really been most of his life's work. Sure take down the broken buildings and leave the nice part, Tropical Wave, alone. AND if Patrick is allowed to stay and he is forced to pay what the newspaper is talking about he will go completely bankrupt. He is giving people jobs and those jobs are supporting families instead of people taking social money. I've been windsurfing at Le Galion for 37 years and it sure is nice to be able to get good food and drinks without having to lug a big cooler. It seems to me that this is just a land grab in order to extract money from one hard working individual who actually contributes to the island. Look what has happened to all the little places next to Pedros. Who can ever afford those rents that are being charged. And they want to do the same thing to Patrick. Such an abomination. And let the kite borders back too. They bother no one and the kiters clean up after themselves which can't be said for the weekend locals.