Save portlaoise A&E services now following the Leaked Report of the Midlands. Hospital group management .


/ #206

2015-06-15 16:56

Have attended this hopitals for numerous reasons: as a patient in maternity, surgical, paeds and a&e and have always found service excellent while somewhat medically understaffed. Ques for a&e have always been manic and wards are full throughout each section. To cut services and put this pressure onto another hospital who is also understaffed, overflowing with patients is ridiculous. Waiting lists to get seen in any of surrounding hospitals are a year or more as i found out recently when my son my child needed surgery on his knee in Tullamore and was told it would take up to year and to have mole removed in portlaoise a yr to 2 yrs. Others hospitals do not have the money, time or resources to take on services they want to remove from portloaise. Also with the amount of recreational facilitities, schools, prisons, motorways etc. In Laois this would be unsafe.