Alternative Medical aid for Government officials


/ #86

2016-01-02 08:00

We are on our own as Public Servants ... the stakeholders that should and must be ensuring that the relationship is conducive ... enabling us to render quality service to South Africans had consistently failed in their respective roles... instead they had ganged and colluded in ensuring our exploitation ... and masterminded our financial demise through Gems reaping us off... where we are forced to carry-on being its members even though we are not being serviced by Gems throughout the financial year... as Gems services had been deteriorating disadvantaging us on health care benefits... as our contributions are sourced by stakeholders as profit generation to feather their nests... our subsidy is being forfeited when leaving this futile ineffective Gems ... Enough is Enough... #GemsMustFall... #PublicServantsMustGetAnAlternativeEffectiveMedicalAid... #MedicalAid that will be subsidised as required 75% from the employer and 25% from the principal member... a medical aid that will not sponsor or donate our money to trade unions activities and events... a medical aid that will increase its contribution along the governmental financial year ... with a reasonable affordable and reasonable increment... a transparent medical aid institution in the true sense and meaning of transparency ... a medical aid that will reasonable cover fairly medical interests and needs... a medical aid that will not require unnecessary co-payments why have medical aid if we have to now and then pay huge medical bills... why have medical aid if such a medical aid is not gonna be trusted by medical institution's or medical practitioners... we need a medical aid that will continuously send its reps now and then in our workplaces through undergoing meaningful outreach projects and wellness activities promoting health lifestyle in a proactive manner... a medical aid we will genuinely be serviced and funds are carried over to the next financial year when not exhausted... a medical aid where funds should be switched from where not used into where they are utilised mostly... amongst other this that cause us to feel having had enough of Gems...